Updated | Prime Minister blasts ‘shameful opposition tactics’
Muscat says government is ready to move forward with IIP citizenship scheme.
(Updated with PN's reaction)
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat had no words to spare in condemning what he said were tactics pursued by the Opposition to attempt to bring down the Individual Investors’ Programme (IIP).
Addressing the media after a visit to St Sebastian’s primary school in Qormi, Muscat said that Opposition leader Simon Busuttil "should be ashamed" over the lobbying in the European Parliament by Nationalist MEPs against the government’s citizenship scheme.
“It is a political embarassment for the opposition, not for the government. There’s wide consensus that Busuttil’s tactics were unpopular in trying to tarnish Malta’s reputation overseas.”
Muscat said Malta was grateful to the Socialists and the Greens in removing the mention of Malta in the European Parliament’s resolution. He also thanked Labour MEP Joseph Cuschieri and Labour’s delegation for their “intelligent work.”
“There were MEPs who realised the real goal behind PN’s lobbying and were not ready to be part of this. There were MEPs who became aware that Malta’s citizenship scheme was just an issue of Malta being more competitive than other Member States. But I don’t recall any MEP working against his national interest,” Muscat said.
He said he could not agree with the work done by the Nationalist MEPs, especially David Casa who asked Barroso why the Commission remained silent.
“Months away from the EP election, Casa is simply afraid of losing his seat. He’s just doing anything for some more exposure.”
The Prime Minister remarked how the resolution itself said it was not binding, and that the government’s intention was to move forward with this programme.
“The Commission will not be happy about this since it is always seeking to have more power. But this issue is up to the respective Member State’s competence. We took note of the EP’s stand, as we have done on other issues such as abortion, but we have also made a decision.”
Reacting to the Prime Minister’s statement, the Nationalist Party said his comments were intended at "muzzling anyone who opposes the citizenship scheme... including the European Socialists,” referring to Labour's political familiy in the EP, whose members are also opposed to the IIP.
In a press statement, the Opposition said it was unacceptable that those who were voicing their concern on the IIP were “insulted and discriminated against.”
“The Prime Minister should stop bullying and harassing his critics. After all, the debate on the IIP in the foreign press and EU institutions started because of the government’s stubborn approach to go ahead with the scheme in the face of this opposition.”