Former prime minister Sant annoyed at suggestion of ‘Nationalist president’

Sant replies to Opposition leader’s New Year’s message in which he says next president ‘should inspire national unity’ just as Lawrence Gonzi had chosen former Labour deputy leader George Abela

Choice of next president is prime minister's prerogative, says Sant
Choice of next president is prime minister's prerogative, says Sant

Former prime minister Alfred Sant has taken umbrage at a suggestion by Opposition leader Simon Busuttil that the next President of the Republic should inspire national unity, or perhaps, hail from the Nationalist camp of politics.

In 2014, Joseph Muscat will be appointing a new President to take over from George Abela, the former Labour deputy leader chosen by Lawrence Gonzi, as a token to national unity after four consecutive presidents appointed from the Nationalist parliamentary group.

Censu Tabone, Ugo Mifsud Bonnici, Guido de Marco, and more controversially Eddie Fenech Adami, were all party grandees who from 1987 onwards were appointed president: the first three by Fenech Adami himself as prime minister, before he was given the honour by successor Lawrence Gonzi in 2004.

Abela was appointed a year after Gonzi was re-elected by a thin 1,500-vote, relative majority.

In his New Year's message, Busuttil hinted that the next choice for president should not be reserved for a member of the Labour old guard kicked upstairs, as has been common political practice. "It should inspire unity, as did the choice of George Abela," Busuttil said.

"Unity should not be given just lip-service, but must be lived. It has to be built on strong values and principles," Busuttil said.

The choice of president is taken by the Prime Minister, usually in consultation with the Opposition.

But Sant will have none of it, writing in his blog that the prime minister's choice should be final and not dictated to by the Opposition. "The balance has yet to be levelled after all those years where people who simply were not Nationalist-leaning, were set aside," Sant, a candidate for MEP in the forthcoming June elections, said.

Sant said the Nationalist government's choice of George Abela, who resigned as Labour deputy leader in 1998 after Sant decided to announce early elections, was down to "occult reasons best left unsaid" and as a palliative to the Gonzi administration's "limitless arrogance".

"I'm annoyed at the PN's insistence that since the last President was a Labourite, then the next one should be a Nationalist... before [Abela] the last presidents were from the PN camp. Correct though their behaviour was throughout their tenure, every single choice increased the scale of what was political divisive. What's more divisive than a government appointing its former prime minister as president?" Sant said, referring to Eddie Fenech Adami's appointment in 2004.

Sant said that the discussions at the time, during which he served as Opposition leader, was that the decision was final. "I know this because I was there," Sant said.

Lawrence Gonzi had first proposed George Abela for the presidency back in 2004, ahead of Eddie Fenech Adami, but Labour had taken an ambivalent, non-committal position on the choice.

Abela's resignation was still a fresh wound at the time for Labour, then led by Alfred Sant. Abela had resigned upon the party general conference's decision to go for early elections.

In 2004, Labour had proposed its own list of nominees, namely former Ombudsman Joe Sammut, Yvonne Micallef Stafrace, wife of former Labour minister Joe Micallef Stafrace, and Joe Curmi, a little known former senior civil servant.

Gonzi had communicated his decision to opt for Fenech Adami to then Labour deputy leader Charles Mangion. Gonzi had insisted that the decision was final and non-negotiable. Gonzi faced a great deal of flak for his choice, while Fenech Adami publicly acknowledged the resentment surrounding his appointment in his inauguration speech.

Both Gonzi and Abela, who have known each other from their university days, were considered to be very good friends.

I agree with one of the other contributors. Why not appoint someone who hasn't been a politician ? Someone who has attributed much to the Maltese people & culture. There are such people out there and some of them are women too...Now that would be a nice change !
Din l-ipokrizija xebbaghtni ..... gonzi ghazel lil abela mhux ghax abela laburist .... dan kollu bullsh... gonzi ghazel lil abela biex minghalih ikisser il-partit laburista u "ipattihielu" ta' dak li kien ghamel fl-1998 .... nissuggerixxi mela li issa biex nigu "draw" - hux hekk irid il-buzu? - il-prim ministru muscat jappunta bhal president ta' malta lil franco debono .... jew lil pullicino orlando .... jew nahseb ahjar, lil mugliette ..... mhux nazzjonalist qalu li jridu? mhux nazzjonalist qed jghidu li jmissu jsir president? .... jekk abela kien laburist u ntghazel ghax kien laburist, mela allura kull wiehed minn dawn it-tlieta haqqhom jintghazlu ghax huma nazzjonalisti ..... u zgur li m'hemm ebda zball f'din il-logika tieghi ......
Gonzi-Simon-pn, is still arrogant and pretty useless to come up with ideas especially for unity of the people. The biggest scoundrel for divisiveness was Dr. Fenech Adami, and his latest escapade was the last election public meeting of Gonzi-Simon-pn. He does not realise that his "hate talk" has fed Gonzi, and his puppet Simon, with arrogance. He has become an embarrassment to both the PN, and the people as a whole. Labour has been elected to Govern with a big G in order to get the people of these arrogant and cheap politicians.
Dr AS has every right to be annoyed. I have been stressing for a long time that we cannot have true national unity until the scales of lady justice which have been heavily politically tipped to the PN side are brought back on a level plane. Only then can we start talking of meritocratic appointments which cut across party lines, of a level playing field and of Malta Taghna lkoll. Otherwise those who have been ignored, skipped over or blatantly discriminated against for decades will continue bearing the sorrow of having suffered an injustice and then shouting political expediency. This applies whether it is in the appointment of a president, a Board member or indeed a senior clerk or messenger.
Sur editur, Meta DR. Alfred Sant ma riedx jghid min huma "occult reasons best left to be unsaid" jien kont lest li nghid x'kienet ir-raguni, u ktibthielek, ghaliex Dr. George Abela irrezenja minn DEP. Leader tal-MLP.Din ktibtha lill-President Abela innifsu kemm il-darba; ktibtha lill-Onor. Min. Dr. George Vella u qatt ma cahdu; u ktibthielek lilek fuq dan il-blog u ma gibthiex. Jien nahseb li gustament din hi ta' news value u kellha tidher biex il-poplu Malti ikun jaf min veru hu DR.A. Sant.
David Bongailas
@Pirandello.......ghalfejn l-istess kriterji ma kontx tapplikhom ghall-partit tieghek ukoll ? Tippretendi il-bidla minghand il-labour meta int kont l-ewwel wiehed li ivvotajt biex kollox jibqa l-istess.
We voted for a Lobour adminisration not more of the same rubbish. If Labour chooses a PN politician, What is the PL doing in Government, they should move over and let other people Govern.
Il-politku moħħu biss biex id-deċiżjonijiet joħodhom hu f'kollox. Ejja nħallu lill-poplu jiddeċiedi min għandu jkun President, inkella ssir klawsola fil-Kostituzzjoni li l-President ta' Malta għandha dejjem tkun persuna li qatt ma kienet involuta direttament fil-politka. Imbasta suppost li l-Labour wiegħed politka gdida, dejjem qed jiggustifika li jsir il-ħażin bl-iskuża li min kien qabel fil-gvern għamel ħażin. Fejn hi l-bidla?
We are indeed flabbergast with Dr Busuttil comment that he wishes to unity in our country and suggests that we should have Dr Lawrence Gonzi as our next president when their party does not even want to attend any meeting which Dr Franco Debono as head of the committee which has been set up to implement changes in our legal system which include changes in our constitution which are long overdue. This is where he has to show us his first step at unity and then maybe we should consider his opinion for choice of a President which has to be left to up to Dr Muscat.
I was flabbergasted by the 'unity' and national consensus brought about when Tabone Demarco Mifsud Bonnici and Fenech Adami were made Presidents by Nationalists Prime Ministers. Its time to be again flabbergasted by a Labout President. Up to now we have 4 PN Presidents and 3 Labour ones; after an other Labour President only then will the President come from the oppositon benches!
I believe that the party in government elected by the people by a vast majority should make his own decisions ,and not do what the opposition or anyone else tells him .thats why the people elected him to do and speak on our behalf .
M'hemmx htiega li biex ikun hawn consensus nitwikkew bi president nazzjonalist. Fil-kaz jinstab bniedem tal-affarijiet tieghu mela wiehed minn tal-PN.
Ir-Ragun huwa u ghandu ikun biex il-poplu Malti jaghzel huwa il-President tieghu u mhux il-politikanti. Il-Politikanti huma sefturi tal-poplu "Suppost" u mhux jiddecicu kollox, daqt ikolna bzonn permess biex nidhlu go Latrina, jew biex imorru ma mara, u halluna nghixu. La Malta Taghna Ilkoll kullhadd ghandu ikollu sehem fid-decizjoni u mhux billi jghidu Snat, Simon jew xi appostlu iehor. Malta taghna Ilkoll, jekk ma inkun minn jaghzlu lili xbajt inhallas taxi u nahdem ghal pajjiz u qatt ma hadt xejn anzi dak li kelli dritt ghalih hadulu Gonzi u il-Klikka tieghu. Tkomplux thokku dahr xulxin. Kemm baqet mahmuga il-politika f'dan il-pajjiz tal QAMEL.
was down "to occult reasons best left unsaid":Lil Dr. Sant nghidlu li jumejn qabel jien kont ktibt lis-Seg. Gen. MLP Jimmy Magro ittra Reg No. 000169, fejn ghidtlu li Dr. Sant kien hareg bil-mohbi l-Inkjetsa Must. Azz. li investigat il-frame-up ta' missieri, Karm Grima, u li dan jammonta ghal krimini konstituzzjonali minn Prim ta' Malta.Ktibtlu l-importanza ta' din l-Inkjesta ghall-posterita' u biex jien ghad xi darba inkun nista' nikxef il-veri politici kriminali li wettqu dan il-frame-up fahxi tas-seklu. Wara jumen Dr.George Abela irrezenja minn Dep. Leader. Jien inhossni moralment konvint li din kienet ir-raguni li irrezenja Dr.Abela minn Post tal-MLP. Dan ma jahdimx ma nies immorali bhal Alfred Sant.
Jekk Joseph ipoggi president nazzjonalist allura imur ifittex lilhom meta tasal xi elezzjoni u mhux lili.
I agree with Kelina.
The unity shown so far by the PN during the last 9 months is the rubbishing of Malta's name overseas, and the arrogance shown by the insistence to dictate what a government with a 9 seats majority to do and not do.Example: That everyone chosen by the last PN administration must keep his post.
"" What's more divisive than a government appointing its former prime minister as president?" Sant said, referring to Eddie Fenech Adami's appointment in 2004."" The above reminds me of Putin`s Russia and their musical chairs.
How about appointing someone who is not connected with politics such as a philosper, artist, writer or cultural icon. Somebody who symbolises what is best in Malta. I am fed up with our petty politicians.
Sant ghandu ragun. allura tabone,Mifsud Bonnici,Demarco u Fenech Adami ma gabux National Unity? Il President il gdid ghandu jkun Laburist. Ikun l-akbar insult lill laburisti jekk Il PM jghazel President mill kamp Nazzjonalista. Gonzi ghamel lill abela president ghax hekk kien jaqbillu mhux bhal rispett lill laburisti. l-ghazla ghanda tkun; jew George Vella imma nahseb li kullhadd jaqbel li Dr Vella ghad fadallu hafna x'jghati lill pajjiz. Ghalhekk l-ghazla u nahseb li tkun tajba u kompatibli ma dik li se jhalli warajh Dr Abela hija in Nutar Miriam Spiteri Debono, mara ezemplari,valuri sodi, saqaja ma l-art, uriet xi ssaraf fil krizi parlamentari. Mara li tghamlilna unur u cert li zomm il pajjiz mghaqud. Jekk tal PN irridu konsensus allura jaqblu maghna mhux naqlbu mahhom ahna.
Prosit.It's good to remind the people what they did in 25 years.