Muscat’s immigration policy has failed – Busuttil

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil says Prime Minister’s ‘bluffing’ got Malta nowhere; situation has ‘deteriorated’.

Simon Busuttil said Joseph Muscat had not managed to clinch anything substantial in the European Council discussions on migration.
Simon Busuttil said Joseph Muscat had not managed to clinch anything substantial in the European Council discussions on migration.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has failed to deliver on his promises and none of his words HAD translated into action, Opposition leader Simon Busuttil said today.

Giving his reactions to the European Council conclusions on immigration, Busuttil insisted that there was "nothing concrete and no timeframes were set".

"These conclusions approve 38 points which already exist in the asylum pact which dates back to 2008," he said.

Recalling how Muscat at the time had been critical of the pact, Busuttil asked how the PM could now be in favour of the same points.

"The conclusions make no reference to mandatory burden sharing, even though Muscat used to criticise the Nationalist government that had managed to relocate 2,000 migrants. With all his tough talk, today not one person has been relocated. And even though he did not manage to move towards mandatory burden sharing, he also failed in ensuring voluntary burden sharing," Busuttil said.

He went on to say that the council conclusions failed to refer specifically to Malta - thus drawing attention to Malta's situation - something which had only started to occur under a Labour government.

Busuttil said that no timeframes were set for the Commission to decide on the report and therefore it was known when decisions would be taken.

Even though the Prime Minister said it was positive that the European Commission had been tasked with setting timeframes, Busuttil said it was the Commission's role to be responsible: "How can that be deemed as a positive result if it's already part of the Commission's job?"

Asked whether he welcomed the possible repatriation of some 1,000 failed asylum seekers from Malta, Busuttil said this was already possible.

The Opposition leader insisted that everything which Muscat talked about - from Frontex's power to be able to carry return flights and an EU returns directive - were already in place.

"After 9 months, all Muscat did was to turn migration into a politically controversial issue and tarnished Malta's reputation. Xenophobia increased under his watch and this year we had the highest numbers of migrants reaching our shores," he said.

"Comments like 'wake up and smell the coffee' have proven that it's with dialogue and persuasion that you gain results and not by bluffing and passing stupid comments. I guess the coffee has turned cold by now..."

Busuttil pointed out that the EU had also stopped the Eurema relocation project - a programme specific for Malta - and Muscat did nothing about it.

"Notwithstanding his bluff, government has completely failed in its immigration policy. Cowboy tactics lead nowhere. What we need is a government that knows how to act."

dr busuttil,s thinking....a voice in the wilderness
The facial expression of Ms Metsola sums it all! Yes Muscat has opened the door and illegal immigration has finally saw the light on EU's agenda.
Anke jien inhobb nuza malti pura dak li n-nies tat-triq bhali jifhmu. Il-qahba milli jkollha itik.
incredibbli kemm hu patetiku, mhux ta bxejn il pn qedin fhiex qedin .
Ramon Garcia as they say, amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic.
Simon and Jason dont you think its time to stop ridiculing your party with your nonsence.Did you not see the polls,you got nowhere,you are still where you where election time,which is very geed for the PL.Keep it up.
Dawn nies li wicchom u wara xorta. Insew li huma kien iffirmaw li il klandestinti li jiqfu malta jistaw jiqbaw ghawn. Veru ma tisthux. U issa ghax imxejn pass qed tmaqdru. Veru kas ta sour grapes u kas fejn li ma ghamiltux intom f'25 years Dr Muscat ghmlu f'10 xur. Get lost LOSERS.
impressjonajtni simon....nivvutalek.hahaha
Simon il-king tac-cucati.
and in 9 years Simon got nowhere and in 10 years the pn only repatriated 700 according to St. Simon. In 9 months you expect Joseph to heal the world,
Ramon...u int x'int? Pappagall tac-cass? Amateur politician Busullotti illi hlief hmerijiet ma jghidx...u hadd (hlief xi hadd bhalek ghajjur) ma jemmnu. Ighdilna jekk int ragel minn dahhalna fil-hajt bil-burden sharing? Ighdilna jekk int ragel minn gab l-issue fuq l-agenda ta' l-EU? Hekk ibqa...ibqa ohlom li ghandkom xi politikant mill-aqwa b'Simon; l-aqwa garanzija ghall-PL.
L-gheneb qares ghax ma rnexxilekx tilhqu Simon. Int kont li ffirmajt ghall-burden sharing volontarju kontra kull parir u issa jrid ikun il-Gvern Laburista li jrid jipprova jsewwi l-hsara li ghamilt int l-ewwel wiehed. Lill-EFA xi hadd mill-partit taghkom stess kien qallu avukat tar-rahal u nahseb li inti lanqas tar-rahal ma int. Ramon Garcia Dr Muscat got more in a few months than what the PN got the whole period since we became EU members.
Priscilla Darmenia
For fools rush in where angels fear to tread
Simon what exactly is your point.? If JM failed and everything is as was then didn't the PN fail before him? In the end all this is due to Dublin 2 that the PN signed. And what exactly is your stand on immigration after all? All you seem capable of doing is commenting and working against the interest of Malta without really knowing what we want.
Jiena ma tantx inħobb indur mal-lewza u ngħid dak li għandi ngħid bil-malti pur biex zgur jifmhu kulħadd. Irid ilollok wick ta'qaħba biex tgħid li is-sitwazzjoni fir rigward tal-immigrazzjoni illegali ma tatx il-frott mixtieq. Mhux int kont Sur Simon Busuttil, ġewwa Brussell meta kellek iċ-ċans li tappoġġja lill-membri Laburisti biex jippressaw għall burden sharing obligatorju u minflok kont kuntent bil-burden sharing volontarju. Issa għandek il-wiċċ tost u vili li twaħħal fil-gvern Laburista tan-nuqqas tiegħek. Insejt kemm int u sħabek mortu ixxewwxu kontra il-gvern meta kien qal li hemm kull opzjoni miftuħa meta kienu waslu dawk l-immigrant illegali u il-gvern kien qal li jista jibgħathom lura min fejn kienu ġew? Dan kollu ġibtu int stess u issa trid twaħħal fil-gvern laburista. X'wiċċ tost u vili għandek, Simon.
Jiena ma tantx inħobb indur mal-lewza u ngħid dak li għandi ngħid bil-malti pur biex zgur jifmhu kulħadd. Irid ilollok wick ta'qaħba biex tgħid li is-sitwazzjoni fir rigward tal-immigrazzjoni illegali ma tatx il-frott mixtieq. Mhux int kont Sur Simon Busuttil, ġewwa Brussell meta kellek iċ-ċans li tappoġġja lill-membri Laburisti biex jippressaw għall burden sharing obligatorju u minflok kont kuntent bil-burden sharing volontarju. Issa għandek il-wiċċ tost u vili li twaħħal fil-gvern Laburista tan-nuqqas tiegħrk. Insejt kemm int u sħabek mortu ixxewwxu kontra il-gvern meta kien qal li hemm kull opzjoni miftuħa meta kienu waslu dawk l-immigrant illegali u il-gvern kien qal li jista jibgħathom lura min fejn kienu ġew? Dan kollu ġibtu int stess u issa trid twaħħal fil-gvern laburista. X'wiċċ tost u vili għandek, Simon.
David Bongailas
All Busutill is doing with these statements is simply confirming that the PN had no immigration policy whatsoever and is now expecting Muscat to come up with a magic wand and solve everything in 9 months. First of all no....the Eu comission never assumed any responsibility it is going to start to. Busutill also said that the repatriation of a 1000 failed asylum seekers was already possible, again in typical Busutill fashion he fails to say how. According to Busutill what we need is a government that knows how to act..........yes that is exactly why the electorate voted your party out last march, with you as deputy leader no less. Because you have no idea how to act and the good people of Malta know this.
Xmun il patrun tal burden sharing,go back to your hibernation.....your days at PN's helm (unfortunately) are numbered as after another MEP election drubbing, your own people will send you packing .pity as you are PN's biggest liability.
Joseph Muscat is a nonentity .....far from a statesman. He can impress his own Lejburisti and temporary switchers but fails miserably in the face of true politicians. A proven amateur.
Jason, ghadek fis sakra mil party ta peralta?
Imma skuzi l- burden sharing mhux Simon bellahhunna? La kien qed jitkellem ma shabu tal-People's Party ghalfejn ma ipperswadijhomx biex minn voluntary isir bil- fors; b'hekk konna nghidu li Simon means business: sa issa Simon means Dr No ghal kull ma jghid il- PL!
So according to this dime a dozen politician €8.7 million added to the €10 million gonzipn used to get, repatriating migrants who do not deserve asylum (under gonzipn unheard of) and a time frame to have better border controls are a failure. Maybe this dime a dozen politician would kindly tell us of his achievements anrd that of his party in the Illegal Migrants issue.Simon is really a baby in politics he keeps putting his foot in his mouth.
Xi djuq !!!!!!!!!!!! Muscat ilu fil gvern ghaxar xhur u ghamel hafna aktar milli ghamel il PN fl-ahhar 10 snin. U ejja Dr Azzopardi....DIN XI HANG OVER MA TAFX LI jm HADEM KEMM FELAH.