Updated | Manuel Mallia lying over oil bribes, say Nationalists [video]

Minister had told press during election campaign he was not aware of corruption in procurement of fuel for Enemalta.

Manuel Mallia
Manuel Mallia

The Nationalist Party has accused home affairs minister Manuel Mallia of "lying" about his knowledge of bribes paid by George Farrugia to Enemalta officials, when he was appointed as a lawyer for Powerplan Ltd.

In 2010, Mallia was appointed by board resolution as a lawyer for Powerplan, a subsidiary of the Farrugia family company John's Group, to seek a settlement with George Farrugia after being accused by his brothers and co-shareholders of siphoning oil revenues from the company to his personal company, Aikon Ltd.

Yesterday Mallia said that any confidential knowledge he might have had of the bribes was protected by professional secrecy.

But the PN today published the video of a 23 February 2013 press conference in which Mallia is heard denying any knowledge of the bribes.

The press conference was held after MaltaToday broke the story in late January that a former Enemalta consultant, Frank Sammut, had been paid commissions by Dutch commodities giant Trafigura for the supply of oil to Enemalta - Farrugia, whose company Aikon was at the present time presenting Trafigura, was granted a presidential pardon to turn State's evidence on the allegations.

In the press conference, Mallia says:

"I once again repeat, before the Maltese and Gozitan public, and you members of the press, that you can ask him any question you wish - I did not know about this before having read it in the newspaper," Mallia says, to questions pertaining his 2010 appointment for Powerplan.

"I did not about that there was any bribery over oil procurement in the country. I was exactly in the same situation you are in," he tells a member of the press. "A Maltese citizen who imagined the purchase of oil was being carried out in a regular manner."

The PN has now accused Mallia of invoking his professional secrecy, and saying that George Farrugia was not his client. On his part, Mallia says that since he was appointed by Powerplan, and Farrugia was a shareholder of Powerplan, then his professional secrecy stands.

"Mallia is contradicted by his own statement yesterday. Farrugia has confirmed that in 2010 Mallia was already aware of the corruption in the procurement of fuel and that Mallia had threatened him to report the allegations to the police in a bid to reach a settlement for the John's Group. Mallia and Joseph Muscat must now shoulder their responsibility."

Labour reaction

In a statement, the Labour party said that George Farrugia's testimony had produced "conflicting reactions" from the PN, saying that Opposition leader Simon Busuttil had stated that former minister Austin Gatt should answer for a €2,000 political donation in 2008, while Gatt had claimed he knew nothing of this donation.

"It looks like both Busuttil and Gatt, who worked side by side during the election campaign, are now blaming each other - Busuttil is running away from his responsibility, and Gatt brushing everything aside. This is a game that is alienating the public from its right to know where its money has been spent."

Professional secrecy

Mallia has defended himself from accusations by the Opposition that he was privy to allegations of kickbacks in the sale of fuel to Enemalta, during his time as a lawyer for Powerplan Ltd.

Mallia was employed by the company to secure a settlement from George Farrugia, who managed family business Powerplan, after he was accused by his brothers of siphoning funds in oil commissions from Trafigura and TOTSA, among others, and into his personal company Aikon Ltd.

But Mallia yesterday said that divulging any information he had obtained while serving as legal counsel to Powerplan would constitute a "crime as contemplated in the Criminal Code".

Questioned by MaltaToday on whether he should have gone to the police with the information after deciding to contest the general elections, Mallia insisted that anything that may have been said during the meetings with his client were "strictly confidential".

Mallia's law firm was appointed legal counsel to Powerplan during a company board resolution dated 27 September 2010, signed by the five Farrugia brothers, of the John's Group. The board resolution stated that the "appointment relates specifically to the misappropriation of funds by the said Mr [George] Farrugia against the company".

The minister pointed MaltaToday to correspondence - which he said could not be divulged due to professional secrecy - that "shows very clearly that the subject under discussion were the fraudulent acts committed by George Farrugia against the company".

Mallia insisted yesterday that the criminal activity he had referred to was the fraud and money laundering Farrugia had committed. "It is indeed very strange for lawyers to spin for their political advantage certain known legal principles. It is normal practice that a lawyer, on behalf of his client demanding payment of damages as a result of fraud and money laundering, writes that if payment is not made criminal action will be taken."

According to Article 257 of the Criminal Code, a lawyer is liable to a two-year term of imprisonment for divulging any professional secret confided in them, except when compelled by the law or if this pertains to any offence under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, or the Prevention of Money Laundering Act.

Mallia added that anything which has been said during the "one meeting" held with George Farrugia with his clients was "strictly of a legal, professional nature".

Mallia denied giving any third party any information or detail on this case, and that he was no longer involved in this legal matter after March 2011.

Article 642 of the Criminal Code also states that lawyers cannot be forced to reveal any knowledge derived from the professional confidence placed in their assistance or advice". This gives lawyers the privilege that they cannot be forced to divulge confidential information, apart from being also prohibited by the advocates' code of ethics.



Dr. Mallia is simply hiding under a tattered blanket of professional secrecy. After a public hammering, he has now said that the threat to George F. was revelation of fraud and money laundering activities. But his brief was to obtain a "fair" share of GF's ill-gotten gains for GF's siblings and not to ensure that GF walked along the straight and narrow legal line. On those grounds the threat constituted blackmail. The only "political" element in this should now be a demand by PM Muscat for Mallia's resignation. The PM will not retain a shred of credibility if he doesnot do so.
A small but vital difference between what George Farrugia said and what Dr. Mallia is now "saying": GF said that Dr.Mallia threatened to reveal his bribery activities to the police if GF did not reach an amicable agreement with his siblings on the division of spoils from his "Enemalta" activities. But in fact this fraud and/or money laundering was not the point at issue between GF and his siblings. The division of spoils was. So Dr.Mallia's threat did indeed constitute BLACKMAIL in the precise definition of that term. The only threat Dr. Mallia could legally make was to take GF to court over the defrauding of his fellow directors of PowerPlan. Though it is doubtful that he or his clients would have wanted to wash Powerplan's very dirty linen in court.
If Mallia knew about the oil bribes, and did indeed use this knowledge to threaten Farrugia as has been reported in the media from Farrugia's testimony, then he is in breach of professional ethics and should be disbarred from practising in the legal profession. As for those of you who excuse anybody associated with the Labour Party for whatever wrongdoing, I ask you a simple question: don't you think that it would have benefitted the country more if Mallia had exposed this when he first got to know about it? Not having done so may well have cost the people (that's YOU, stupid!) millions. Is that right? Or is it right because Mallia is now a Labour minister?
Jason Azzopardi preferred someone else as Minister instead of Dr Mallia, someone of a better disposition towards him . Someone he used to share time debating with on local TV. No wonder he's out nail and tooth to rip off Mallia's throat, Jason has a lot to answer about land and property give aways to PN sympathizers
If he really knew, aren't lawyers bound due to law of secrecy,similar to the law of secrecy that is within the Priests during confessions? The usual pn tactics to divert the reality.
Yesterday I saw some Pn leaders sipping coffee at Valletta. Oh how their body language gave them up. They were full of anxiety, knowing full well that despite their very obvious hard work to deflect the public opinion with the pathetic Australia Hall,the Maltese are hearing about the biggest scandal ever, that is the scandal of Ali Baba and the forty thieves whom successive PN leaders appointed at EneMalta! And then to top it up, the angelic Jason Azzopardi trying to gulp down our throats the other story about the 'mano d'oro', sorry ' 'mare d'oro'. Kif ma jisthux jidhru quddiem in-nies?
The PN are the last people who should open their mouth on illegal immigration !As regards Jason Azzopardi, the people are much more concerned about the way the land at tal-Fekruna was taken over by the government just days prior to the last election , and the owner given other, much more valuable , land in exchange. And when the minister responsible , Dr. Mario de Marco had not given his consent !!!
U halluna tal-PN. Morru hudu break ghax bil-breakdown li ghandkhom wara t-telfa ta` Marzu ghadkhom ma waqaftux tghidu c-cucati!
Gonzi/XmunPN will NOT be allowed by the Maltese nation to hide the sun with a sifter. The blatant, now-witnessed truth is that corruption was endemic in this whole sector right after the Sant Administration lost power. EFA, and more specifically Lawrence Gonzi are politically responsible for this maladministration. Is that why Beppe FA is working so hard to shift our attention away from the real politically responsible culprits? Apart from those that have been accused to date, we will soon get to know who exactly participated in this criminal activity! Aghax Grizmeh naqalawlu!