Evidence of bribes at Enemalta passed on to MaltaToday from whistleblower

Proof of a $19,000 bribe to Frank Sammut for the supply of oil to Enemalta came into MaltaToday’s possession from a source unconnected to politics

Frank Sammut - an incriminating piece of evidence only emerged in MaltaToday.
Frank Sammut - an incriminating piece of evidence only emerged in MaltaToday.

A crucial piece of evidence that MaltaToday published to expose the bribery in Enemalta's procurement of oil, was not among a stash of court documents in a multi-million euro compensation case filed against oil trader George Farrugia by his brothers.

The specific invoice - a $19,042 'consultancy fee' that Dutch commodities giant Trafigura had paid in 2004 into a Swiss bank account - was given to MaltaToday by the whistleblower on the Enemalta fuel procurement scandal.

That company, established in Gibraltar, was Energy & Environment Consultants Ltd, whose beneficiary was Frank Sammut, at the time a consultant to Enemalta chairman Tancred Tabone. The invoice's publication led to the arrest of Tabone, Sammut, and more importantly George Farrugia - the Trafigura agent who turned State's evidence in return for a presidential pardon.

But Farrugia is now claiming that the system of bribes devised by him and Sammut was known to Manuel Mallia, the home affairs minister, when in 2010 he was appointed as a lawyer by family business Powerplan to seek a resolution from Farrugia, then accused by his brothers of siphoning €40 million in oil commissions from the family business.

Mallia has denied any knowledge of the bribes, but Farrugia claims that during meetings with him he was threatened that he would be reported to the police unless he reaches a settlement.

MaltaToday managing editor Saviour Balzan, who received the evidence of the bribe, has stated that Farrugia's comments to the PAC are leading the Opposition to surmise a political connection when MaltaToday broke the story.

"In 'Saying it as it is', I write that the source of the oil scandal story had no political connection. I reiterate that the source is the most unlikely of sources, and in February, during the general elections, I confronted minister Austin Gatt during a press conference and denied that the Labour Party had passed on any documents to MaltaToday. Nobody should be obfuscating about this story. The source is unconnected to politics."

At that time, it was not known that George Farrugia had donated €2,000 to Austin Gatt during the 2008 election campaign.

Nahseb li wasal iz-zmien li dawk kollha involuti kemm jekk persuni, kumpaniji u politici jingiebu quddiem il-Qrati u kollhe jiehdu dak li haqqhom. Tajjeb li l-poplu jkun jaf ukoll jekk dik l-€4,000,000 COMMISSION tal-BWSC gietx iddikjarata fit-taxxa tad-dhul ta' min irceviha. Nahseb li rega' wasal iz-zmien li ghall-inqas il-return tat-taxxa tal-kumpaniji u individwi li jaqilghu ammont sostanzjali kif ukoll imma SPECJALMENT tal-politici jigu ippubblikati kull sena inkluz kull xiri u bejgh ta' proprjeta'. Ma rridux ninsew ukoll l-iskandlu li kien sar fl-Air Malta bl-RJ70s u ghadu hadd ma patta ghalih specjalment meta dawn inxtraw mic-Chairman kontra kull parir. Tghid kien hemm ukoll xi COMMISSION fin-nofs u jekk iva lil min thallset u kemm kienet. Ghandha ssir ukoll investigazzjoni serja u pubblika b'magistrat inkwirenti dwar il-kwistjoni tal-Fairmount li falliet lit-Tarzna halli min ghamel l-izbalji li jiena nahseb li saru apposta jhallas ta' ghemilu wkoll u kull preskrizzjoni ghandha titnehha fuq dawn l-affarijeit kif tnehhiet tal-politici ghax ma jistax ikun li kulhadd jintefa l-habs ghal xi nuqqas u dawk involuti f'daqstant skandli jibqghu ghaddejjin bla ma jiehdu dak li haqqhom u Cikku l-poplu jhallas. Nahseb ukoll, anzi nittama li Saviour Balzan jinghata Gieh ir-Repubblika ghall-kxif ta' dan l-iskandlu li sewa miljuni kbar lil-poplu Malti.
It seems Mr. Farrugia is aware that the presidential pardon is in jeopardy and is using all kind of pressure on previous and present administration, Mr. Tony Debono, the car donation and Dr.Mallia knowledge of the bribes. Somehow he leaves AG out of the equation for now. Next PAC session should be interesting.
Well it seems Mr.Farrugia is aware that the presidential pardon is in jeopardy and is using pressure on previous and present administration involving Tony Debono (PN) and the car donation to Pl and now Dr. Mallia 's knowledge of the bribes. But somehow AG is left out of the equation till no Next PAC session will be interesting.
This shows that Dr Mallia really didn't know of anything or maybe the extent except that constituting the Family Farrugia case. I am afraid that George Farrugia is playing some game where he will take the plunge for others, either out of fear and protection or for some other reason, hoping to get only a few years in jail that will be shortened by good behaiour spend maybe 2 or 3 years.
Priscilla Darmenia
In my opinion George Farrugia is not telling the full truth and I doubt how much truth there is in what he said as he was challenged from many quarters on his statements.
Dak kollu li nsterraq minghand il-Poplu Malti ghandu jingabar lura u jinghata lil Poplu Malti, jekk hawn xi had baqalu "Ball bearings", jew iz zghar biss jigi mehud il-Qrati tal injustizzji,dept tat- taxi, vat, tax audits,etc?
Mr.Saviour Balzan you deserve to be our president for exposing the PN mafia to the public,if nothing else !