Live-blog of the European Parliament debate on citizenship for sale
MEPs debate the sale of citizenship in cross-party resolution on Malta's Individual Investor Programme
The European Parliament today debated a motion for a resolution on EU citizenship for sale, presented by the major groups in the EP - ALDE, socialists, EPP, and greens. For more on the resolution, scroll down. Tweet on #citizenship4sale
Going home, saddened, after listening to the bashing of my country in the European Parliament. — Arnold Cassola (@ArnoldCassola) January 15, 2014
7:08pm We're back to Greek minister Dimitrios Kourkoulas who is concluding the debate, saying he takes note of the "strong feelings" expressed on this matter and that he will inform the Council. "However, the Council has not discussed the specific issue that is the subject of the debate and has not taken any position. It is for member states individually to decide on their citizenship rules... however member states should ensure that their domestic laws respect European treaties."
7:01pm Point of order from Labour MEP Claudette Abela Baldacchino: "We cannot pick on a country and isolate it. There are other countries with similar schemes and initiatives. I urge this House to recognise that this debate is on citizenship and undertakes a reasonable approach on this subject."
6:57pm Labour MEP Marlene Mizzi: "This is an internal matter... even Oppositoin leader Simon Busuttil said that the interference of this parliament would set a dangerous precedent... so why are we debating this when other member states have their own citizenship schemes? It's not right that Malta's sovereignity is being attacked, whoever is trying to humiliate Malta for partisan interests should be ashamed of themselves."
6:56pm I think it's safe to say so far that this hearing has been a bloodbath for Malta, with so many MEPs (save for two Maltese Labour MEPs) speaking out against the sale of citizenship.
An unidentified MEP suggests that member states should stop Maltese IIP citizens from entering other member states if they are against the sale of citizenship, while socialist Irish MEP Sean Murphy is now saying the IIP is a disgrace considering the efforts by so many EU member states to keep asylum seekers out of Europe. "This is a tale of two Europes."
6:49pm An appearance by John Attard Montalto, Labour MEP... he is directly addressing Viviane Reding. "She accepts the fact that citizenship is a national matter... the objection is not whether money is paid or not but whether there is a direct link (to residence) or not. So let us crystallise the problem and not make [Malta] the scapegoat of the EU."
6:47pm EPP member Sean Kelly calls the IIP "ridiculous" - "if Malta was not part of the EU this would be of no concern for us, but this goes everything we stand for."
6:41pm EPP member Krisjanis Karins says the EU needs investors to create jobs, and member states need to offer "a carrot" for investors such as temporary residency visas. But he accuses Malta of employing a 'citizenship by investment' scheme that is solely aimed at making a good deal of money. "We cannot sell citizenship in Europe."
6:40pm EPP member Wim van de Camp makes a point on shared responsibilities for member states like Malta, saying that the member state cannot take decisions without regard to its effect on other member states, especially when it makes recurrent calls for solidarity for its own purposes. Italian MEP Marco Scurria calls it 'ius pecunia' - citizenship by money - overturning the traditional concepts of citizenship such as ius solii (citizenship by being born in a country) and ius sanguii (citizenship by ethnicity).
6:34pm Labour MEP Joseph Cuschieri intervenes with a point of order (it should have been a question...) to say that the Labour government actually consulted with the Opposition on the final version of the IIP, but Casa reiterates his previous statement that it was the Maltese government that did not consult with the European Commission.
6:32pm "We don't want this scheme to put us in a bad light. We want you to trust a person who holds a Maltese passport. We want the Maltese government to listen to what is being said over here."
6:31pm Nationalist MEP David Casa: "This is not a discussion against the Maltese government but against the IIP."
6:27pm Alternattiva Demokratika Arnold Cassola tweets: "EP debate, so far embarrassing"
EP debate: x'misthija s'issa — Arnold Cassola (@ArnoldCassola) January 15, 2014
It seems that Portuguese MEPs are also coming under pressure, from none other than Portuguese socialist MEP Ana Gomes, on the country's own golden visa.
6:26pm Carlos Coelho (EPP): Every member state has the right to define its citizenship but that should not include the right to sell citizenship... the Maltese government's scheme is trying to bring in citizens without a genuine link to the country... rights demand responsibility."
6:23pm Liberal MEP Renate Weber - a Romanian MEP, whose citizens were not even allowed into the Schengen zone to work without a special permit, such as in Malta up until 31 December 2014. "Some politicians are criticising Romania for granting citizenship to Moldovian citizens... that's not the problem, the problem is the sale of citizenship."
6:20pm Labour MEP Joseph Cuschieri: "Among other things, this motion speaks of European values that unite us as Europeans... solidarity between member states and respect of sovereignity of member states. We must avoid any prejudice against any one member state. Let us be prudent. It is not right to concentrate on one member state. Otherwise we would be creating a precedent on the sovereignity of one member state... we need to have the courage to open the doors to those who want to invest in Europe and create jobs."
MEP @JoeCuschieriMEP makes a point... — Parlament Ewropew MT (@EP_Malta) January 15, 2014
6:17pm Nationalist MEP Roberta Metsola says the majority of Maltese do not want the IIP and that she and other critics have been labelled as "traitors". "This parliament is also the Maltese people's parliament... our rights are not for sale... we want a Europe built on a strong body of rights."
@RobertaMetsola Maltese Citizenship is not for Sale #citizenship4sale #Malta — Jonathan Shaw (@shawjon) January 15, 2014
6:11pm Marie-Christine Vergiat from the United Green Left: "This is absolutely unacceptable, especially from the member states who tend to lecture on others... this is a way of hiding money laundering. We see crocodile tears over the Mediterranean. It is absolutely disgusting to hear calls for solidarity..." - a harsh reference to Malta's stance on migration. This comment is redolent of the contradiction at the heart of Malta's citizenship scheme.
EU Presidency: There is no infringement of EU treaties and citizenship is a matter of national competence — Glenn Bedingfield (@GlenBedingfield) January 15, 2014
Marlene Mizzi uncomfortable with all this ... — Jonathan Shaw (@shawjon) January 15, 2014
6:07pm Liberal MEP Jan Mulder also chimes in with the "citizenship not for sale" line. "Just selling citizenship to someone who doesn't even set foot in the country is clearly a mistaken approach."
Marlene Mizzi sat behind Göncz taking in what was clearly not a socialist position "in favour" or not against Malta's IIP.
6:06pm "I call on the EC to look closely at member states' citizenship schemes closely and issue recommendations on these programmes."
6:04pm Socialist MEP Kinga Göncz. "That the wealthiest seems to be getting privileged access seems unfair."
6:02pm EPP MEP Manfred Weber says the debate and resolution must focus on the role of Malta in starting the citizenship scheme. "Malta's approach is wrong, and many other member states have different rules. The original proposal allowed citizenship to be obtained without an applicant even setting foot in Malta. We want the legislation abolished, the government should reach out to the Opposition's extended hand... Maltese citizenship is valuable. I appeal to the people of Malta: tell your government that citizenship cannot be bought."
5:59pm Reding says she doesn't want the Commission to decide how member states should grant citizenship, but to get member states to understand the consequences of their actions. "National decisions are not neutral to other member states and the EU as a whole. The principle of sincere cooperation, which is inscribed in the EU treaty, should lead member states to take account of the impact of decisions of granting nationality."
5:58pm "In compliance with international law principles, member states should only give citizenship to people with a bond to the country. Do we like the idea of selling the rights provided the rights by the EU treaties? My answer is certainly no. Citizenship must not be up for sale."
5:55pm EU Commissioner for Justice Viviane Reding is now addressing the EP. "Awarding member states' citizenship means granting EU citizenship, a series of EU rights - right to move and reside and work in the EU, and stand as a candidate in European and municipal elections - as well as creating obligations on other member states. Naturalisation decisions taken by one member state are no neutral to other member states or to the EU. It is an entry door to the EU treaty and the rights that EU citizens enjoy. A passport is not just a paper - it is a set of obligations for EU citizens."
5:54pm Greek minister Dimitrios Kourkoulas - as representative of the Greek presidency of the European Council - on the citizenship resolution: "Member States should have sufiicnet trust in each other to recognise differnt nationa provisinos governing naturalisation. The Council has no position on this."
5:02pm The Times has comments from EU Commissioner for justice Viviane Reding claiming that the IIP should be linked with residency, citing "international law" that says citizenship must be linked with residency. "While acknowledging that member states had the right to decide on issues dealing with the national citizenship, she pointed out that as an EU member state Malta was also legally bound to consult with other countries as such a decision would also have repercussions on them."
4:59pm In other news...
INTERVIEW ON RADIO CANADA: Crowdfunding a Maltese passport for an asylum seeker - @mondepasrond #citizenship4sale — Passaport Project (@antipassport) January 15, 2014
4:26pm You can follow the #citizenship4sale debate on Twitter
4:24pm The Socialists & Democrats have just issued a statement:
European Socialists and Democrats urge rational debate in citizenship controversy
Hannes Swoboda, president of the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament, commented on the debate: "Granting citizenship in any European country also means granting European citizenship, so, this is therefore not a national issue which just concerns Malta, but a European issue. Because it is a European question, we need a co-ordinated European approach to citizenship rules.
"The recent Maltese case is merely an opportunity to discuss the topic and highlight the need for a European framework. Similar practices are in place in other countries and this artificial overreaction is unhelpful.
"The Socialists and Democrats Group agrees in principle with the main points of the tabled common resolution. We will however demand the deletion of individual references to Malta because several countries are concerned and we deem it unfair to single out individual countries on an issue that concerns us all. If the EPP were serious, they would aim to discuss the issue seriously instead of creating a furore."
4:20pm Who signed the cross-party resolution? You can read it here [LINK]
EPP Manfred Weber, Véronique Mathieu Houillon, Salvatore Iacolino, Wim van de Camp, Marco Scurria on behalf of the PPE Group
Socialists Kinga Göncz, Sylvie Guillaume on behalf of the S&D Group
Liberals Jan Mulder, Renate Weber, Graham Watson, Sonia Alfano, Marielle de Sarnez, Ramon Tremosa i Balcells on behalf of the ALDE Group
Greens Judith Sargentini, Ulrike Lunacek, Jean Lambert on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group
Others Roberts Zīle, Janusz Wojciechowski, Peter van Dalen, Susy De Martini
4:17pm Ahead of the debate on citizenship, Alternattiva Demokratika has issued the following statement: "Prime Minister Muscat's scheme is insensitive and offensive to human dignity since it distinguishes between rich foreigners who are considered to be of 'high value, talented and high calibre' whilst the average Maltese who earns €15,000 euros a year is not deemed so," AD chairperson Arnold Cassola said.
"This notwithstanding, Alternattiva Demokratika augur that the references to Malta in the voted resolution are removed. The Maltese people must not be punished because of the insensitivity and incompetence of their Prime Minister."
The resolution expresses "concern" that Malta's citizenship scheme - which sells passports for €650,000 and €350,000 in a property acquisition and €150,000 in government stocks - "undermines the very concept of European citizenship" and that Malta should "bring its current citizenship scheme into line with the spirit of the EU's values".
The resolution, which is expected to be amended under pressure from the Socialists and Democrats Group, Labour's political family, also expresses concern "at the implications of some of the investors' and citizenship schemes that have recently been established by various EU Member States."
MEPs accept that matterrs of residency and citizenship are the competence of member states, and not the EU, but the resolution calls on members to "be careful when exercising their competences in this area and to take possible side effects into account."
The resolution also says that "EU citizenship should never become a tradable commodity" and that citizenship of the EU and its rights "are based on human dignity and should not be bought or sold at any price".
It also warns against money laundering, and the risk of a bidding war on citizenship schemes that would lower "standards and requirements for obtaining Schengen-area residence permits and EU citizenship."
The Commission was also called on to assess the various citizenship schemes in place across the EU.