MEP candidates agree on keeping politics out of Presidential selection

Nationalist MEP candidate Stefano Mallia and Labour counterpart Cyrus Engerer agree on taking politics out of the selection process for new President.

PN candidate Stefano Mallia (left) and Labour candidate Cyrus Engerer.
PN candidate Stefano Mallia (left) and Labour candidate Cyrus Engerer.

Nationalist Party MEP hopeful Stefano Mallia said that there was no need to make the selection process for the next President "a political one."

In a note uploaded on his facebook page, Mallia wrote "For a change, why can't we appoint somebody who has never been directly involved in politics. I'm sure there are a number of candidates that would do us proud just like the previous ones have done us very proud."

He added that by "going down this route it would also give the chosen individual a much greater freedom to develop and fulfill the role of the President."

After publishing the note on his facebook page, Mallia's campaign team issued a press release, in which it pointed out that "Mallia's position is in contrast to the one taken by the PN, who are vying for a person to be chosen from the Opposition rather than the government."

In reaction to Mallia's message, Labour MEP candidate Cyrus Engerer wrote a message on his own facebook page in which he supported Mallia's call to select a President from beyond the political duopoly.

"In contrast to (PN leader) Simon Busuttil's position, the President should not necessary hail from the Nationalist camp. I agree with Stefano Mallia on this. The President of Malta should be a person who unifies," Engerer wrote.

He added that persons who support the Labour Party are also capable of uniting the country and in a veiled attack on Busuttil, the MEP hopeful wrote "the sense of superiority of who believes that only they are capable of leading the country must end."

I for one agree with the two gentlemen. Let us see now if the brainwashed commentators on both sides will still manage to turn this into a blue/red mudslinging contest.
Good idea, let's remove the extra public spend on electing a president, although I hope public opinion is sought.
Igor P. Shuvalov
That's the right attitude.Why do we have to politicize the appointment of a person who is supposed to be above politics?