Francis Zammit Dimech expected to contest MEP elections

Former minister Francis Zammit Dimech expected to be among PN candidates contesting 2014 European elections.

MaltaToday is informed that Opposition MP Francis Zammit Dimech will this week be announced as a European Parliament elections candidate.

The former minister is expected to be the only heavyweight candidate on the PN list.

MaltaToday is informed that the party's commission screening potential candidates interviewed Zammit Dimech yesterday evening.

The PN is expected to announce its second batch of candidates on Friday, with Zammit Dimech and customs officer Norman Vella expected to make the final cut.

The PN has so far selected eight candidates for the May 2014 European election; incumbents David Casa and Roberta Metsola, entrepreneurs Helga Ellul and Jonathan Shaw, lawyers Stefano Mallia, Kevin Cutajar and Therese Commodini Cachia and PN youth section president Kevin Plumpton.

In the two previous elections, the PN only elected two candidates, Busuttil and David Casa, and the PN has openly set its sights on winning an unprecedented three seats.

Earlier this year, the former Nationalist minister Francis Zammit Dimech unsuccessfully contested the PN leadership contest. Although coming in third behind eventual winner Simon Busuttil and current PN deputy leader Mario de Marco, Zammit Dimech is a hugely popular figure with the party's grassroots.

Zammit Dimech, 58, contested the general elections for the first time in 1981 and was first elected to Parliament in 1987 and in all subsequent general elections.

In 1990 he was appointed Secretary of Transportation and Communications and following the 1992 election he was promoted to Minister for Transport and Communications.

In later years he also served as Minister for the Environment, Minister for Resources and Infrastructure, Minister for Tourism and after Tonio Borg's appointment as EU Commissioner in November 2012, Zammit Dimech was appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs.

In last year's general election, Zammit Dimech was elected from the tenth district and if he does get elected in the May elections, his seat is most likely to be filled by former MP Karl Gouder.   

The PN wanted to present a heavyweight so they have chosen a dinosaur. Tarxieniz1, if he was the hard worker as you described in your post, can you tell us why he was left in the cold by the PN followers in the last general election and was elected only by the by-election? And by the way, is he going to give away presents to gain some votes this time? He is known for showering presents to those who promised to give him their vote.
The PN wanted to present a heavyweight so they have chosen a dinosaur. Tarxieniz1, if he was the hard worker as you described in your post, can you tell us why he was left in the cold by the PN followers in the last general election and was elected only by the by-election? And by the way, is he going to give away presents to gain some votes this time? He is known for showering presents to those who promised to give him their vote.
Wishing you. the best Francis. You are a hard worker in the opposition MINORITY party, Hope you to see you not an MEP.
Maureen Attard
Wishing you the best Francis. You are a hard worker in the PN. Hope to see you an MEP.
Spoilt for choice !!!!
With all the regeneration they talk about, they cannot even muster a credible list of candidates - of course, they will field 'martyr' Norman Vella to try to bolster some enthusiasm.
dr zammit dimech i will vote for you to become an mep but with one condition just ask the editor of malta today to change the photo of you from the portal thanks and all d best
Nawgurawlu, forsi jkun eccezzjoni u jaqbes ghall-gid tal-Maltin.
Good grief. Is it April the first already?
Jiena haddiem issa iktar ma nivotax l ewropa ghax ma jiltirax mela nipqu nakkwistaw il poter .
Brussels calling...... Brussels calling...... Kellna lil Richard CC, kellna l-Simon B, ghandna l-Casa u issa jonqos FZD. Jidher li sabuha l-mecca.
David Bongailas
Exactly the fresh and new face the PN needs.......wait wait wait.......I will try to keep a straight face while repeating the same phrase.....oh who am i kidding..........lololol!!!
He will need many more 'Teddy Bears' to distribute to voters, this time !
Il-PN qeghdin fi krizi tant li anqas qed isibu kandidati ta' stoffa.