Doctors’ union boss asks: who is running Mater Dei – Dalli or the minister?

The medical association’s secretary general asks for clarity on who is the boss in health care and what are the government’s policies in the field.

Medical Association of Malta secretary-general Martin Balzan calls on the government to come clean on who is in charge at Mater Dei

"Who is the boss? Is it the minister or John Dalli?" Balzan asks, calling on the government to come clean on who is in control, and what its policies in the health sector are.

In an interview with MaltaToday, Balzan says this should not be done because it's in the association's interests, but because it would benefit everyone, from the patients to the professionals rendering their services in the sector.

Following the controversial John Dalli report on the state of affairs at Mater Dei, Balzan describes the situation as a "mess" and holds that the government should not have published the report if it does not endorse the report's findings and conclusions.

"I am worried because at this stage it's a mess. The sooner we get things sorted the better," he adds, while pointing out that the problems afflicting the hospital and health care are not insurmountable, but political will and good management would suffice to carry out the necessary reforms.

Read the full interview in today's edition of MaltaToday

Mr Balzan you ask :"Who is the boss at Mater Dei Hospital? Is it the Minister or John Dalli. That's funny because John Dalli thinks that the Union is the Boss and the majority seems to agree with John Dalli. That is the real question. I think maybe John Dalli was right when he asked the question as to who is in charge, The Minister, the Management or the Union but it seems you neglected to mention that. I wonder what the Minister thinks. I also wonder what Mr Joe thinks? After all Mr Joe is the one that asked Mr Dalli to give him his opinion on Mater Dei.Do you think he will believe you or John Dalli?
I think it is none of his business, he is paid to offer a service and that is all he should be concerned about.What we have heard so far is excuses from a number of quarters yet none have challenged the facts, for example the lack of inventories, the discrepancies in the machinery that is supposed to be on hand, the pilfering, the waste of expired medicines, no proper time keeping and other deficiencies
Dan kif taghkom f'ghajnkom daqshekk dan ir-rapport, sa fejn naf jien la it-tobba ma ssemmew u anqas l-infermiera. U dan minn meta l-hawn bniedem li jistharreg x'hinu jigri jigi interpretat li qieghed immexxi fejn ikun qieghed jaghmel li-stharrig
At least Dr Balzan admitted that there ARE problems at Mater Dei. If it wasn't for the government to appoint John Dalli to make this report would Dr Balzan have come forward to solve the problems affecting the people?
just to make a small point here. This guy is an employee ob a salary, Right ? He is not the guy running the show, right ?
This is lunitunes at its best.
and whose interest are these reforms at Mater Dei? I waited two and half years for an appointment...and thanks to them I can barely walk.
who is running Mater Dei – Dalli or the minister..... or maybe the DOCTOR'S UNION and the NURSE'S UNION want to continue to run the show @ the PATIENTS' cost , and our cost as well !
Dear MAM, surely you must know that Minister Farrugia has been entrusted with the Health portfolio by the new Administration. However, that does not exclude, as is international practice, the use of specialists (exactly like in clinical services) to study, investigate and report on any particular area that looks so obviously slack and lacking in actual accountability and good, modern management. Any operation, whether to produce nuts & bolts, or provide possible cures to illnesses, must be managed, primarily for the benefit of those that pay for it. Certainly not, in the main, for the benefit of employees, no matter how rarified they believe their status to be! Dear Doctor, remember the Dockyard workers, who thought of themselves so highly, and were in fact classified as the aristocracy of the Labour market! WHERE ARE THEY NOW! In the local, Government run health sector, there are areas that have been, over decades, usurped by special interest groups to the chagrin and loss of the real hero, i.e. the patient, and the as equally important taxpayer. By nature of their professional status (and weak, morally corrupt politicians, that were more interested in power than service to their citizens) these sectors had twisted most relevant activity towards their favour. This is unethical, and should be rectified.
Its neither the Minister nor John Dalli who are running the Mater Dejn but a bunch of people who think that they the hospital belongs to them. A case in point is when one has an appointment and is either cancelled by the patient for some reason or is cancelled by the hospital whoever and four months passes and no appointment is made. Do you know who runs the hospital, it the person who does some makes an appointment at 8 pm and at 13.00 you're still there, do you know who runs the hospital, its when they do a scan finds that there is something wrong and you're left weeks in pain and all this took was just 5 minutes, do you know who runs the hospital, a person is waiting to do the Cataract operation and they send for him to prescribe for glasses. Insanity at its best = Mater Dejn.
Doctors and surgeons because they do what ever they want.most of them at one or two are already working in private hospitals.Are these employed as part timers at Mater Dei?
Who is the boss? Mhux intom il unions li gbajtu tisirqu il poplu biex jiffangaw il bazuzli taghhkom. Isthi tista din il mistoqsijja. Intom tiffangaw u ghax kien hawn minn gibdillhom lattenzjoni ha toqodu issabtu saqajkhom.
jigifieri skont dan il gvern ma jistax iqabbad consulent ? ara il PN spalpalja mijjiet ta miljuni f konsulenzi bla bzonn dan se jara zejda li fuq kollox sar b xejn ? jew ma jghodx ghal widnejn shabu dan ? u x policies irid jisma min ghand dan il gvern serju ? ghax ma talabx ghal policies fi zmien dawk il mafja ta qabel ? l-unika policies li kellhomm li jhaxxnu bwiethom u bwiet shabhom min fuq dhar il poplu u il poplu jigi offrut servizz ta zibel .dan iehor li jahseb li in nies boloh ? DARBA OHRA B 50 elf it tkaxkira tal PN tkun .
For sure not the doctors or the nurses ar running Mater Dai,you have to go by the rules and keep your time and appointments, remember you don't own the hospital that is the property of the Maltese people,PUNTO E BASTA!