Updated | Workers find gates at Polidano’s site in Hal Farrug closed

After botched clampdown on Polidano land at Hal Farrug yesterday evening, workers find gates closed. • MEPA files court application: 'Polidano Bros think they are above the law'

Workers who turned up to work this morning find gates closed.
Workers who turned up to work this morning find gates closed.

Workers employed with Polidano Brothers at the Hal Farrug site returned home this morning after finding the gates closed. Sources said that workers are now planning to congregate next Monday in front of the premises' gates.

"All we want to do is work. This is our daily bread. We cannot afford to be caught in this fight," a worker told MaltaToday.

Attempts to contact Charles Polidano have proved to be futile.

The development comes after a botched clampdown last night by MEPA's enforcement unit - supported by the Armed Forces of Malta and the Police Force - on several illegal structures on sites adjacent to the Monte Kristo Estate.

While police had been on standby as early as 11am, the operation to pull down two illegal structures kicked off in the evening at around 4pm.

Having only managed to pull down a large concrete store that was soon to be roofed, the civil courts upheld a request for a prohibitory injunction on MEPA, to stop the direct action on the Polidano Bros site.

The authority this morning have filed a prohibitory injunction demanding an instant stop to works by Polidano Group in the area where MEPA was meant to carry out a direct enforcement action.

In its application, signed by Robert Abela, MEPA also requested the court to carry out an on site inquiry to determine the extent of the illegal development carried out by Polidano Bros Ltd and Montekristo Estates Ltd.

MEPA argued that being a major contractor does not mean one could do anything they wanted: "This is not about a minor infraction but about illegal massive development."

"The [Polidanos] are trying to play the victim because the action is being carried out on their property. But they are not saying that the structure was developed illegally, abusively and is an insult to citizens," MEPA said.

The Polidanos are claiming abuse of power by the authorities and illegalities against them.

"Truth is that they are the authors of one of the biggest illegal constructions in the country," MEPA said, adding that Polidanos believed that "might is right" and they were above the law.

MaltaToday is informed that employees at MEPA were yesterday sent home early as a "precautionary measure" while police officers on stand by were only informed of the operation minutes before it started.

It is believed that Polidano Bros were still tipped off as MEPA enforcement officers found the entrance to the estate blocked by heavy trucks. Access to the site was cleared after the owners agreed to remove the blockade.

The full operation was meant to pull down two illegally erected structures, one of which was a four-storey tower, dubbed 'the De Redin tower'.

The court hearing has been scheduled for 11 December.

An average area of 64,000 square metres owned by Polidano Bros is subject to enforcement notices.

Joseph Muscat's government is not for a blackmail. Mr Polidano your time of doing what ever you want is over.
Will James Debono and the NGOs taking part in tomorrow's protest march, be protesting also against IC-CAQNU's vile use of his employees in order to be allowed to keep ignoring laws and rgulations AS IF HE IS ABOVE THE LAW ??
the polidanos were tipped about the arrival?! this seems to be a very serious case of bribery or spionage!!! the pn gave all the power to the polidanos so they now think they are god almighty.... because they have the money they think they are elite, above the law and can do whatever they want! this is pn's legacy! thank you! they should be punished for treating the workers in this way! it is widely known that they do not allow their workers to join a union. some got even fired because they were sick or injured. eveyone also know how they treatened the workers not to vote pl in the 2008 election..... such an acquired authority and arrogance will be diffiuclt to eradicate! i have a similiar problem with a pn activist... he is trying to steal from me and my famly a piece of land that has been ours for the past 150 years. just because his son is part of the pn clique and just becasue he has more money than us he thinks that he can easily take it away from us!
Blackmail cannot be allowed to rule the day. The Law must be applied equitably whoever it is, and the Courts must uphold this basic tenet in our Justice System as otherwise, the Courts themselves will be guilty of complicity in favouring the mightly against the weak.
Time to get these Almighty Employers by their horns. This how they used to black mail former administrations in not paying taxes, getting government contracts and being above the law. Time to put a stop to their antics.
Polidano's strength lies in black mail of the governments by threatening to lay off workers. The government needs to find a way for the workers to continue earning their daily bread and render Polidano's threat to nothing. then we'll see who is the stronger.
If ic-caqnu thinks that just because he employws a number of people he is above the law and uses them as a lever against State authorities he s grossly mistaken. He has been doing this for years by not paying taxes due to Governemnt apart from flouting all the environment laws an MEPA regulations. Can Malta Today do the necessary research and provide us with information on how much ic-caqnu and his companies have to pay to the different State authorities in tax arrears and also NI ocntributions for their employees?
Dan imdorri fi zmien Eddie jibni fejn irid bhal meta bena lukanda il-Marfa fuq art tal-poplu u l-gvern PN irrangalu.