2013: was it really the year of Malta Taghna Lkoll?

Or was it just 'Malta Taghna... Kollha'? Why did Labour disappoint so early in the day with its meritocracy pledge in the first nine months of its administration?

Does this signature count anymore? Joseph Muscat signs his Malta Taghna Lkoll pledge at the start of the 2013 electoral campaign.
Does this signature count anymore? Joseph Muscat signs his Malta Taghna Lkoll pledge at the start of the 2013 electoral campaign.

IN TODAY'S MALTATODAY, we look back at 2013 and the year of 'Malta Taghna Lkoll' - or was this meritocracy slogan put paid by Labour's appointments of volunteers and campaigners and other party men and women to the country's top ranks?

Joseph Muscat, the young prime minister who clinched the reins power in a spectacular landslide victory in 2013, has been keen not to lose his reformist sheen. He stood up as a the principled emancipator piloting legislation that will give same sex-couples the same rights as married heterosexuals, including that of adopting children. But he also gave us a taste of a very different kind of leadership: a hawkish strongman who contemplated pushing back a group of migrants to war-torn Libya days after inviting European Commissioner Cecilia Malmström to take some of the migrants in Malta, to her home country Sweden.

Only a few months after calling on Europe to "wake up and smell the coffee" on Malta's challenge to cope with migratory influx during summer - the numbers of which remain a far cry from those that Spain, Greece, Italy and even Sweden itself cope with - Muscat find himself marketing the Individual Investor Programme in Miami, offering a fast-tracked Maltese citizenship and EU passport to anyone willing to pay €650,0000. Muscat had placed Malta under the international spotlight, for reasons that will have other countries watching us carefully, while some tut-tutting at the new prime minister's guile.

And when he turned meritocracy into an electoral battlecry, in which he used the Nationalists' shoddy 'evil clique' image to his benefit, it was his government that eventually staffed numerous boards with Labour candidates, supporters and campaign volunteers, while balancing this out with a few meritocratic appointments, like that of veteran journalist Reno Bugeja as PBS head of news.

Ever conscious of the power of political theatre and symbolism, he was magnanimous enough to appoint one of Labour's pre-election pet hates: Lou Bondì on a board responsible for celebrating Malta's 50th anniversary of its Independence, effectively turning the self-serving media merchant into a walking advert for Tagħna Lkoll. 

Excelling in balancing acts, his government clamped down on the previously untouchable Charles Polidano, while changing the goalposts in favour of land speculation through policies relaxing building heights and allowing even more development in the countryside. 

And in yet another gesture of political theatre his government awarded environmental crusader Astrid Vella a national honour on Republic Day, just a week after she launched the first national protest against his government's tottering environmental record.

But even this strategy of grand gestures can backfire, as demonstrated by author Alex Vella Gera's refusal to play the game when he refused a national honour on Republic Day that was originally meant to underline Labour's liberal credentials.

Malta has been returned to a part of the population but taken for the other half. It has been a year of constant turmoil, mini-scandals which were not delved into deeper (or else through lack of "spies" or "sources") by this newspaper which would have surely made for an interesting read. Had Labour kept to its pre-electoral promises I'm sure it would have won the next MEP elections hands down without much effort but now the tables are slowly turning back towards the PN because Gonzi is out of the picture, and Muscat is quickly becoming as arrogant as him during the last legislature with all his sly remarks about the past and what not.
Rita Pizzuto
James, ipprova kun kostruttiv f'kitbietek. Ipprova kun originali u mhux taghmilha ta' pappagall u tirrepeti dak li jghid Simon busuttil u l-akkolti tighu. Kont naghmlek aktar serju li kieku ippruvajt tassew tistharreg x'ghamel s'issa u kif biddel l-attitudni tal-maltin u gab sens ta' serhan boghod mid-decizjonijiet hzien tal-gvern ta' qabel li pogga lil Malta titqabbel mat-tielet dinji f'dik li hi korruzzjoni. Jekk thares madwarek tara min haxxen bwietu fl-amministrazzjoni l-ohra u tara li dawn huma l-ewlenin li qed jikritikaw bla sens gvern li ilu jmexxi biss tmien xhur u li diga' biddel lil Malta fi gzira li ghandha gejjieni. Nehhi l-ghamad u mur fit-toroq, fil-hwienet u fir-ristoranti halli tara l-bidla fl-mentalita' li gab grazzi ghas-serhan il-mohh li bid-decizjonijiet tieghu l-gvern ta' Muscat qed jagixxi. Gurnalist serju jistharreg hu, bhal ma ghamel il-mexxej ta' gurnali taghkom Saviour Balzan u n=mhux joqghod fuq li jghidu dawk li jridu jfarrku.
Maybe it should be: Janus Muscat?
Mela skont inti, min ilu snin jibla kollox wahdu u ghax issa nbidel huwa hazin ghax mhux skont il-meritokrazija. Nista' nassigurak li b'hames degrees dejjem sibt il-bibien maghluqin ghalija ghax jiena Laburist. Issa infethu ghax urew li jiena kapaci f'xogholi u meta ma ntaghziltx issa ghax hadu nazzjonalist li huwa kapaci aktar minnhi u hekk kellhu jkun. Mela inti titkellem fuq dawk biss li jidhru fuq il-Board tal-Kampanja elettorali biss? Iva l-kuncett ghadu jghodd...sur Debono.
Joseph Muscat has turned the PL slogan of 'Malta Taghna Lkoll' to "Malta Taghna Biss" and by "Biss" I mean the PL administration like Dom Mintoff did when he was in office. To bad the last PN Administration acted stupid and handed Joseph Muscat and the PL an upset victory with nine extra seats to rule by. Joseph Muscat is young and very ambitious and he thinks he is the cock of the walk and he also thinks that he can soon rule the world, but that is because of the lack of his political immaturity. I think that Joseph Muscat was badly informed about the Passport for Sale Scheme and it backfired on him, but he is too proud and not enough of a man to admit it. He is also very embarrassed by the way he is handling the huge problem at Mater Dei and he might be even more embarrassed by pardoning ex Mep John Dalli of all his sins. He solved the Arriva situation by getting rid of Arriva in order to put his own people in charge. Being the immature politician that he is, he does not realize that he did Arriva a huge favour by getting rid of them. Actually in this full year of being PM, Joseph Muscat has the same problems and the same attitude that the past PM had. Joseph Muscat is finding out that it takes more than "words" to run a country. It takes smarts and at the same time charisma which he does not posses. So this full first year in office has been a learning process for someone who thinks he is the Cock of the Walk, because so far he still has the same problems that the other administration before him had. One can only wonder what next year will hold but I hope he will not try to sell our Nationality and our Pride and Livelihood to any rogue around the world that can come up with 30 pieces of silver. Happy New year Everybody.
Le ma kienitx ghal kulhadd Malta taghna lkoll, ghax baqa hafna Nazzjonalisti li ghadhom bil-promotions li ma kienx haqqhom a skapitu ta ohrajn li jew ghax mhu PN tal-klikka jew ghax huma PL baqghu b'xejn taht 25 sena ta infiq bla razan tal-PN! Jien mhux qed nghid ghal haddiema iz-zghar u ghal kuntrutturi iz-zghar imma ghal ufficjali, kuntratturi kbar u konsulenti li thanzru fil-kuntratti sena wara sena u haddiehor-hafna minnhom ukoll tal-PN) baqghu b'xejn! Wiehed ufficjal tal-PN kien fuq 10 boards u kien jimpala 120,000 ewro fis-sena ghal xejn! Vera li Alla m'ghamilx id-dinja f'salt imma nispera li wara li PL jibni bazi gdida ta l-ekonomija taghna, wara li din tissahhah; jiehu hsieb lil dawk li gew abbandunati mill-PN u l-klikkek taghhom!
Let us all be honest about this matter. If one happens to talk to Labour supporters they will complain that they have been ignored and left out, while other staunch PN hot shots have been kept on board the new government.In the mean time certain posts have been refilled after some resignation by both Labour and other less noticeable PN supporters. So what is this all about? Is it not the case of Malta being returned to all of us? In the past last 25 years we all know that Malta was not Tghana il kholl but only to those in favor of certain elements within the PN Circle. Now things are on the move to see that all have our share. Also if one dose recognize ones efforts and decorates them with the highest level of merit in Malta, so should it be interpreted as trying to turn these into allies? If one refuses to attend and be presented should we call it that he refused to play the game? What game? So come on and be all fair about what is happening and judge by the actions than by other means of scales.
Should Malta have remained " TAL-PN BISS " ?????
Why are you sttill so biased against Labour James? You make me sick! An article full of truth twists and half truths. Shame on you James. You should start writing on the TOM or Il-Mumenet, it suites you better.
2013 was the year of the biggest con in Maltese political history....Mata Taghna Lkoll has become a sad joke.
The first step in creating malta taghna lkoll or a truly meritocratic society is to redress the balance of many worthy and capable persons who were shut out or blacklisted for many years simply because they did not belong to the ruling clique of the former PN government. These must be given a chance to prove their merit both as an act of delayed justice and also because they are eager to serve and contribute.The second step is to remove all those who were in undeserved senior positions and made a hash of it and who were there simply because of their political connections. Finally the third and most important phase will be to identify the truly deserving and capable in our society of which our tertiary institutions produce a select number each year and fast track them to senior positions independent of their political background or leanings. True technocrats and meritocrats serve the nation independently of who is in power. We must restore the spirit of nation first which in former times was the hallmark of our civil service.
It's certainly the year of "MALTA , jew li fadal minnha, MHUX TAGHHOM BISS!" Nationalist Party and it's sustainers ! ;)