PN will 'not be intimidated' by accusations of harming national interest

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil hopes 'genuine dialogue' can adequately address and resolve concerns surrounding citizenship scheme.

The Nationalist Party will not be intimidated by accusations of harming national interest because it was speaking up on the cash-for-passport scheme, Opposition leader Simon Busuttil said today.

Addressing members of the media and constituted bodies in the traditional New Year's exchanges, Busuttil said Malta had always been an active player in dialogue within the European Union and international fora.

It was in this spirit that today he looked at the European Parliament debate on Malta's scheme promoting the sale of Maltese and European citizenship, he said.

"We hope that through genuine dialogue, concerns and issues are adequately addressed and resolved. We will not be intimated by unfounded claims the we are harming the national interest. It is the scheme that has undermined national interest," the PN leader said.

In his address, Busuttil said it had been honour and privilege for him to assume leadership of the Nationalist Party. Looking back at the past year, Busuttil said one could not forget that 2013 had brought big changes to the party, including the change in the country's administration.

"We did not merely concede defeat but carried out self-examination. A report was drawn up, we made it public and it was discussed by the public," he said.

"We are a party that evolves with the dynamism required. The PN is founded on principles which acknowledge and promote national and European identity. A party which believes in the generation of wealth through a competitive Malta."

Busuttil said it was not by coincidence that the PN headquarters was called Dar Centrali: "It is the centre where party activists can come and voice their concerns. During the years this party was in office, other homes (party clubs) on the periphery suffered. But now we see dialogue as key for the PN to thrive."

In his speech, the PN leader expressed concern over the situation in Libya and Syria. Noting that wars were not the only source of migratory flows, Busuttil reiterated that the European Union had to share this burden.

On the upcoming EP elections, Busuttil said he hoped that whoever is elected continues to work hard and actively participates within the EU.

A soldier defends his country in war without asking questions whether his country is in the right or wrong. A soldier can become a traitor and fights agaunst his country. So can a politician. Lets hope we do not elect more of these kjnd of politicians.
No Simon. YOU and your party stop being sour grapes. U please 'tqridx aktar'. L'schema se tkompli.
If the PN are against the principle of the scheme, then there is no room for dialogue, even a simplton knows this. THe PN anyhow had already left the negotiations, who do they think they are taking for a ride?
Abdullah alhrbi
Oh go on Simon keep confirming that RCC is still pulling your strings. What leadership are you referring to? Lol the expressions of the men standing next to you say it all, Beppe Fenech Adami being the most obviously crass about, looking into the near future when he would become King. Well you keep faithfully to the script RCC prepared for you dear, keep up the spirit of 2008.
Religio et Patria ha ha ha imma bmin tridu titnejku! I recoment a better motto Deceit and Poison!
It doesn't take a milligram of grey matter to understand who stirred up this fracas and the PN quite obviously may have overplayed its hand here. As the saying goes there is a price to pay for the decisions you make.
Trid tkun ghami bil kilba tal Poter biex ma tarax il hsara li qed tghamel li pajjizek
There is no doubt that the PN leadership "wicchom u sor....xorta", as the very apt Maltese saying goes. They are a despicable lot who have betrayed the Country time, time and time again, and they have no remorse for doing so. Their betrayal stems from their leaders' actions in the First World War (the Court Martial of Enrico Mizzi on sedition), in the Second World War (their deportation from Malta as a threat to the Nation), in the mid 1950s and their use of the Catholic Church to achieve their aims in the 1960s, the use of Admiral Birindelli to try and stay in power in 1970, their betrayal in the early 1980s with transmissions from Sicily, and the Formigoni meetings in Malta to attack the PL and Malta in the 1980s. Then they depleted completely Malta's coffers and went beyond, much beyond that to the tune of a National debt of 6 billion euros. And now the final straw - 90 years of betrayal of this Country.
'genuine dialogue'? do you know what it means, Simon and company?? History has repeated itself in the last three leaders of the Nationalist Party. You should all be ashamed. Joseph, this is all happening because you're extending your hands towards those who never had the Maltese Interest at Heart i.e the Nationalist Party. Do not thrust these people any more because they are continuing to ruin our lives after 25 years in government and even while on the opposition benches. They don't know how to play fair, they don't know what democracy means or is. As Gonzi said, they are those sent by god to rule and no one else can.
Tradituri Maltin Ipokriti Imiskhom Tisthu Basta nikwataw il poeziji MALTA LEWWEL U QABEL KOLLOX jekk tafu xitfisser.
Tradituri Maltin Ipokriti Imiskhom Tisthu Basta nikwataw il poeziji MALTA LEWWEL U QABEL KOLLOX jekk tafu xitfisser.
Is this a 'first' in the European Parliament that a political party worked and sweated to harm its own country and the interests of its citizens?
Is this a 'first' in the European Parliament that a political party worked and sweated to harm its own country and the interests of its citizens?
The PN will not succeed to party on Malta's financial coffin no matter how hard they try. The Maltese will resist treachery.
Nafu tibzax X'QOXRA ghandhom tal-PN.... kif jaslu u sa fejn kapaci jaslu bla rispetti u bla rimors u BLA EBDA LIMITU u f'liema livel baxx kapaci jaqghu!