PL calls on Simon Busuttil to shoulder responsibility for Arriva's ‘fiasco’

Labour Party says Opposition has no credibility over public transport issue

In the wake of the PN calling for better public transport, the Labour Party has blasted the Opposition for its "lack of credibility," and has called on Simon Busuttil to shoulder the responsibility for Arriva's demise.

On Thursday, government-owned Malta Public Transport Services Ltd, officially took over the bus operations in Malta after signing a share-transfer agreement with Arriva, together with a debt of around €10 million. The agreement marked the end of Arriva, just two and a half years into its ten year contract. It also involved the company taking over Arriva's assets including its vehicles, shares and its public transport license.

Upon the government announcing the share-transfer agreement, PN Transport spokesperson Toni Bezzina said the public now expects the public transport service to better than last year's.

"The PN does not have any credibility when it comes to public transport. Their comments regarding Arriva's fiasco do not have any credibility as they are giving the impression that Arriva's demise is the government's fault," it said.

"Everyone is aware that the government inherited Arriva's situation from the previous Nationalist administration," the PL said.

While acknowledging the difficulties that engulfed Arriva's stay in Malta, PN spokesperson Toni Bezzina also said the public transport reform led to the introduction of a number of services and facilities, among which include environmentally friendly buses and low bus fares for students, the elderly and frequent commuters.

"The responsibility for Arriva's demise and the subsequent effect on the Maltese commuters now lies on Simon Busuttil."

The Labour Party has lauded the government for signing a share transfer agreement with Arriva, which agreement is set to "give the public transport back to the people."

It also praised Transport Minister Joe Mizzi for waiving the discriminatory pricing between Maltese and expats and the government for safeguarding the workers' future.

Halluna had your pre-election agenda. Don`t`treat people as fools.
Simon m'ghandu ghalfejn jerfa' l-ebda responsabbilta'. Ir-responsabbilta' jridu jerfghuha Joe Mizzi u Joseph Muscat li mill-bidunett ghamluha difficli bil-kampanja negattiva taghhom li l-Arriva topera b'success f'Malta. Issa huma jridu jerfghu l-konsegwenzi tat-taghfiga li wettqu f'dawn l-ahhar gimghat meta ghamluha impossibbli li l-Arriva tibqa' topera f'Malta. Issa Joe Mizzi huwa kuntent li ahna, it-taxpayers, se nibdew nissussidjaw ukoll lill-barranin li jigu jqattghu ftit jiem f'Malta bhala turisti. Issa ferhan ghax bahnan flok ma ggieled il-glieda li l-Maltin ihallsu inqas ghax huma qeghdin jissussidjaw dawk il-prezzijiet u mhux it-turisti.
There is definitely a need to seek answers to the question: how come Arriva can operate successfully in 15 European countries, but not in Malta? But I don't see how Simon Busuttil has anything to do with it.
Can someone pinch me on the backside so maybe I wake up? Does the Honorable Bezzina make part of the same PN, the same one who fielded political bullies such as AG and Delia? Is this the same party that promised us in front of the world that "zmien il-buzulloti spicca"? How can this MP have the guts (wanted to use another word here) to say such things? Does this Honorable MP know how much we have already forked out and how much we are still forking out to have a barely acceptable system, a system which is the baby of the illustrious party he makes part of? How can the PN ask for a better transport when it made a belly-up of its chance to give us, the PAYING public a decent transport system? X'ardita' ta nies!!!
“The government is focussed and is working towards handing public transport back to the people....” PL statement. - A sure recipe for disaster, wait and see
Where is AG and Mallija,first they make a big rotten omelet then they make a disapearing act