Updated | 'Consensus can be struck if government addresses Opposition's stand'

PN Leader Simon Busuttil says Opposition is committed to repeal the scheme unless government accepts citizenship is not for sale • Government questions Opposition's credibility after comments

In a scathing attack against the government's revamped Individual Investor Programme, Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil insisted that in order for the government and the opposition to strike a consensus on the contentious citizenship scheme, the government "must address the opposition's stand."

"The programme only underwent cosmetic changes and is still a scheme that intends on facilitating the sale of the Maltese passport. Nevertheless, the Opposition is still willing to extend its hand of cooperation and strike a consensus but only if the government addresses the opposition's stand that the Maltese citizenship is not for sale."

Originally capped at €650,000, the sale of the Maltese passports to wealthy non-European expats has seen the government and the opposition in a tug of war with the opposition vehemently insisting that it is "against the sale of the Maltese citizenship in principle", while the government arguing that the IIP scheme would ultimately be of benefit to Malta's coffers.

Following weeks of negotiations between the government and the opposition, the requirements of the contentious scheme were changed but nevertheless, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said, the two sides could not reach an agreement, citing the five-residency period as the main bone of contention. Nevertheless, the government's recent discussions with stakeholders saw the scheme's requirements changed from the previous €650,000 donation and also saw the government saying the scheme will no longer be led by the private company Henley and Partners.

However, addressing the media and members of the Civil Society Committee this evening, Busuttil said that it was not true that the government waived Henley and Partners exclusivity.

"Upon analysing the details of the IIP and Henley and Partners publishing applications for the sale of the Maltese passport, it is evident that they are the sole concessionaires of the scheme," he argued.

Moreover, he said that under the current scheme, applicants are still required to deposit the €650,000 to Henley and Partners and argued that nothing is holding the concessionaires back of running with Malta's money, a feat which would ultimately be incurred by the Maltese taxpayer.

Flanked by Nationalist MP Claudette Buttigieg and MEP candidate Roberta Metsola, Busuttil insisted that Henley and Partners should not be responsible of committing the assessment of applications as there could be a conflict of interest.

Meanwhile, following the government announcing that the IIP would be capped at 1,800 succesful applications, the PN leader disputed this, citing a loop hole in the programme that would allow applicants' relatives to benefit from the scheme.

"Notwithstanding the amendments, relatives of the applicant can acquire the Maltese passport.If the applicant's family and relatives are included in the application, the number would obviously be much higher than the envisaged 1,800, a far cry from the government's promise."

Busuttil reiterated that Malta's citizenship cannot be given a monetary value as it would diminish its value. Moreover, he insisted that the revamped citizenship scheme did not address the opposition's main objection that the Maltese passport cannot be sold.

"By simply amending the price of the Maltese passport and the nitty gritty details of the citizenship scheme, the government did not address the opposition's stand."

"It is useless to reduce the price and present a citizenship scheme when in reality the scheme is still committed to selling the Maltese passport."

The PN Leader also argued that the revamped citizenship scheme is still harming Malta's reputation as international media were having a field day at Malta's expense.

In a dig at the government's claims that the bad reports were "planted" by the opposition, Busuttil insisted that the government and its scheme are the sole parties responsible to Malta's name being tarnished all over the world. 

The PN Leader urged the government to stop the scheme until parliamentary discussions are finalised. He reiterated the Opposition will challenge the legal notice to repeal it.

The rest of the meeting between Simon Busuttil and members of the MCESD was conducted behind closed doors.

Commenting after the meeting, the PN Leader insisted that the members of Civil Society committee expressed worry at the "cash-for-passports scheme."

'Opposition's comments on citizenship scheme are not credible' - Government

Meanwhile, in a reaction, the government lambasted the opposition for its "defiant" stand against the Individual Investor Programme.

"The PN's comments are not credible. While the government extended its hand of cooperation to numerous stakeholders and the opposition, Simon Busuttil remained defiant in his party's stand."

"If the Opposition really wanted to strike an agreement, it could have done this during the meetings between the government and the opposition, but instead it insisted with its obstinate stance."

The Labour government also urged the opposition to veer off from its political game and insisted that it should not keep on using every tool at its disposal to shed a bad light on Malta.

Simon the sparrow, you can put it the other way round and consensus can be struck if you come to terms with the Government proposals. Although you'll have to come to terms whether you like it or not, because if you forgot, let me remind you Sparrow, you are in no position to dictate because you're not only the leader of the opposition but also with a nine seat deficiency.
mr carcia tal pn patriotti hahaha taf li internawhom fil gwerra kien jadurawh il mussulini imbasta kontra malta faxxisti bil provi
For heaven's sake Simon stop wasting the wnation'ns time. Joseph move on with the IIP.
Ramon Garcia Simon the protector of our identity? The present government turning Malta into a whore? Simon was one of those, nay he was the CHIEF (percimes) who with barefaced lies hoodwinked the people to prostitute Malta and themselves to the European Union. He made Malta and the Maltese the whores of the whole European Union member countries, not the present government Ramon. What about the 7,000 citizenships and more thann 300 citizenships to ILLEGAL immigrants all given for free by your GONZI without knowing anything about who they really are as they destroy their papers Ramon? Which is better, having applicants pay more than a million euros and being screened by different entities or dishing thousands of citizenships to unknowns without any screening as your GONZI government has done, especially dishing out some 2,000 in the year before the election? Such arrogance from pn apologists.
The PN do not want consensus. They want to impose their minatorial will on that of the majority. The government has listened to public opinion and amended its stance. They, on the other hand, have not reciprocated. They seem to believe that they have some god-given right to set the national agenda. Well, I have some news for them. That right is ours - the citizens of the land. We clearly told them that we are fed up of their arrogance and want change. If they persist in travelling the road they seem to have chosen, they deserve to be relegated to the garbage bin of history, For their own sake, they should read the signs of the times and start working in the national interest.
For heavens sake what sort of an argument is the fear that the operating company runs away with the money. In all sincerity is this kind of arguments the people expect from the LEADER of the opposition. Simon sounds like a member of a street kids club.
Read this "In a dig at the government's claims that the bad reports were "planted" by the opposition, Busuttil insisted that the government and its scheme are the sole parties responsible to Malta's name being tarnished all over the world." There was no denial, THEREFORE....
Simon if you are going to continue with these childish opposition tactics ,your party will make you resign and you wont even make it to the next election.In nine months you are still the same in the polls,very big thanks to you.Keep it up.
Consensus??? Issa nini nini. Kellkom cans imma webbistu raskhom ghax min ghalikom li ghadkom tigvernaw. Joseph has cut you down to size, dear Simon.
"He reiterated (Dr Busuttil) the Opposition will challenge the legal notice to repeal it" This time round the Government members will vote "Bil-Qalb" against the repeal not as defiance to the Opposition but because they are responsible enough not to shy away investors with intent to apply for the Maltese IIP scheme.
The Uk has just announced it will start a citizenship scheme. So Simon is trying his best to ruin Labour's IIP scheme. What a plonker.
Simon Busuttil wants the Government to address the Opposition's stand - which has been NEGATIVE, NEGATIVE AND MORE NEGATIVE. Why should the PL even bother with you when you clearly do not want to co-operate but just want to continue with your childish stands of playing games. The Country needs grown ups and not boys to run its business and until you grow up to be a man you just stand on the benches and learn. It is very clear that the PN under your leadership (sic.) does not accept the concept of Malta Taghna Ilkoll and so the PL Government should and must, in fact, stop pampering your PN klikka and concentrate on reversing the injustices the PN and its cronies perpetrated over 25 years plus of corrupt government.
I would rather have "Simple Simon", "God Almighty" or a "PN aristocrat any time as long he is a real patriot.....Simon is the protector of our identity. I`m sorry to say that this Government is trying to turn Malta into a whore.
I hope that if the PN really thinks it might win the third MEP seat, hopefully it does not continue to shoot straight in its feet. Now it's becoming too obvious that the only aim of the PN is to destroy each and every move the labour government does to achieve for the benefit of our country. Simon Busuttil's attitude is encouring me to once more vote for candidates on the PL ticket.
Simon and the PN aristocrats are intentionally misleading the public and intentionally degrading Malta's reputation internationally, by interpreting this IIP scheme as a sale of passports to foreigners. I am sure that those present are intelligent enough to understand the difference between a sale and acquiring their citizenship through this scheme. As far as everyone knows a sale of something can never be revoked, and that is why this is not a sale of Maltese passports, due to the fact that it can be revoked if conditions are not met for acquiring the passport, if information for acquiring the passport was false, or if other conditions where Malta's reputation can be put in disrepute, and other conditions that the Government is putting in place to safeguard Malta's reputation. The Government should hold the PN responsible for any losses that Malta and the Maltese tax payers stand to lose by the false propaganda that the PN is intentionally and falsely distributing internationally. Nobody has the right to marginalize my reputation as a Maltese Citizen internationally for his personal political gain, even if I do not agree with the Government but the Government still was given the right to Govern with the overwhelming majority of the Maltese electorate, and this bickering should be put to and end. I do hope that the Government takes the bull by the horn and sue the PN for any losses incurred.
Just who does this clown think he is? God almighty? Xmun knows full well that once this scheme takes off, it will be so successful that it will be impossible to repeal or denigrate it. Therefore, he is exercising his option to damage and sabotage as much as possible its chances, without giving a damn about Malta's future finances. That is how brilliant this Simple Simon is!
Simon has to be reminded that his party has lost the last elections? With 9 seats less he is telling us that he either has his way or he will continue to put spokes in this scheme? I am not going to vote for those Maltese MEP who are spiting all of us in front of foreigners!