Malta shocks Pope Francis

Happenings in the Roman Catholic island of Malta in connection with the Civil Union Bill and the right of adoption by same-sex couples, shocked Pope Francis who urged Bishop Scicluna to speak out against such issues.

Pope Francis was shocked when Maltese bishop Charles Scicluna informed him the Roman Catholic island of Malta was contemplating the introduction of a Civil Union Bill and allowing gay.

Speaking in an interview with The Times of Malta, the Bishop said he met Pope Francis on 12 December and discussed issues related to the Civil Union Bill and gay adoption. The Pontiff encouraged the Bishop to stand up and speak against such bills and "that is exactly what I did in my Christmas sermon". In a highly criticised sermon Scicluna argued God's own son was raised by a man and a woman, and not by two men or two women.

Pope Francis is said to have told the Maltese bishop that Christmas is no fairy tale, and one should face reality.

In 2010, when still Bishop of Buenos Aires Jorge Bergoglio, now Pope Francis had argued the Argentinian law allowing gay marriages was part of Satan's work to disrupt God's plan. He had also described gay adoption as a form of discrimination against children. However when questions about gays after being elected Pontiff ,he replied "who am I to judge?"

"My sermon was not about the rights of gay people but about children's rights", Bishop Scicluna argued.

When Parliament reconvenes, MP's will continue discussing the Civil Union's Bill, giving gay couples the same rights and duties as married couples.



Not as much as learning that Maltese priests have sexually abused boys under their care. Or did Mons Scicluna did not mention to the pope these abominations. He who is without sin Mons Scicluna let him cast the first stone.
Joseph MELI
So no 'urgings' by Pope Francis to speak out on the Maltese paedophile priests then or is this an unrealistic 'fairy tale ' that " reality cannot face?"
The Pope shocked with what?????....with the bishop`s interpretation, of the bill??????? or the truth about the bill.that it opens the way for gays to be CONSIDERED for adoption?...AND WHERE THE HELL WAS THIS BISHOP, WHEN CORRUPTION WAS THE HEYDAY OF THE LAST ADMINISTRATION....did he talk to the Pope then!!!!!
Who said that Malta is all Roman Catholic? Gays had the right to adopt in Malta. Where was the Pope and Bishop Charles Scicluna? They never callenged this law. I hope that we will mot have a repeat of the 60'6. I for one have always attended church but now I am seriously considering this. The church lost lotmof faithfull during the divorce debate and has not learned its lesson
No more SHOCKing than when BISHOPS shocked Malta with the Interdett in the 60's!
so if Gay marriages are Satans work,what are phedofile priests .What a bunch of hipocrits,Anyone can love just the same,and all men are created equal.
L-isqof Scicluna jaghmel hafna aktar gid lill-Knisja f'Malta jekk joqghod ftit lura milli jaghmel dawn il-kummenti kontroversjali, specjalment f'dawn iz-zminijiet. Jien personalment ma nemminx li l-Papa Frangisku kien ixxokjat kif qed jghid l-Isqof Gonzi Version 2.13! Kieku ma kienx jigi kwotat li fuq din il-materja darba staqsa: "Jien min jien biex niggudika lil dawn in-nies?". Ara l-Isqof taghna hasibha mod iehor u ta l-gudizzju tieghu. L-Isqof Scicluna m'hu qed jaghmel xejn hlief ikompli jbieghed in-nies mill-Knisja. Knisja li, sfortunatament u minkejja l-qdusija tal-Mahbub Papa Frangisku, thaddan fiha nies konservattivi bhalu (l-Isqof Scicluna) li jkomplu jaghmlu lill-Knisja f'Malta knisja ghax-xjuh, ghall-konservattivi u ghall-bigoti. Nispera li l-Arcisqof Paul Cremona jisma' dan l-appell u jrazzan dawn it-tip ta' diskorsi.
I myself don't agree with gay adoptions, but isn't this HYPOCRISY when the law has been like that for years on end? Doesn't the bishop know that gay adoption has been going on for quite a long time according to the law which did not discriminate between normal and gay couples?
Skuzani jien ma nemminx li l-Papa qal hekk lil Mons Scicluna! Ghax sa fejn naf jien il-Papa qal 'Min hu jien li niggudika'? Nistghu inkunu nafu jekk l-Papa qalx hekk ghax issa anke l-Maltin saru knonxju u sensittivi hafna lejn l-gays bhal bnedmin bhalna? Kien ixxukjat, jaqaw ghax hemm Gvern Laburista? KIen ixxukjat il-Papa jew il- MONs? Jien, b'dak li qrajt fl-istorja ta pajjizna fejn lil Papa kien jigi moghti stampa mhix veritiera mill-Kurja Maltija, mhix l-ewwel darba li grat: ezempju fi zmien Strickland; fi Zmien Mintoff u fi zmien Gonzi u fi zmien Mercieqa ukoll! Nistghu inkunu nafu l-istampa kollha u mhix bicca please?
Is there any doubt left that the church has abandoned its constitutional obligation to teach morality and is instead teaching immorality? It has become nothing more than a hate group run by men in funny hats.
Mons.nahseb li lil Para ma ghedtlux kollox ghax kien jixxokja aktar; Il Profit ta l-APS u l-profit li ghamlet il knisja.L-ebda hoss kif se jintefaq dan il profit. Il kwantita ta sodod vojta fil kunventi u l-klandestini irridu jsibu fejn se jorqdu. L-ingustizzja mat tfal abbuzati.Ghal skop ta propaganda meta kien hawn il Papa benedettu taw l-impressjoni li kollox se jirranga.Dahqu bihom u int Mons.Scicluna kont precimes. Issa trid tghid li l-Papa ixxokkja ruhu b'dan,xi trid it tfal ikunu abbuzati mis sacerdoti.
WHAT IS REALLY SHOCING AND would shock Pope Francis woud be haow the church of Malta has been run and how the herd has been dispersedwith MORTAL SINS and INTERDETT Labour Supporters Church never speaking out on Government treating labourites as "Children of a lesser God"! The Pedofile Priests running the Church Homes.... a never ending saga The way the church treats its priests with two wieghts two measures with BLESSING FR. JOE Beirut BORG and expulinsing Fr. Mark Montebellofor ther beliefs! The way the Church radio Station and Media is run where Journalists have to have a BLUE WRAPPING in their C.V. THAT IS WHAT WOULD BE SHOCKING for Pope Francis to know .... and he will not be getting any "Tweets" from Bishop Scicluna on these issues !
I would have thought that it would be much better to leave this matter in the hands of trained professional child psychiatrists and child social experts to decide whether a particular couple gay or not be allowed to adopt children. Personally I think that it would have been better for the auxiliary bishop to concern himself with a real situation and make amends for the seriously ruined lives of some former child inmates brought up in single gender church institutions.