Updated | Govt must kill uncertainty over position on ‘confrontational’ Dalli report

MP Claudio Grech says Dalli report unleashed rapid escalation of confrontation with doctors and nurses • Hospital reform better guided by Johns Hopkins, not Dalli report

Nationalist MP Claudio Grech
Nationalist MP Claudio Grech

Nationalist MP Claudio Grech has called for government to give weight to a report carried out by Johns Hopkins, rather than steaming ahead on observations by John Dalli on Mater Dei Hospital's administration which has angered unions.

"It's technically valid, drafted by competent persons from the best American hospital, the best medical school... I prefer that we move into that direction, because Dalli's report is a subset of the Johns Hopkins report, and more than anything it is creating confrontation."

The Johns Hopkins report was submitted in 2012, nine months before the election. "Government must kill the uncertainty surrounding this report by taking a position," Grech said.

Grech said the Opposition will still be seeking consensus on national healthcare, after a government-commissioned report into the administration of Mater Dei Hospital riled doctors' and nurses' unions.

"We're concerned over this recent development because in the last years, there has never been such a rapid escalation of uncalled-for confrontation," Grech, who shadows health, said of the John Dalli report.

"It comes at an unfortunate time because the PN is promoting policy of consensus that goes beyond the traditional party lines... we expected the government to take a position on the report, and we said we would take a position after government would declare its position. But the report was presented to government a month ago and health minister Godfrey Farrugia said the government would not take a position any time soon," Grech said.

"We expect the government to take a stand," Grech added, saying the PN's detailed position would be issued later on in the day.

But the MP pointed out there was an issue of governance at stake, with the Dalli report taking a clear position on the administration of the hospital, while the government not risking taking a stand on its findings of work practices and hospital medical and pharmaceutical procurement.

Grech criticised the report for dwelling on the MDH's negative aspects when Malta still retained the fifth best healthcare system worldwide and one of the top ranks in healthy life-years. "It's not being administered efficiently but it's giving a positive outcome. Justice has not been done with MDH - I have a monthly report of hospital activity and every operation at MDH, so we cannot just fail to ignore this. At 45,000 operations it's 30% over 2008. There are six million blood tests a year. You cannot criticise everyone without saying the work they do."

Grech also criticised Dali's choice of language, using words such as 'anarchy' and 'disarray' to describe hospital activity. "Mater Dei should not have been considered in isolation, but in the context of primary healthcare and rehabilitation services."

Grech said that the health sector had seen cuts in investment for primary health reform, and that the Dalli report offered no recommendations to solve the bed capacity problem, or waiting lists that stretched overtime into the twilight hours.

He also sad that while the former administration had been concerned at the rate of self-referrals at the hospital's emergency department, the Dalli report proposed that referrals only take place on the order of GPs or health centres. "Half of current patients are self-referred - I hope government discards this option because it would reduce health services to patients."

Grech said the government should publish the list of all consultants and the amount of hours worked and operations made. "Taxpayers demand accountability," the MP said.

The MP also said he agreed that all hospitals should have specialized management and autonomy, but not by hand-picked individuals. "We agree with investment in accounts, payments, and stock control. We agree that the private sector develops the health sector, but not that the government competes: I objected when the previous administration had purchased a PET scanner when it already existed in the private sector. I couldn't understand the logic given that the amount of PET scans were relatively low and the scanner is highly expensive."

Shut up you negative person. We want to see this guy work. Lets see if he can deliver. What have we to be afraid of, success ?
Shut up you negative person. We want to see this guy work. Lets see if he can deliver. What have we to be afraid of, success ?
Ghaliex ma giex atwat il John Hopkins report mhux tnfaqtu miljuni kbar hu tafjtuh fuq xkffa iddewwed ??? Kif dejjem tibzghu taghmlu affarijiet sewwa ?? Hlief idduru mal lewza ma thobbux minghalikhom li se tintogbghu mal poplu
Eight months after a historic defeat and Simon-PN is still hiding its culprits of massive corruption. Where is A Gatt (Swiss), where is RCC, where is Dr Joe Cassar...indeed WHERE IS EVERYBODY. Reaction to cittadinanza,...reaction by an inept leadership and more reaction, no initiative ..only divisive and negative politics... moaning.... disorganisation and debt. We are assisting to the tragedy of a once glorious energy filled party that is imploding ....its only tool ....tfesfis fil widnejn
x ma jitbaqbaqx is sur claudio grech u johrog it tarka ghal PN .Dan Claudio ghandhu storja interessanti hafna ta kemm akkwista gid that ir regime korrot ta Pn/gonzipn hu hux veru sur Claudio ?
"Taxpayers demand accountability," the MP said. Now he's talking! Where were these words just up to 8 months back, Mr Grech? GonziPN has many, many years to practice what Mr Grech is outlining only NOW! If by confrontational you mean calling a spade a spade, then let it be confrontational! That is the only way forward. Let the people know what the "free" health service is costing them. BUT ALSO TELL THE CITIZENS IF THEY ARE GETTING VALUE PER EURO CONTRIBUTED; OR SOMEONE ELSE IS GETTING THEIR "VALUE" ON THE BACK OF THE POOR MALTESE TAXPAYER.
John Dalli must have hit a very soft spot in his report. The PN is jumping mad and so are the Management and the Unions. If John Dalli can prove his case then the government must act. True that The John Hopkins foundation is one of the best in the world when it comes to health care but they are not very familiar with Maltese politics. So put those two reports together and come up with some kind of a reasonable explanation. When Mr Joe engaged John Dalli to make this report, it was like putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop and being who he is, John Dalli does not have much credibility to speak of. As far as the Union and Management goes, one has to decide who of these two is running the Hospital. Is it the Management or the Union? According to the John Dalli report it seems that the Union has the upper hand but then that is understandable because all Unions in Malta seem to dictate the same practice. Check out ALPA, the pilot's Union at Air Malta. Mr Davies the present CEO can explain that situation, enough said.
Jiena nahseb li is-Sur Grech hu iktar interesat f'operazzjoni ta damage control milli xi haga ohra. Qirghrd isemmi il-consensus, jista jghidilna kemm rajna consensus f'dawn l-ahhar 8 xhur jew bsaten fir-roti rajna. Dwar il-Hopkins Report li hadd mill popolin ghadu ma jafx fih kif nistghu naqblu mieghu li jitwarrab id-Dalli Report ghal kollox u naghtu kas tal-Hopkins Report. Wara kollox x'zamm lill Aministrazzjoni precedenti milli jekk veru kienu jridu konsensus ma tkelmux ma lìoppozzjoni ta dak izz-zmien u bdew id-diskussjonijiet, jew ghalinqas ghax ma bdewx jaraw x'fieh huma u bdew jimpimentaw xi haga. X'zammhom milli jghamlu hekk, il letargija jew xi haga ioktar kerha li sirna nafu biha mid-Dalli Report. Ghalfejn qieghed iddahal lit-tobba u lin-nurses f'din il-haga nahseb li kemm it-tobba u kemm in-nurses ma ghandhom xejn x'jitifu jekk li- Sptar jibda jitmexxa b'iktar serjeta u ghaqal u jinqata li-sparparjal ta flus.
Now the PN wants to go with the Johns Hopkins report,i bet if they were in power the report would still be shelved.What sure is to be done is to check the EU report that says that the hospital can be run by 60% less funds and fine tune where the money is going,because after all its our money.
Ha nice wagon to jump on Mr opportunistic Grech. MUMN went on the defensive because it knows there are too many rotten apples in it's ranks. But it is MUMN 's duty to finally defend the thousands of genuine members who provide excellent service under terse conditions. As for statistics Mr. Grech had loads of time to go over these statistics when he was issaffar l Aida fi Smart Bubble hemm village uff cannot pronounce the funny word!
Well I agree with Grech for a change, the public has a right to know both sides of the story and a bit of statistics as well, along with the pros and cons from both sides. It is obvious that everyone will have their point of view on the matter.