Update 3 | PL slams 'hypocritical' PN for its reaction to Arriva's departure

The Labour Party says PN government to blame for 'public transport disaster'.

Additional reporting by Daniel Mizzi


The Labour Party has condemned the PN for being 'hypocritical' following the reaction by the Opposition party on the departure of Arriva from Malta.

Yesterday, it was revealed that as from the beginning of next year - in less than two weeks - Transport Malta be officially taking over the public transport service from British operator Arriva.

MaltaToday was informed that the takeover will take place between New Year's Day and 2 January, slowly bringing to an end Arriva's disastrous experience in Malta.

Arriva management will remain in Malta for a few months to assist Transport Malta with the transition. Sources said that management from TM taking part in the transition would act independently of the transport authority.

Following the transition, Transport Malta will then issue a call for expression of interest to find a new operator.

But in a statement issued by the PN yesterday, the party slammed the government for leaving the jobs of many Arriva employees in a 'precarious and uncertain' position only a few days before Christmas.

"The government's Christmas present to 1,200 Arriva workers is leaving their future hanging in the balance," Bezzina argued.

"Workers will now find themselves in a precarious situation not knowing what will happen to their job," he said while bemoaning Mizzi's decision.

Speaking to PN's media organ MaltaRightNow, Bezzina had also criticised his counterpart for not announcing Arriva's departure during parliament.

"During last Wednesday's parliamentary sitting, Joe Mizzi did not mention anything about this, but apparently he prefers using a studio or a newspaper as his ideal platform to announce such a news."

The Opposition's spokesperson also urged the government to ensure that the next operator will retain the workers. 

"Just as the PN safeguarded the worker's employment, the government must ensure that the operator of the country's public transport retains the workers."

This morning, however, the Labour Party reacted to the PN's statement by reminding them that it was the Nationalist government which had created this problem and made Malta a laughing stock.

The PL said that even though the PN government of the time had said that time of clowning about had ended, it was clearly apparent that with the arrival of Arriva, it was only just beginning.

"This government is working to restore public transport in a way which would give efficiency to the people while protecting all its workers," the PL statement said.

Commenting on Twitter yesterday, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said that the "public transport disaster, from bad route planning to EU ticket pricing probe, is a clear example of legacy this government inherited".

Sources close to the authority insisted that their takeover was the best option. Failure to find an agreement, Arriva would have filed for liquidation leading to "an operational catastrophe". Liquidation would have meant that, until all company's assets were sold, none of the buses could have been used to service the routes.

Asked whether Arriva workers could face lay-offs, the source said that both the Transport Minister and the Transport Authority wanted to the service to improve and expand.

"By implication, this means that no workers will be fired," the source said.

In his tweet, Joseph Muscat said that "with a new service, we will work hard on difficult but necessary task to raise standards and give Malta the public transport it deserves".

With a new service,we will work hard on difficult but necessary task to raise standards and give #Malta the public #transport it deserves-JM

Meanwhile, the General Workers' Union (GWU) has said that in the wake of Arriva announcing its departure from the country's public transport system, it would seek to address the workers' future during a meeting tomorrow with Transport Minister Joe Mizzi.

"The workers' future will be the main topic during a meeting between the GWU and concerned minister tomorrow," it said, "the worker's future and wellbeing are of foremost importance," the Union stressed.

The Union said that it would insist that the future operator who takes over the public transport system retains Arriva's employees.

"Irrespective of who will be the future operator, the GWU will insist that all workers are retained," it argued.

Meanwhile, the Union also paid tribute to the Arriva workers for their synergy and hard work and urged them to remain united.

The GonziSimonPn guys who gave us this big transport fu.k up, are so arrogant that they think they still are the 'smartest and the brightest' of us all! They have brains so big,that they have to carry them in a wheelbarrow! Actually I would not have minded if they were so; that is smart; but look around you, what do you see, what have they left; if not a wasteland full of collateral damage for us and thousands of euros for them? Ene- Malta? AirMalta? BWSC? Oil procurement? Debt? Deficits? Excessive deficit procedures? Arriva? Small hospital(not paid) with a huge bill? Out of stock medicines? Illegal immigration somnolence? Even the water table is drying up! And all this when the 'quality' newspapers like the TOM and so called Malta Dependent,published nothing but fairy tales to their readers! The new transport system needs the old routes, old timetables and new buses and friendly clean drivers! Rocket science? No, but the 'smartest and the brightest' f.ked it up and,to add insult to injury they still think, they know it all!
The bus routes have to go to with their bus numbers.We need a new start bring back the old routes and numbers they were much faster and convenient to get from point A to point Z .All the government needs to do is give the old routes some spring cleaning to make them more convenient .
@EDWATCH: Your sarcastic attack on the Prime Minister betrays your GonziPN klikka membership who were totally and completely responsible for the mismanagement, if not worse, of the Arriva debacle. So stick your M where you most need it and leave the PL Government to sort out the whole and complete mess your PN government left this Country in, with CORRUPTION at every corner of this blessed Country. In a few months miracles have been achieved in the massive clean up that is required. If you, EDWATCH, are still around in 25 years time, maybe you can start your management course now to be in time to finish it.
PL does not require PN's advice. PN will never gain any political mileage because everyone knows the transport fiasco and the trauma that commuters went through. Remember that PN had promised us that we will have a state of the art transport system. Instead we went through hell with all sort of transport problems. Zmien il-buzullotti issa verament se jispicca.
PN bemoans government--- Excuse me, but wasn't the PN responsible for this major cock-up in the first place?
Oh my! Simon's chaps have gone crazy? Are they living in a world of their own? Has Bezzina ever been to work on one of the buses and 'arriva' in time? What we need is the old time table and decent non bendy buses+ non arrogant drivers. UHM and GWU should just shut their trap; there more workers out there having to wake up 2 hours early for work and arrive 2 hours late home than the 400 bus drivers presently working there. Anyway, the new service needs drivers so divers wont be out of work,but please,before the new service get,s in don't try to put spokes in: we have had enough from Arriva!
Priscilla Darmenia
@redmik. Deutche Bhan has an excellent and punctual service in Germany. What went wrong in Malta. Yes I know – Xi cuwc Malti was involved in the planning and setting up.
Priscilla Darmenia
il-veru buzzolotti ser jispiccaw. nispera!
Priscilla Darmenia
il-veru buzzolotti ser jispiccaw. nispera!
I find it interesting to read that some seem to blame previous users of the buses for the failure of them on Malta! Surely the 'blame' if there is to be any lies with those responsible for the acquisition of them for use here? Personally, I would like to say that service here on Gozo has been excellent and the skill of the drivers; excellent. I hope the new service will improve upon the old and that all those employed will retain their jobs.
Well don Joesph - get a bus driver license and start studying to M in Management - will see how well how well you are doing in a couple of months : great routes that pleases everyone - new and nice buses - no bendy suckers - always on time - no discriminatory fares - OMG NOBODY can wait for this revolution......... - GET ON WITH IT _ Merry X-mas !
Nahseb meta taqra li qal xi haga Toni Bezzina, m'hemmx ghakfejn tkun taf aktar x'qal, ghax hlief cucati ma jghidx !
"The government's Christmas party to 1,200 Arriva workers is leaving their future hanging in the balance," Bezzina argued. Toni Bezzina, meta iol-kbir Wistin qal li li zmioen il-buzullotti spicca halla barra li beda zmien it-tracedja tat-trasport f'Malta. Ton ghandkom hsieb li taghtu xi hafna karozzio zghar lill popolin biex il-karozzi tal-linja ma jintuzawx iktar? Jekk le minn se jiehu hsieb dawn il-karozzi, se jibdew jimxu bir-remote control? Tifilhu tghidu cuccati iktar? tifilhu tippruvaw d-bezzghu in-nies bil-babaw. Il-veru Partit tal Camiica Nera kien u Partit tal-Camica Nera ghadu. Mussolini spicca u terra Inthom ghadkom ma spiccajtux imma li se tkomplu tisfaxxaw u titterrew zgur, ghalinqas sakemm tibqghu tahsbui li ghandkom xi mandatto di dio biex tkomplu tmeximxu minn fuq il-popolin.
Shadow Minister for Transport Toni Bezzina, how about YOUR PN workers whom you kicked out after serving your party for so long? How is it that the PN never had any problems to pay its workers but then had no more money the day after the general election? Were they being paid through OUR TAXES? These questions have been asked by so many on the media but the PN never had the cajones to answer. Silence means that they were Toni.
id disastru li il pN wekka lil pajjizna gej fl ahhar fit tmiem.jidispjacini hafna ghal haddiema pero il post tax xghol taghhom ma din il kumpannija qatt ma kien sostennibli .il kumpannijija kienet qed titlef mat 35 miljun ewro fis sena.issa inhallu fidejn xmun busullotti jrewhh u jxewwex lil haddiema (minghalih).tghidx kemm qed jinkwieta miskin ghal haddiema u familji ta arriva ...hasra xmun li qatt ma ghitilna kemm kont inkwetat meta minhabba il frejjeg tal Pn eluf kbar ta haddiema jew ghadew min din is sitwazzjoni jew ghar ,ezempju haddiema ta airmalta,seamalta,dockyard shipbuilding,posta ta malta,lottu publicu u mijjiet ohrajn ! JA IPOKRITA !!!kollhu ghalxejn it tixwix tieghek...anzi se jiswik hafna ghar !!!
At last the 'fiasco' is at an end - thank goodness. I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that in Malta because of our size, we have an opportunity to provide a complete 24 hour bus service. The bus service is after all our only affordable form of public transport for the majority of people. It we really want to help people share in everything that is available then we need this kind of service for those who do not own vehicles for one reason or another, and there are more of them than most people realise. Also, if we had a 24 hour service then it's possible that car users would prefer to use the bus, especially if they want to enjoy a late night entertainment venue, this would surely help to reduce accidents etc.
Ask the people on the bus stops and you will find out what this 'public transport company headquartered in Sunderland, United Kingdom. It is a subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn.' ,,,,, i think you forgot something else... with Mercedes Bendybuses that london managed to dump here and get paid for them and they caught fire severel times HERE AND THERE,,, i dont feel like writing all the good certificates of Mercedes and London City here sorry!
Just a small point. Arriva is a multinational public transport company headquartered in Sunderland, United Kingdom. It is a subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn.
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