PN calls for parliamentary investigation on Australia Hall

PN deputy leader Beppe Fenech Adami says opposition will uncover Labour’s ‘obscene plan’ to take hold of land in Pembroke.

The Opposition has today submitted a request to have the Attorney General and the Commissioner for Land's decision to drop the case against the Labour Party over a number of properties in Pembroke, investigated by the Public Accounts Committee.

Last month, the AG and the Commissioner for Land informed court that the case against Labour leader Joseph Muscat, to reclaim ownership of properties following breach of contract, would be dropped.

The department had filed the case after claiming that Labour left the properties, including the historical building Australia Hall, to deteriorate, breaching the contractual conditions stipulated when the land was transferred to the party in 1979.

PN deputy leader Beppe Fenech Adami today said that Labour had "purposely delayed the court proceedings by presenting 50 witnesses." He said this was done with the intent to delay the process beyond the March election and Labour banked on its probable victory to have the case dropped once it is in office.

Describing it as an "obscene plan," Fenech Adami said that "Labour stole public land and is living off the land which belongs to the people."

Accompanied by opposition MP Ryan Callus, Fenech Adami explained that they were requesting a thorough investigation of the decision to have the case dropped, the government's transfer of land to the Malta Ship Building in 1979 and the subsequent transfer to the Labour Party in the same year, the contractual conditions and the current state of the land. Moreover, the opposition is asking the PAC to value the land.

Asking whether the lands department had dropped other cases of similar magnitude, Fenech Adami called on the PAC, where the government has a majority although chaired by opposition MP Tonio Fenech, to carry out the investigation immediately.

Callus also said that including Pembroke in the high-rise policy plan raised questions on whether there were any development plans for the area now belonging to the Labour Party.

Earlier this month, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat defended the decision taken by the government to drop the case on the public property valued at €10 million.

In 1979, three properties had been transferred to the Labour Party in exchange for Freedom Press in Marsa, which was transformed into Malta Shipbuilding. The buildings are in a state of neglect after a series of fires.

Il pN jahli il hin u flus il poplu biex jaljena (minghalijhom) mil iskandli fahxijia li saru specjalment dawn l-ahhar snin .Beppe in niex ma tistawx aktar tghaduwhom biz zmien,ftakar kif kaxkrukhom l-ahhar elezzjoni.kulhadd jaf xinthom u baqa biss jidefendikhom min reda u stghana min fuq dhar il poplu .il poplu ezempju jinteresah it tbazwir li hloqtu go l-isptar u enemalta u kull dipartiment tal gvern li fallejtu jew meta behhejtu l-assi tal pajjiz bix xejn bhal Mid Med .Dak jinteresah u mhux awstralja hall li kulhadd jaf li art bi tpartit tax ship building fil 1979.ISTHI JHEKK TAF KIF.
.... u allura issa nitolbu investigazzjoni parlamentari kif missier beppe - dak il-kbir statista li sar president - kien biegh il-mid-med lil HSBC ghal somma li kienu fdewha f'tem ta' sena u nofs ....... fuq dan ma jiftahx halqu beppe ..... jahseb li qed jaghmilha tal-helu ghax joqghod jilghabha tal-bully ..... jahseb li qed jimpressjona li hu b'sahhtu meta kulhadd jiftakar bid-damdima nobis li qalghu hu u l-klikka tieghu .... mhux ahjar izomm postu u ma jkomplix juru kemm ma jiswa xejn .....
Issa drajniha li kull meta ikun hemm xi ahbar tajba bhal ta deficit , jithol jew idahlu lil dan iz -zatat biex jeljena lin -nies fuq xi haga ohra . Hsiebtek ser tinvestiga fuq l-art tal Fekruna !!! Int u siehbek Jason it tapijiet ta Xmun sirtu.
Wonder of Wonders, what wasnt dont by the Senior in 20 years of by hiis sucvcessor in 5 years, Junior wants it done now
Dr. Fenech Adami, please stop this childish nonsense. Let the law take its course. Of course you can always put pressure so that all the wrongdoing in the hospitals, how certain land was transferred, how Tonio spent this and next year's good causes funds, how your dear father knew certain "things" and never said them although he claimed he knew who, how your party in government squandered billions, and above all how your party found itself incapable of paying its employees. That is what you should put pressure on.
Il-maggoranza tal-poplu Malti zgur li ghandha kurzita' kbira u tixtieq investigazzjoni kif meta l-PN kien fil-gvern, kien ihallas il-haddiema tal-partit, u appena tilef il-gvern ma kellux biex ihallas lil dawn l-istess haddiema tieghu. Nahseb li l-PN ghandu d-dover li juri evidenzi ta' xkien qed jigri halli l-poplu jserrah rasu hux.
It is unbelievable what cheek these Nazzioalisti have. Why not investigate the Jason property giveaways scandal? Or the Fekruna Bay restaurant Government buyback last minute miracle deal? or the 1001 MEPA permits issued with such panache by deadpan MEPA?
Dan Fenech Adami jrid jibni l-istatura tieghu bhala politikant billi darba kull tant johrog b'xi cucata. Veru xeraqlu l-post ta' deputy leader ta' Simon Busuttil, il-guru tal-hmerijiet.
Ahjar ninveztigaw kif il-gvern immexxi minn missierek ta l-art li fuqha ic-Caqnu bena lukanda bla permess bix-xejn. Kif aghmel ukoll bl-HSBC.
Dan Fenech Adami u l-bicca partit li jirraprezenta ghax ma jarawx kif ser jaghmlu biex ihallsu d-djun taghhom fejn l-anqas l-haddiem li tant hadmu u stinkaw ghalihom ma thallsu apparti djun kbar ohra ma ghadd ta' kumpaniji. Tghid ser ibieghu l-HQ taghhom u jzommu biss hanut zghir ghal kafettrija? U l-partit taghhom ta daqshekk propjeta lil Go u lil HSBC ghax qed jaraha bi kbira li l-PL ghandu propjeta gejja bi tpattij talli hu stess ta' propjeta lil Gvern? Ghejra BAZWIJA U XEJN IKTAR.
Did they as about making an investigation about the Fekruna land swap?!?!?