[WATCH] Large crowd attends environment rally

Environmentalists gather in Valletta to rally against unsustainable development.

Photos and videos: Ray Attard/MediaToday
Photos and videos: Ray Attard/MediaToday

Large crowds of environmentalists gathered in Valletta this morning to participate in a protest march for the environment.

The demonstration was originally planned for last week, but was postponed due to unfavourable weather conditions.  However, this morning hundreds of people braved the cold temperature and marched down Republic Street, Valletta holding placards and banners.

A number of politicians were present, including Opposition MPs Charlo Bonnici and Jason Azzopardi while as expected Alternattiva Demokratika had a strong presence with Green Party leaders Arnold Cassola and Carmel Cacopardo leading the line.

Themed under the logo 'For our children, their children, and their children's children', the march was being held as a protest against what the environmentalists perceive as a culture of overdevelopment in Malta, whilst little consideration was being given to the environment by the relevant authorities.

The crowd began to congregate on the city bridge as early as 10am with the march starting three quarters of an hour later. Many people were holding aloft banners portraying various messages such 'Hands off the countryside' and 'The environment is our children's health'.

The crowd made its way along Republic Street to the sound of drumming by members of popular band Tribali, stopping outside the law courts.

It was at this point that various NGO representatives made their messages clear.

Simone Mizzi, from din l-Art Helwa, was the first on the podium where she said that government seemed unconcerned with the environment and all it offers, claiming that it served only as ‘a source of money’ for politicians.

Mizzi also described the recently-granted project at Mistra as “monstrous” claiming that it was “conceived by one government and given birth by another”.

In fact, the controversial granting of a permit by MEPA for the redevelopment of a mega complex on Mistra ridge at the end of October, was widely regarded to be the catalyst for the protest.

 “The Law is not protecting the environment as it should and the recent case of the 700 apartments in Mistra is a clear example of the abuse that is taking place, where the planning authority’s laws are being broken,” she said.

"We do not want our children and their children growing up in a cement-filled world," she said, whilst urging government to not allow these words fall on “hearts of cement”.

Astrid Vella from Flimkien Ghal Ambjent Ahjar said that people were "fed up of all the lies" which government was spreading.

"We are all sick of hearing whether we need to build horizontally or vertically. The truth is that we do not need to build at all!" she said, pointing out the fact that there are 40,000 vacant properties which can be found in Malta.

She said that environmentalists, contrary to popular belief, were not against progress but it had to be sustainable.

“We are in favour of responsible progress and development, which is far from what we are getting at the moment,” she said.

Chris Mizzi of Graffiti said that "political parties, in times of campaigning market themselves out to be greener than the green activists, and when in government, bigger developers than the developers themselves".

"If they are afraid that they will lose votes to developers, well they will need to realise that our votes count just as much," he said, amidst callings from the crowd that 'it's because we do not have money' that their vote seemingly counts for less.

A spokesperson from Youth for the Environment said that Malta was losing much of its green and open spaces to developers and that this was a concern because the less contact and access people have to nature, the less they could care for it.

This week, the NGOs upped the ante, by calling for the resignation of the MEPA board following the publication of a damning report by the Commissioner for the Environment and Planning, which held that the outline permit granted by MEPA in 2008 could have been revoked and the decision not do so was illegally taken behind closed doors by the current board.

Yesterday, the NGOs published an Environment Manifesto which outlines the "the planning and environmental reform that Malta really needs."

The NGOs explained that in opposition to a reform favouring further unsustainable development, the manifesto outlines what must be done to protect the country's heritage, countryside and residents.

"The proposals will lead to more transparent regulating authorities, empower the public, guarantee public access and secure our health and quality of life. Through this programme, the NGOs demand that the common good be respected instead of it continuing to be trampled upon by powerful private interests."

The NGOs that took part in the protest include Birdlife Malta, Din l-Art Ħelwa, Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, Friends of the Earth Malta, Gaia Foundation, Greenhouse Malta, Malta Organic Agriculture Movement, Moviment Graffitti, NatureTrust Malta, Ramblers Malta, Y4TE, and Why Not?

Dear Ms Vella, (I am sorry I am addressing this comment to you. But I do this in the sense that you are the real leader of environmental NGOs, hence....)have you just woken up from a horrible dream, and miraculously noticed all those thousands upon thousands of empty residential, touristic and commercial vacant property? Allow me a simple question? How truly vociferous were certain NGOs these past 25 years when Malta was concreted over? Living in tents?
Kif Dr Victor Scerri li bena gol-wied tal-Bahrija qalb hafna protesti minn Jason Azzopardi, Fenech Adami, u Chiarlo li jahdem ma Zaren Vassallo l-ispekulatur; ma kienx hemm ukoll? Kien jaghmel parti mill-triumverat ta l-ipokrezija ambjentalist ta SimonPN! Skuzawni hlief ghal tlieta minn nies, dawk li ipprotestaw hasbu li qed jitnejku bina! U please , issemulix 'Din L-Art Helwa'ghax snienha waqawlha taht GonzSimonPN u issa is-snien li ghandha huma foloz: din ukoll(minghaliha) tridt titnejek bina!
Well the law says that more than 15 people in Valletta is a crowd. What I really would like to know, but will not, is where was this "crowd" when other speculative premises went through. And as Dr. Ann Fenech said, why did they leave ALL this protesting for 5 whole years after the outline permit was granted. Was it because some of these same protesters were not seeing red at the time, but now they are? If you want to be consistent, like Dr. Mallia and Ms. Vella then so be it. But to start complaining just because your party is not in power and so now you have found your green soul, is tantamount to being idiotic
Where is Austin Walker, Where is Dr Gonzi, Where is Anne Fenech, where are the rest of the Klikka (including Dr Simon Busuttil and Dr B. Fenech Adami) who supervised the rape of the valley for profit by the ex-president of the PN. Sorry but it is a pity that these NGO`s are right for the last 25years and went and spoiled it all by sleeping in bed with the most corrupt party after independence
iniziattiva tajba,pero dawn il protesti u nies fdaqqa wahda jipretendu referendum tal kacca,fejn kienu qabel 9 ta marzu ? ma kienux jaraw kif l-ambjent qerduh totalment il pN ? ma hawnx wied li ma bnewx fih (inkluz ufficjal gholi tal Pn gol bahrija)u tghadi min tas sliema sa san giljan concrete jungle,dan possibli issa qed idejjaqhom ?issa qed jarawh? ghax ma jesponhux min hu veru responsabbli ? nappella lil partitari laburisti u maltin genwini ma jhallux il magna qarrieqa tal probaganda tal partit fallut u skadut li se jissaddat go l-opozzizjoni,tinfluwenzahhom.
Din Mizzi qed tippretendi li l-gvern Laburista jikkometti abort? Min jaf kieku jkollha permess u jehduhulha xi twerzaq.
I agree that we should protect our envirenment, within reason. But i do not see any large crowds marching in this demonstration. I hope that this is not the usual hullaballoo of empty vessels make most sound.
victor flores
The public is no longer ready to accept our politicians' outdated 'build at all cost' policies that may have been valid 50 years ago, but not now that we have 40,000 empty properties. We NGOs want positive, responsible forms of development that can generate hundreds of jobs like restoration, redevelopment and retrofitting, without increasing our rates of asthma, cancer, heart problems and dementia as increased buildings do. We are fed up of the lie we've been fed for years that construction is the pillar of the economy when it only contributes 5% of GDP compared to tourism's 30%. What's more, tourism provides jobs for life and doesn't damage our health. We want positive, responsible and creative options THAT PUT OUR HEALTH FIRST.
victor flores
BUZ - FAA and Rambles have organised 6 protests in 7 years, 4 in Valletta, one in Gozo and another at the infamous Bahrija site. The last Valletta protest "Legality NOW!" was also against the Caqnu abuse.
victor flores
BUZ - FAA and Rambles have organised 6 protests in 7 years, 4 in Valletta, one in Gozo and another at the infamous Bahrija site. The last Valletta protest "Legality NOW!" was also against the Caqnu abuse.
Astrid Vella, Simone Mizzi u c-corma taghhok issa qed jipprotestaw? Fejn kienu dawn it-talin qabel Marzu li ghadda? Issa qed jitolbu lil Board tal-MEPA biex jirexenja? Il-ghala din it-talba ma saritx qabel Marzu? Ir-risposta cara: ghax dawn l-hekk imsejha ghaqdiet ambentalisiti mhuma xejn hlief paravendu tal-PN. Ghalhekk qabel Marzu kienu siekta ghal bosta u bosta snin. Ghalhekk wara Marzu regghu sabu l-vuci - ghax xi hadd qwed jigbdilhom l-ispaga! Ipokrezija prima klassi.
jiena taf meta naqbel maghkom meta tnehhu dak il kruha ta teatru bla saqaf u dik il power station f bieb il belt ic cmieni jonqos x kruha umbat pacpcu halluna fejn kontu
Tal-PN x'marru jghamlu?
Wonder of Wonders - Jason Azzopardi protested against the abuse of our Environment after spending 5 years at least in GONZIPN who destroyed our environment, destroyed Valletta, its Royal Theatre, its Porta Reale or City Gate, abused Xemxija Point and countless sites in Malta and Gozo, Bahrija included. There is only one term to describe these actions - PHARISEES!!!!!
Where have the ambiantilists been when the chicken cages at Tigne Point where built? These buildings ruined the Marsamxett and Valletta bastions. Where bave you been when Misrah Kola in Attard was truned into ji,ding sitez with semolkshing of terraced house and apartments were built? Oh maybe under Pn evsrytbing was possible!
What will the next rally be about now,the picturesque view of Tigne from Vallettea? or Bieb il Belt?
What will the next rally be about now,the picturesque view of Tigne from Vallettea? or Bieb il Belt?
This demo was ruined by the presence of PN politicians. What cheek to present themselves for such a protest march when their Governments successively, over 25 whole, long years, ruined Malta's environment. They allowed 33% of the island to be unnecessarily roofed over; just consider the recorded 70,000 empty residences, and at least another 20,000 commercial premises. I am not happy with some leaders of these NGos', as their companies or their spouses' groups of companies have gained tremendously from the destruction of Malta's landscape over these past 25 years. Now they want to portray sainthood. No, sorry! We are not all blind and stupid. Let there be protests, and let NGOs' operate freely and in peace, but let them be HONESTLY concerned, and not just now, that they have filled their gullet and more....
I apologize if I have lumped Edward Mallia and Astrid Vella- who have been always consistent-no matter whom it is in government- with the other opportunist apparatchiks of SimonPN.
Good article, but Astrid Vella can't have pointed out all of the 40,000 empty properties in Malta from the steps of the law courts, lol. It's physically impossible.
300-500 people according to other media, Large crowds according to Malta Today. If this is all that 12 NGOs could gather on a dry Saturday morning in Republic Street Valletta then these same NGOs need to do some serious soul searching after this flop.
Prosit kbira lill-NGOs talli baqghu konsistenti favur l-ambjent, kemm taht Gvern Nazzjonalista u dak Laburista. Prosit kbira ukoll lic-cittadini li hargu jiddefendu is-sahha taghna u ta' uliedna. Hemm bzonn li n-nies jifhmu li l-gid kommuni jitlob li pajjizna ma jigix sagrifikat lil ftit spekulaturi li jeqirdu kollox u jaharbu bil-profitti.
Tens of environmentalists are currently in Valletta participating in a protest? Only tens? I think the pictures betray that opening statement?
Tens of environmentalists are currently in Valletta participating in a protest? Only tens? I think the pictures betray that opening statement?
So some 300 people from 12 NGOs !!!Works out to about 25 each!. And they're always crowing that they're an absolute majority ???!!!
Prosit kbira lill-NGOs talli baqghu konsistenti favur l-ambjent, kemm taht Gvern Nazzjonalista u dak Laburista. Prosit kbira ukoll lic-cittadini li hargu jiddefendu is-sahha taghna u ta' uliedna. Hemm bzonn li n-nies jifhmu li l-gid kommuni jitlob li pajjizna ma jigix sagrifikat lil ftit spekulaturi li jeqirdu kollox u jaharbu bil-profitti.
"Hundreds of environmentalists are currently in Valletta....." How many hundreds...accordding to media about 300 equivalent to only about 25 persons per NGO taking part!!!!
ALTOUGH A number of politicians were present, including Opposition MPs Charlo Bonnici and Jason Azzopardi, Dr ANNE FENECH , PRESIDENT OF THE P.N. EXECTIVE, the P.N. , the Party in Opposition and Dr. Lawrence Gonzi who was Prime Minister in 2008 and the MEPA CEO Gonzi appointed, Austin Walker ~ where nowhere to be seen! :)
Ghax ma jiddikjarawx il propjeta li jirrikjedu qabel jiprova jimpresjonaw lis socjeta b'dawn it tip ta attivitajiet.
is Sinjorini Vella u Mizzi li l-missjoni taghhom hija li jpingu hazin lill gvern Laburista elett b'36,ooo maggoranza. Ma niftakrux specjalment lill business woman Mizzi torganizza xi depostrazzjoni fl-ahhar 25 sena. Nahseb li saru hnizrijiet ma tul 25 sena. fen kienu Mizzi u Vella meta hareg l-outline permit tal Mistra? ghax ma protesawx dak in nhar. Qatt ghamlu xi protesta kontra caqnu tal bini illegali jew ghax dan il bini qieghed Hal Luqa ma jnaqqas il valur lill hadd? Dawn huma akkolti tal Partit Nazzjonalista huma jioppertenu il klikka li xoghola hu li jpingu ikrah dak kollu li jghamel il gvern Laburista. U halluna !!!!!!!!!
I hope that Anne Fenech and Simon Busutill will attend the protest. After all this Xemxija mess was cooked during their tenure. Whilst I was driving towards Xemxija I've counted 12 storeys on a block of flats perched from one side of the hill to its top. Moreover, the other surrounding flats have obliterated the Phase 2 Xemxja tombs, one of the 5 most important archaeological sites in Malta and Gozo. I wonder why Din L-Art Helwa condoned this scandal whilst none of the NGOs opened their mouth. I suppose that this is Malta and the usual double standards explain everything.