[WATCH] Muscat heralds 2014 as year to celebrate ‘unbreakable bond’

Prime Minister says next President will be positive choice that will serve country above partisan politics

In 2013, Joseph Muscat was sworn in as prime minister
In 2013, Joseph Muscat was sworn in as prime minister

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat ushered in one of the most important years for Malta, when the island will mark 50 years as an independent country, 40 years as a Republic, 35 years since the departure of the British forces, and 10 years since Malta's accession to the EU.

Muscat said these historical and constitutional developments were part of the same chain that made the Maltese "one nation, in an unbreakable bond."

He said his government will be marking all these events with dignity and in national unity.

He paid tribute to outgoing President George Abela, formerly a Labour deputy party leader, appointed by Lawrence Gonzi in 2009.

"I am convinced that the next president will carry out their duty towards the State above partisan politics, as many have done before."

Muscat also said a new European Commissioner will be chosen in 2014, the same year that Malta will be electing six MEPs to the European Parliament in June.

Muscat said job creation and tourism figures were encouraging and that the 2014 budgetary measures would contribute to economic growth.

"I am however aware that the challenges families and businesses face are not small... we won't forget that families that can be better off, are suffering, and that there are still people without a job, or people not being served well by our hospitals. We will be addressing these matters in an honest manner," Muscat said.

He paid tribute to measures that will see utility bills go down, increases in university stipends, free childcare, and infrastructural projects for a maritime hub, a Gozitan cruise liner terminal and new traffic solutions.

He also said his government would be looking for new economic opportunities beyond the EU, listing China, the United States, the Middle East, Russia and even Africa as geographical regions of interest.

"I am determined to grab every opportunity that comes our way and give it to Maltese business, so that investment grows and jobs increase. We want more investment and attract people of great talent over here..."

No reference was made to the Individual Investment Programme, the citizenship sale that is expected to reap at least €30 million in 2014 alone.

Muscat said he felt duty-bound to redeem the trust he had been given in the last elections.

He described the Maltese as "hard-working", paid tribute to the role of the Armed Forces in saving migrants at sea, and said his government would elevate Malta beyond a perceived sense of "international inferiority".

He paid tribute to efforts to eradicate political corruption through the removal of proscription in such crimes, and the introduction of a Whistleblowers' Act. He said the next step would be a party financing law.

"We gave new civil rights to remove discrimination and introduce equality, with actions not words. We have ideas, the energy, and we will take strong decisions."

He reiterated a cautious apology many politicians invoke in their rhetoric. "We're not perfect. Looking back, you will find things that could have been done differently or better. But I can put your minds at rest that we will always keep our feet to the ground and listen to what you have to say. We're not stubborn, and we won't distance ourselves from you."

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