‘The government is expected to be the ideal transport operator’ - PN

PN Transport spokesperson Toni Bezzina says transparency can only be achieved if the government publishes Arriva agreement • Rabat route bus evacuated

The Nationalist Party has called on the government to publish its share-transfer agreement with Arriva, one week after state-owned Malta Public Transport Services Ltd. took over the contry's public transport operations.

"During this transitional period, it is crucial for the government to be transparent in its operations. Consequently, prior to handing over the operations to a new operator, the PL government must publish its agreement with Arriva to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the real picture," PN Transport spokesperson Toni Bezzina said.

January 2 saw Transport Malta and Arriva officially sign a share-transfer agreement, bringing an end to Arriva's two and a half years in Malta. The agreement saw Transport Malta take over Arriva's vehicles, shares as well as its operations.

However, the government is yet to publish its agreement with Arriva - a bone of contention for Toni Bezzina who is saying that transparency can only be achieved if the government publishes its agreement with Arriva.

"A better public transport system can only be achieved if the government publishes its agreement with Arriva. This would allow all stakeholders and the government, to discuss the positive aspects of Arriva's stay in Malta and more importantly, to address its negative characteristics," Bezzina argued.

The shadow minister also deemed the transitional period as very important as it allows Malta to analyse the public transport and recommend measures to improve quality and efficiency.

"The government is expected to be the ideal transport operator - a feat which can only be achieved if it ensures an efficient service, a control on bus fares and subsidies as well as the safeguarding of workers' future," the PN spokesman said.

Meanwhile, a bus was evacuated today as a precautionary measure after an overheated exhaust pipe created smoke in the back of a bus.

No one was injured while the bus suffered no major damage.

The incident occurred in the vicinity of Rabat.

Malta Public Transport Services Ltd said the evacuation was in line with safety norms.

Igor P. Shuvalov
"The government is expected to be the ideal transport operator - a feat which can only be achieved if it ensures an efficient service, a control on bus fares and subsidies as well as the safeguarding of workers' future," PN spokesman. Mr Spokesman have you woke up from a long slumber... where were you when your Government contracted Arriva to take on our public Transport?
So Mr Bezzina you expect the government to be the ideal transport operator? You must be very uninformed because this whole transportation Fiasco was created by the PN in the first place. I do not recall Austin Gatt telling us how much his little Arriva venture really cost the Tax Payers? Arriva was brought in by the PN and it turned out to be nothing more than a flop and a huge cost to the Maltese Tax Payer. And yet now you expect the PL to give the Maltese people a better public transport system because the PN failed? That is a very stupid statement to make Mr Bezzina. The PN are the ones who created this whole transportation fiasco in the first place but alas the PN is gone lock, stock and barrel. I know you are a politician and we forgive you for that, but please try to use some common sense before you open your mouth. Sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut and look stupid than to open your mouth and prove it.
Ton ma tahsibx li taghmel ahjar jekk l-ewwel tistaqsi lill Wistin taghkom biex jghajdilna x'kien fih il-ftehim li ghamel hu ma l-Arriva u wara staqsi ghal-ftehim li sar issa halli tkun tista tikkumpara. Iva dak iz-zmin iktar kien jinteressak kif se jinzebah xi kazin Nazznalista
The PN amaze me each time they issue a statement. This time they are saying that the Government should be the ideal transport operator. What a cheek. Why don't they ask that arrogant minister that made this disaster to tell us how ideal was he. Taking the same argument in account, one could say that the people that the PN Government was supposed to be an ideal finance operator. But what was the result. A €6 billion debt on the Maltese coffers. Can anyone take them seriously?
"The government is expected to be the ideal transport operator ". This must really take the biscuit or whole tin of them from a PN party which messed up our whole transport system and spent over a hundred million euros to achieve the award of the booby prize or gieh il-wooden spoon.