Environment protest to be held on Saturday
The environment protest postponed last week will be held this Saturday at 10:30am at City Gate, Valletta.
The protest march originally planned for last week but postponed due to the unfavorable weather conditions, will be held this Saturday at 10:30am in Valletta.
A cluster of environmentalists and representatives from various NGOs are set to gather at City Gate, Valletta in a protest march for the environment.
The protest is headed by NGOs such as Din l-Art Ħelwa, Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, Friends of the Earth, Birdlife Malta and Moviment Graffiti amongst others.
Themed under the logo 'For our children and their children's children', the march is planned as a protest against what the environmentalists perceive as a culture of overdevelopment in Malta, with little consideration being given to the environment by the relevant authorities.
The controversial granting of a permit by MEPA for the redevelopment of a mega complex on Mistra ridge at the end of October, proved to be the catalyst for the protest.