'Citizens expect PM to honour his word on migration' - PN

PN expects Prime Minister to achieve 'concrete results' on irregular migration during Thursday and Friday's European Council Summit.

Jason Azzopardi and Roberta Metsola.
Jason Azzopardi and Roberta Metsola.

The Opposition's spokesperson for home affairs Jason Azzopardi and Nationalist MEP Roberta Metsola said the country was expecting the Prime Minister to achieve concrete results during this week's EU summit.

Between tomorrow and Friday, Joseph Muscat will be in Brussels for the European Council meeting which is expected to focus on irregular migration.

Azzopardi and Metsola insisted that the Prime Minister must be true to his words and return to Malta with concrete action adopted by the EU.

"After he adopted an arrogant stance, saying that the EU had to wake up and smell the coffee, Malta now expects the Prime Minister to achieve concrete results," Azzopardi said.

Azzopardi said Muscat had boasted of having influenced the European Council in adopting a conclusion that went beyond expressing condolences with victims' relatives.

The official conclusions mention "determined action" to prevent the loss of lives at sea, enhance cooperation with countries of origin and transit, reinforcement of Frontex, swift implementation of the European border surveillance system EUROSUR, and for the European Commission to report in December on the work of the newly-established Task Force for the Mediterranean.

Azzopardi said that the Prime Minister must now ensure that member states truly adopt the fair sharing of responsibility.

"We now expect to see the relocation of migrants back into force. Under the Nationalist administration, 2,000 migrants were relocated from Malta. Under Labour none," he said.

Metsola said that Muscat should push for member states to understand that the protection of migrants was the responsibility of all member states and not of the receiving country on its own.

"The ball is now in the Prime Minister's court to convince the EU that responsibility had to be shared by all," she said, adding that Muscat should also seek to reopen discussions on amendments to the Dublin II regulation.

Meanwhile, former AFM commander Martin Xuereb has now declared that Italian boats "should have acted immediately" to save lives at sea when it received a distress call from a sinking boat on 11 October.

200 were saved in the rescue mission subsequently coordinated by Malta.

Journalist Fabrizio Gatti published documentary evidence that Italy's Libra patrol boat was a short distance away from the boat that was carrying over 460 migrants. "The sinking fishing-boat was certainly visible on their radar screen, being such a short distance away," Gatti wrote of the 12:26pm rescue call received by the Italians on Friday, 11 October.

Asked whether she would be raising questions in the European Parliament on the matter, Metsola said she would first wait for answers by the AFM before proceeding in the EP.

Ahjar jitghallmu min kien Quisling dawk tal-PN li hisbhom biss biex jghidu kontra Malta! Fl-elezzjoni tal-MEP's li jmiss nivvotaw lil dawk li dejjem iddefendewna mhux iddefendew lil barrani! Ahna zghar u 6 biss qeghdin! We can.t afford the luxury of having MEPs who do not defend our interest first and foremost!
Ghaziza Roberta Mezzola, minn nahha tieghek ma tantx jistenna ghajnuna Dr. Joseph Muscat ghax urejt x'int diga barra l-fatt li iktar tinteressak l-Unjoni Ewropeja milli Malta. X'se taghmel inti l-ewwel wahda jekk l-Unjoni Ewropeja tkun iebsa maghna, u minn nahha taghna Dr Muscat ikun iebes ukoll ma minn se zzomm. Dr Jason Azzopardi, donnok bsdejt tistejqer wara l-bawxata tal-fekruna jew trid tara kif se ddawwar l-attenzjoni minn fuqa, ara tahseb li se jirnexxilek, Jas iz-z
Hi Fufu. We were told that this problem was solved by your kapo Xmun years ago in Dublin. Or Xmun was taking us for a ride then?
First thing Joseph have to do first when he arrive is how to sort out the damage the PN and the PN MEPs managed to do to Malta's Image.
Ghax ma isaqsux li Simon ghala bela il-lixka tal-voluntary burden sharing? Fatta la zorba! Suppost, skond Mark Gera, min ikisser isewwi, mhux l-ewwel ikisser u imbaghad iwahhal u jipretendi b'wicuu tost, li isewwi haddiehor! Dawn han jew m'ahniex?
Dr.Jason Azzopardi qal li 2,000 emigrant gew allokati fi zmien Gvern Nazzjonalista,fejn nesa jsemma kemm hadu l-USA bhala gest nobbli li mghandom x'jaqsmu xejn ma l-istituzzjonijiet tal E.U. jigifieri li Gvernijiet Nazzjonalisti ma ghamlux hilitom anzi bil kontra ma ghamlu xejn, infatti, il ftehim mal EU il ghazil kien biss voluntarju, insaqsi kemm hemm minnom li marru jghixu goL-Ewropa ? Tuna figuri specifikati jekk jghogobkom?
Jason Azzopardi had better not speak of "Concrete", or he will force us to remember Fekruna Bay's "Gold coast"!
metsola, casa u pn, il gakbini tal poplu malti.
Citizens also expect the Nationalist Party not to harm the interests of the Maltese with regard to the immigration question.
What a pure waste of time. What a useless, senseless Opposition.
Muscat gas already achieved more in 9 months than PN did in 9 years. Dont be pathetic