Update 3 | PM orders removal of tent outside Mater Dei's day care unit

Prime Minister orders removal of tent and marquee set up outside the day care unit.

Workers taking down marquee
Workers taking down marquee

The Prime Minister has ordered the removal of the tent and marquee set up outside the day care unit at Mater Dei Hospital.

Workers are now pulling down the marquee.

Government sources told MaltaToday that Joseph Muscat had not been informed that a tent would be set up in the car park in front of the day care unit to be used as a reception.

"The Prime Minister gave an order for it to be removed the minute he got to know," the sources said.

It is not clear whether the decision to use the reception as a 'treatment room' will also be reversed.


The health ministry is setting up a tent for an outdoor reception centre at Mater Dei Hospital, after a decision was taken to fill the day care unit's reception area with beds.

A spokesperson for the health ministry confirmed that the reception area will now be used as a treatment area, in preparation for the influenza season.

"Mater Dei always experiences an influx of patients between January and February due to influenza cases," the spokesman said. "To mitigate such a scenario, a decision has been taken to temporarily use the reception area as a treatment room."

The spokesperson said the reception was a large enough area to be utilised without blocking access to other areas.

The decision sparked concern amongst nurses and hospital workers who witnessed workers setting up the tent structure for the reception centre.

MaltaToday spoke to various people on site, who confirmed that the day care unit's reception area will be hosting patients.

The move has angered both nurses and MUMN officials who only came to know of the decision after a tent and a marquee were being set up.

"MUMN was not aware of such tents and neither where the nurses working at the day surgery unit," MUMN president Paul Pace.

In a statement, Pace said the union's officials were forced to leave a function being organised by the Labour Party to attend urgently to the angry calls from the nurses working at the day surgery unit.

"People will now be told to wait in tents while the reception area, which is not an area to nurse patients, will now start to accommodate more patients on stretchers," Pace said.

"So besides the corridors with patients on stretchers, the reception areas in Mater Dei Hospital will also be having patients on stretchers. Next decision might be the roof or the car park."

The MUMN said long-standing problems at MDH were simply being shifted to corridors and reception areas instead of being properly addressed.

"It is a pity since this is causing more patient suffering and with the patients are the nurses," Pace said.

The MUMN said that promises of stakeholders being involved in the decision-making process were "simply nice words and in reality fake".

According to the union, nurses at the day surgery were angry at how they were being treated by the management, disappointed and de-motivated.

"Nurses are being treated in shameful manner with all hospital policies being broken due to bed shortages. MUMN is issuing directives without any notice as per the civil service agreement and registering a dispute in MDH."

Overcrowding at Mater Dei Hospital has been a constant problem since the hospital started functioning. In 2012, private hospital St Philip's Hospital was considered as an alternative to Mater Dei's hospital bed capacity problem. Negotiations had started by the previous administration and the hospital owners, but the then Labour Opposition had strongly objected to the idea.

The proposed agreement would have seen the government pay €850,000 per year with an option to buy the 100-bed hospital for €12.4 million from the third year.

Easy Ramon, because citizens were too fed up with the previous bunch of corrupt, arrogant imbeciles that took Malta too close to an economic abyss!!!
How did this country end up being governed by a bunch of incompetent and arrogant fools?
Madam Marie, lanqas ghad ghaddiet gurnata li ma kellekx tibla dak li gerfixt il-bierah fuq il-Ministru u fuq it-TINDA !
Jien hsibt li rega gej Dragut bis-suldati tieghu, hahahaha. St luke's ????
Yes it is true that a tent structure would convey a wrong image of the quality of our hospital services. However it is also true that there is likely to be a surge of patients this winter especially because of the seasonal increase in flu cases who cannot be turned away. I suggest that the gov should invest in rapidly deployable portable multifunctional structure to deal with the risk of seasonal surges. These strutures which satisfy all health standards are widely used abroad by hospitals to accommodate a sudden influx of patients or while new permanent structures are being built. I personally saw them in leading hospitals in the UK and Canada. Such a facility would also boost the resources of our national emergency services in the case of a major disaster.
Maureen Attard
The minister should resign immediately. He is not capable to be a minister.
It looks good for coffee mornings.
Min kellu x-xorti hazina li jmur l-isptar f'dawn iz-zmienijiet ta kull sena jaf kemm is-sittwazzjoni tkun kerha. kuriduri ippakjati, nurses jigru jipruvaw ilahhqu ma kullhadd. Niftakar meta l-MLP kien jikritika li Gvern Nazzjonalista dwar l-ippjanar tal-Isptar li fih nuqqas to sodod, kienu jgibu li skuza li juzaw St.Lukes u anki kienu semmew li jghamlu mini minn St Lukes sa Mater Dei biex it-tobba, nurses u pazzjenti ikunu jistghu jaqsmu malajr minn sptar ghall-iehor. Baqaw iwebbsu rashom u illum kulhadd jaf xi problema jkollna specjalment fix-xitwa. Jista jsir xi haga biex flok St.Lukes jibqa mitluq kif inhu se jaqa bicca bicca, jibda jintuzaw xi erba wards minnhom biex hemmhekk jintbghatu mill ewwel pazzjent bil mard tal-Influenza?
Great idea of the tent wow, is the circus coming to Mdh? Get rid of the Pn management and don't take or consider there silly ideas pls. Hope the LP wake up before its too late!Mdh is getting worse by the minutes. WAKE UP LP NOW!!!!!!!
konfuxu are you that naive to think that the PM was not aware of the tent being set up in front of the Hospital? Give me a break konfuxu, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he ordered the tent in the first place. Remember that shit runs downhill and the Health Minister is taking the fall. Same will happen if the Passport for Sale Scheme does not succeed. I am sure that Dr Mallia will be the fall guy but only if the Scheme does not succeed because if it does succeed then Mr Joe will get all the credit. We will wait and see.
@ ta_zaqqu fommu. Is-soluzjoni hi li jirrangaw l-isptar ST Luke u jibdew juzawh min l-aktar fis. Imma la il-PN u anqas il-PL ma huma kapaci biex jiehdu pass bhal dan. Soluzjoni ohra li itellaw zewg sulari ohra fuq Mater Dei. Imma Rashom ibsa. Jistghu jipprovaw jaqtaw l-immigranti illegali li qeghdin jiehdu hafna miss sodod.
I agree with the PM to remove the tent, it is the worst idea ever. All Malta and Gozo knows the need of more space at Marter Dei and if there was the need of erecting this tent either that we have an influenza outbreak the least the authorities should have done in informing the people. If the people were informed with the URGENT reason to erect such a tent I am sure that it would have been taken much more lightly. And for sure that there would have been no reason for the PM to interfere. It is common sense not ot create eyesores, if a tent is needed for a short term it would have been much better to erect it in some space which is no eye sore thus creating all this hullabaloo.
The health minister showed from the outset that he was not cut out for the job. The PM also showed that he had no confidence in him when he appointed Dalli to fix the mess. The situation keeps getting more interesting by the minute.
Jista min jikkritika jipprovdi soluzzjoni. Jekk MDH beda zopp mill-ewwel gurnata, isiru l-mirakli u jibdew ifaqqsu s-sodod? Isa ha nisimghu.
The best thing build another floor or two on it.It's cheaper then 12.4 for St Philip's.
@ Toni Borg. Don't blame John Dalli for the arrogance of our government after all they are the ones who put him in that place. After all he is now one of their boys but they do not like what he has to say. If Godfrey Farrugia does not know what is going on at his hospital then he should resign immediately. Again that is what happens when you send boys to do a man's job!
What on earth is going on in this country of ours. According to Mr Joe, he was not aware of the tent going up until it was set up. Yea right. The MUMN and the nurses also were not aware that the tent was going to be used as a reception area for our State of the Art Hospital. A la Malta style, first we throw the rock and when it brakes the glass we realize that we should not have thrown the rock towards the glass. I don't believe this is ignorance but it shows how arrogant some of our politicians are. As the proverb goes, you are supposed to look before you leap not look after you leap, you bunch of arrogant politicians. We cannot prove that Mr Joe was not aware of the tent being set up as a reception area, but like many others, I have my doubts. I think this government like the one before it, under estimates the people's intelligence but the people are starting to wake up and smell the coffee Mr Joe. I believe those were your own words. Mr Joe you are once again caught with your pants down but I don't think you can squirm out of this one. You keep ignoring the people and I think your reign as a PM is going to be a very lonely one term affair. Mr Joe, people do not like to be looked down upon as second class citizens and if you haven't noticed Mr Joe et al, we put our pants on one leg at a time same as you. Got it?
Naqbel ma Toni Borg, Dizastru nholoq fl-IT department Mater Dei minn John Dalli, Mark Sammut, Aaron Cauchi u Sharon Young. Daqt jibdew ihossuha il-pazjenti! Baqaw imexxu u ihawdu 4 Nazzjonalisti u twarrab kulhadd!
Naqbel ma Toni Borg, Dizastru nholoq fl-IT department Mater Dei minn John Dalli, Mark Sammut, Aaron Cauchi u Sharon Young. Daqt jibdew ihossuha il-pazjenti! Baqaw imexxu u ihawdu 4 Nazzjonalisti u twarrab kulhadd!
Who is the minister of health? Dr Joseph Muscat? Does he have to do everything?
If the Minister if Health wants to create space for more beds then he should move out John Dalli and his entourage from the offices they are occupying at Mater Dei!!! After all so far Mr JD has created nothing but problems and a report which everyone is distancing himself from not to mention the fact that the Head of IT has had to resign from his post thanks to the arrogance with which Dalli and Mark Sammut are implementing certain decisions!! Was it Godfrey Farrugia that approved the setting up of the tent? Is he aware of the on goings within MDH?? Once the tent would have been set up I was expecting the clowns to show up next!!!
Minister for Health, Godfrey Farrugia, should immediately resign due to his incompetent decisions.
Receiption open air!!dan makienx fi roadmap hux?
Gvern tad-tbaswir u tat-tined -baqa bl-ideat immoffati ta qabel
Jekk mill-ewwel kien imbazwar dan l-isptar state of the art anzi sa jaghmel xi haga il ministru biex dak li jkun jinqeda ftit ahjar mhux bhal meta kien hemm zewgi Alla jtih il genna meta kien hemm il gvern precidenti 13 il siegha f'emergenza f'nifsu maqtuh u 4 t'ijiem fil kurutur dinjita ta xejn ma 22 persuna ohra toilet wiehed ghal dawk il pazjenti kollha lanqas imhadda ma kellhom tawh lizar mitwi biex jaghmlu taht rasu, lanqas fejn tbiddel hwejgek baqa bl'istess hwejjeg li mar bihom nibqa nghida din sa kemm il Bambin jiehu lili issa.. Grazzi Ministru Godfrey Farrugia talli qed taghmel il proverbju jghidlek bozobba billi kellhu iddobba hi, l'aqwa li dak li jkun ma jaghddix min dak li ghaddejna minnhu ahna u hafna ohrajn bhalna, dak il Ministru Joe Cassar ma nahfirlu qatt.
Ix-shareholders huma fil-maggoranza kbira taghhom tan-nobilita f'Malta. Cassar Torregiani and Co. Kull min jaf l-istorja jew kien ighix dak iz-zminijiet, jaf ghalfejn kien iservi National Bank u min kienu xi whud mill-impjegati tieghu. Kurjuz hafna l-fatt li s-sentenza inghatat mill-Qorti wara tant u tant snin. F'25 sena shah il-Qorti tal-Gustizzja f'Malta ma sabitx hin biex taghti sentenza. Dak iz-zmien Mintoff kien ghdu haj u seta jirribatti dak li qed jinghad illum. Issa x-shareholders, in-nobbilta ta Malta jridu kumpens li jitla ghal miljuni. Kumpens li se jhallas ghlih il-poplu u se jmur fil-bwiet tal-Nobbilta Maltija. Nispera li l-Gvern Malti jappella minn din is-sentenza.
finally everyone is admitting and seeing that Mater Dei state of the art has a problem before it was only a labour gimmick to win votes
F'hiex wasalna, qisna fl-Afrika bit-tinda!
Dawn bis serjeta jew??????