Tonio Fenech says he would vote against civil unions bill

Nationalist MP says he would not vote in favour as neither he nor the PN agree with legalising adoption by gay couples

Nationalist MP Tonio Fenech says he would not vote in favour of current civil unions bill due to adoption clause
Nationalist MP Tonio Fenech says he would not vote in favour of current civil unions bill due to adoption clause

Opposition MP Tonio Fenech has insisted that he will not vote in favour of the current civil unions bill, because it gives same sex couples the right to adopt children.

"If I had to vote on the current civil unions bill, I would vote against because it gives gay couples the right to adopt - a principle which the Nationalist Party disagrees with," Tonio Fenech said while being hosted on Radju Malta's Ghandi xi Nghid.

"As a result, I would not be inconsistent with my party's stand, and would vote against the current civil unions bill."

Now in its second reading, the Civil Unions Bill seeks to legalise and recognise the relationship between same sex couples, a law which was proposed by both the PN and the PL in the run up to the election.

However, Tonio Fenech said that neither party had included gay adoption in their respective electoral manifestos, a stand also voiced by Auxiliary Biship Charles Scicluna who had said the government does not have electoral mandate to introduce gay adoption. 

The current civil unions bill seeks to enable same-sex couples in formal unions to adopt children as a couple, a clause that the PN has since sought to waive.

"Just as marriage law does not make any reference to adoption, the same should apply for the civil unions bill," fellow Nationalist MP Chris Said told parliament in December.

"Consequently", Said had argued, "legal provisions on adoptions should not be included in the bill, but conversely, the issue should only be regulated by the adoption act."

On his part, Tonio Fenech said alongside the PN, he is against the current civil unions bill because of the adoption clause and also renewed calls for the government to listen to the opposition, rather than "steamroll" over it.

Nevertheless, the former finance minister said that the child's wellbeing should be at the top of the agenda and also insisted that adoption is the children's right not the couple's.

"In the run up to the election, the Labour Party had said that it would carry out social impact studies prior to implementing any laws which might have an everlasting effect on society as a whole."

"However, just as it did with the citizenship scheme, the government bulldozed over the opposition and moreover, it went back from its word and did not conduct a social impact study on the adoption of children by same sex couples," Fenech stressed.

While making a distinction between marriage and civil unions, Fenech also said that neither the PN nor the PL had said that civil unions would be equal to marriage in all but name in their respective electoral manifestos.

Priscilla Darmenia
One of the very rare times I agree with Tonio Fenech. Did he have another vision?
Maureen Attard
You should have been the leader of the PN ~Tonio. I'm with you in this regard.
Without any scruples whatsoever in connection with the oil scandal where millions upon millions were defrauded from the people and yet scrupulous about equal rights for individuals as guaranteed by the European Charter of Human Rights. What a sham!!!!! Maybe the Virgin Mary appeared to him with instructions to discriminate between Her loving children. I do not believe so. I believe these people think that playing politics is going to save them from eternal judgement for the wrongs they have committed to their fellow citizens for the sake of politics.
Tonio Fenech you never learn. If the Gay and Lesbian community wants to be able to adopt, be assured that this administration will comply with their request, whether you vote for it or not, or for that matter if the whole PN administration is against the vote you lose. Remember that the PL has 9 seats, nine critical votes to overrule the PN. It only took one measly vote to put you and the PN out of office. You and the PN have four more years to absorb and understand all of this, so hopefully it will come to you after the remaining four years. Your comrade blew it in the last election when he decided to sell you and the PN Administration down the tubes. Unfortunately that is what politics are all about, Tonio Fenech. VOTES.
Frankly it is naive to even imagine that conservative MPs the likes of Tonio Fenech ( we'll hear of a few more later ) voting in favour of the law with or without any reference to adoption.
What an immature decision. he is stuck in the middle ages. Enjoy the opposition!
If all catholics had a history like Tonio, I would resign from the Church.
I believe the minister will come to regret this decision. It might even damage his long-term political career.
The POLITICIAN than can make just anyone weep ! Truly PATHETHIC !
Igor P. Shuvalov
Dr Fenech you can do what you like with your vote, but at least you should not try to give the impression that the civil Unions bill give the right to gay couples to adopt children... it gives them the right to "apply" to adopt children, a right which the present adoption law gives to married couple, to single persons and EVEN to gays. Under this bill adoption is the children's right , a right which is safeguarded by the adoption act.
Illostra! Rega ra lil madonna tibki? Ara l-iskandlu taz-zejt ma rahx u ma kienx jaf x'inhu ghaddej?