Ombudsman invites leaders to express solidarity with Kiev protestors

Ukrainian ombudsman in communication with Maltese counterpart ahead of Yanukovych visit

Ombudsman Joseph Said Pullicino
Ombudsman Joseph Said Pullicino

The Maltese national ombudsman, Chief Justice emeritus Joseph Said Pullicino, has called on the Maltese authorities to express solidarity with pro-EU protestors who have been violently repressed in protests in Kiev, against the Ukrainian government.

The statement comes ahead of the official visit to Malta by the Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych.

Said Pullicino received a statement from the First Ombudsman of Ukraine, Nina Karpachova, on Tuesday, strongly condemning repressive police actions against demonstrators recently in the country's capital Kiev.

"I strongly condemn the disproportionate use of the brutal force by the special police Berkut units against the participants - most of them are young students - of the peaceful demonstration at the Maidan of Independence Square on 30 November 2013," Karpachova said.

According to the Ukranian ombudsman, the Special Forces have made an assault against protestors, surrounding them without any possibility to escape - "they were surrounded by a metal fence on one side and armed Berkut on the other side. It was a bloody outrage against peaceful people. I evaluate such actions as cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment, which is a violation of the UN Convention against tortures.

"It was also shameless to use force and illegal interference against journalists, when they performed their professional duties, which is a violation of Article 171 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine."

Karpachova accused the Ukrainian authorities of failing in this test on democracy, respect for the rule of law and human rights.

"They have refused to carry out its constitutional duty to secure the right of the citizens to freedom of peaceful assembly as required by the Constitution of Ukraine, the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and case-law of the European Court of Human Rights.

"The civilized democratic society has to guarantee respect for human rights and human dignity, personal integrity, freedom of speech and expression, rights to peaceful assembly and demonstrations. And the punishment for all those responsible for the brutal human rights violations that have taken place in these days in Ukraine should be inevitable under national law and European standards."

Chief Justice emeritus tac-cucati. Povru pajjiz li jrid jissaporti l-aktar Ombudsman tad-dahq fl'Ewropa. Mur orqod Mastru Cucati!
Issa qam dan mir-raqda li kien fiha? Ghax ma johrogx ghall-politika mill-ewwel? Jew issa ghax hemm Gvern Laburista u mhux Gvern Nazzjonalista?
F'daqqa wahda dan l-ombudsman sar qisu leader politiku. Ghax ma jghaqqdtx partit politiku mill-ewwel? Min jaf forsi jitla!
..... issa qed jiftah halqu said pullicino ..... ilu snin shah rieqed u jonghos u ma jaghmel xejn hlief jaghlaq ghajnejh ghas-serq u abbuz li kien ghaddej madwaru stess fl-ufficcju tieghu ghalkemm kien jaf sew bih ...... issa se jitkellem fuq in-nies fl-ukrajna? ..... ma jahsibx li ahjar interessa ruhu fil-maltin f'dawn l-ahhar snin mhux qaghad bi kwietu li ma jmurx iwegga' lil gonzipn ...... issa qed jiftah rixu ..... ilu snin kbar jitghazzen tant li hadd ma jaf li jezisti ..... l-ewwel rikeb (minghalih) fuq ix-xoghol tas-sur Messina u issa fuq ir-rapport (li gie mgiddeb mill-mepa) tal-perit pace u issa qed jipprova jsemmaghlna lehnu ...... kariga ta' ombudsman li saret ma tfisser xejn wara l-mod kif thaddmet minn said pullicino .... imma issa miskin qed jara d-dawl tafux ..... issa rabba' ftit kuragg biex taparsi qed jghid xi haga .....
Fejn baqghalu jindahal izjed l-Ombudsman f' materji li m' ghandu xejn kompetenza fuqhom. Dan mhux postu u l-anqas xoghlu u bhala Ombudsman suppost li jzomm li l-hin min indhil politiku - issa anke fl-Ukraina. Min jahseb li hu? L-ewwel indahal fuq il-kompetenza tal-Imhallef Farrugia Sacco u issa f' din. Nahseb li wasal iz-zmien li nnehhu l-Allat li hloqna kemm fil-Gudikatura li taghmel li trid kif ukoll fl-Ombudsmen li huma ankri ma saqajn il-Poplu li qed bilfors ihallas ghalihom. Dan m' hiniex qed nghidu sabiex inzomm jew anqas mal-affarijiet li graw fl-Ukraina izda zgur mhux post Ombudsman Malti li jindahal.