The bloodbath of European indignation

Malta’s sale of citizenship gets a hammering from MEPs of all political hues and ideological currents inside the Strasbourg plenary

Marlene Mizzi looks on as the EP debate starts with socialist MEP 
Kinga Göncz describing the citizenship scheme as unfair.
Marlene Mizzi looks on as the EP debate starts with socialist MEP Kinga Göncz describing the citizenship scheme as unfair.

Malta was shamed inside the European Parliament as Joseph Muscat's citizenship by investment programme - the Individual Investment Programme - was given a hammering by MEPs chiding Malta for granting EU citizenship to the rich, while being the first to demand solidarity on the influx of dispossessed asylum seekers seeking refuge into Europe.

The rhetorical bloodbath came mainly from the Nationalist Party's political family, the European People's Party, but also from socialists, radical left-wingers, as well as liberals and some greens and conservatives.

The cross-party EP resolution, which calls on Malta to repeal its citizenship scheme, will be voted upon tomorrow. But Malta, like any member state, retains the full right to determine its own citizenship rules. The non-binding resolution, which is likely to be adopted tomorrow, has legally no impact on the IIP.


VIDEO of EP debate

Some of the quips were memorable: "a tale of two Europes" as one MEP described the act of granting access to the global rich by charging €650,000 for a Maltese passport while closing the door to asylum seekers.

Labour MEPs were the sole members in the Strasbourg plenary to defend Malta's embattled name. Joseph Cuschieri, Claudette Abela Baldacchino, Marlene Mizzi and John Attard-Montalto protested that their country's name was being unfairly singled out when the rest of the EU's member states had their own, albeit more onerous, citizenship-by-investment schemes. They also singled out the Maltese opposition for using the EP debate for their "partisan interests."

The European socialists are expected to push amendments tomorrow to remove the direct reference to Malta in the EP resolution, so that the Commission undertakes an evaluation of all member states' citizenship schemes.

In a statement, the Maltese government said it had taken note of what the European Council, the Commission and the Parliament had said during the debate. "It was made clear that citizenship is a matter of national competence," the government said, specifically referring to the Couincil's position.

"Many other countries have their own programmes of visas and citizenships. The IIP respects all European Treaty parameters, as stated by the Council's presidency, and it will be one of the most transparent schemes ever. The Maltese government is disappointed with the scale of misinformation on the IIP inside the EU, but it is optimist that it will create a posterity fund of €1 billion for Maltese and Gozitan families and businesses."

The Greek presidency of the European Council said it would convey the emphatic spirit of MEPs' contributions to the Council, but reminded members that Malta was sovereign in its decisions on how to regulate its citizenship and nationality rules.

But it was European Commissioner for justice Viviane Reding who made it clear that she was the EC's most vocal critic of Malta's citizenship programme.

"National citizenship is an entry door to the EU. It is an entry door to the EU Treaty and to the rights that EU citizens enjoy.... It is legitimate to question whether EU citizenship rights should merely depend on the size of someone's wallet or bank account. Citizenship must not be up for sale."

She said that under public international law, member states should only award citizenship to persons where there is a "genuine link" or "genuine connection" to the country in question. Malta's IIP also requires applicants to buy a property valued at €350,000 and government stocks or bonds of €150,000, to be eligible for a Maltese passport.

She said there was "no doubt that conditions for obtaining and forfeiting national citizenship are regulated only by the national law of each member state."

"But there is also no doubt that granting the nationality of a member state means also granting EU citizenship and the rights attached to it.... In other words, awarding nationality and citizenship to a person gives this person rights vis-à-vis the 27 other EU member states."

While Reding said she did not want the Commission to have the power to determine what constitutes nationality or the rules granting it, the EC still expected member states to be aware of the consequences of their decisions.

"Citizenship cannot be taken lightly. It is a fundamental element of our Union. One cannot put a price tag on it."

The EPP group led the barrage of criticism, with French MEP Véronique Mathieu-Houillon saying the outright sale of EU citizenship undermined the mutual trust upon which the EU was built.

"I am deeply shocked by the decision of the Maltese Government to sell passports without even a residency requirement and I wonder what they want to achieve with such a reform: an open-door policy to money laundering?

"European citizenship entails rights and duties. It materialises our common project and it is one of the pillars of the European Union. European citizenship is not just another commodity that can be sold. The Maltese Government is betraying the mutual trust enjoyed between the European Member States, something that we have been trying to build for many years."

Maltese MEP, Roberta Metsola, who pushed for the resolution to be discussed in the EP was emphatic in her opposition to the IIP: "Rights are not for sale. They cannot be bought and sold. To be European should not depend on how deep your pockets are. The selling of citizenship for mere cash dilutes the true value and worth of the citizenship we are so proud of. Each citizenship sold in this cheap fashion is an impingement on the rights of each and every one of our citizens."

"What we have heard in this Parliament today is consensus over the notion that the selling of citizenship is wrong in principle," Nationalist head of delegation David Casa said. "It is not too late, I appeal for the scheme to be changed - to make it one of real investment. Let us establish guidelines to ensure that no government - not now - nor in future sells its citizenship.”

David Bongailas
Let us call a spade a spade and admit that for the first time in many years the PN has played it's cards right on this one. It all started after what was a very uplifting and postive budget last November. Busutill and friends knew all to well that they needed something immediately that will put them back on the poltical map so they invested all their energies on an issue that was (let's face it) of relatively minor importance. I think labour has by and large under estimated the two PN MEps and their lobbying skills within the european parliament The one and only reason why they pushed the issue was to inflict as much damage as possiblebe on the PM and the government both on a local and international level.....and boy did they succeed!! As for the labour MEPs I am afraid that the latest events has shed light on how weak they all are. It was painful to see how they did not even manage to convince their socialist friends on the issue let alone members from other political groups. Pity I say, cause i still think that labour represents by far the better option for malta at this point in time.
David Casa still fails to see that the IIP IS AN INVESTMENT PROGRAM ! what Casa, Metsola, Simon "Buzullotti" etc.. want is to make the IIP a non-starter by insisting on a 5 year residency, so that the IIP fruit ,if any comes with such a condition, , will come AFTER the next general election ! The MEPs who will obviously vote against the IIP, can then STICK THEIR VOTE UP THEIR EUROPEAN A--E !!!
European Union Institutions are experts in creating bubbles of empty air. What they are saying holds no ground. This is Maltese Sovereignty. We are not a part of any Federation. The tourists in Brussels can say whatever they want. Secondly, their hypocrisy is unbelievable. Since Operation Mare Nostrum started, around 6000 un-documented illegal immigrants were transported from close by the Libyan shores. How come they do not raise any concern to the threats hidden within these boats full of such persons making the criminals smuggling them wealthier. Thirdly, the tourists of Brussels love bullying small countries that have a beautiful Sunshine. So many of their people commit suicide due to lack of bright light. Finally, the tourists of Brussels better wake up to stop the Rise of the Extreme Right under their noses!
Ibqa ghaddej Priministru ghax ghalhekk il-poplu ivvotalek b'maggoranza kbira ta 36 elf vot biex itik mandat biex twettaq dak li jidirlek li huwa fl-ahjar interess tal-pajjiz. Jekk l-UE tohrog b'xi rizoluzzjoni fuq Malta, din ma torbotx legalment ghalhekk il-gvern ghandu jippersisti u jwettaq l IIP. U hallu l min dejjem kien laghqi u forcina tal-barranin akkost li jmur kontra pajjizu stess, jumilja ruhu u jaqa ghac-cajt wahdu!!!
Ibqa ghaddej Priministru ghax ghalhekk il-poplu ivvotalek b'maggoranza kbira ta 36 elf vot biex itik mandat biex twettaq dak li jidirlek li huwa fl-ahjar interess tal-pajjiz. Jekk l-UE tohrog b'xi rizoluzzjoni fuq Malta, din ma torbotx legalment ghalhekk il-gvern ghandu jippersisti u jwettaq l IIP. U hallu l min dejjem kien laghqi u forcina tal-barranin akkost li jmur kontra pajjizu stess, jumilja ruhu u jaqa ghac-cajt wahdu!!!
It is a big shame that the EP debate had to isolate our country as the EPP MEP's did yesterday. I am afraid that all this will have a big impact of the Maltese people perception regarding the EU. It is not only the illegal immigration issue anymore, but also the meddling of the EU in the maltese sovereignty. The PN pushed this situation to the edge of the precipice, but the only loser is going to be the PN itself because comes May the Maltese will never forgive the harm done by Simon, Casa and Metsola.
Judging by the general attitude and reaction to the opinions coming from other member states, one has to ask the glaringly obvious question: why is Malta still a member of the EU? The opinion of the common man is clearly not in line with the rest of Europe and the majority of Maltese seem to have nothing but contempt for the EU and the opinions of other Europeans. Mela, let's get out then.
Salv, dak li rajna il bierah hija hdura kontra Malta. Tal PN irridu akkost ta kollox jippruvaw ihamgu, jghaljenaw lill Poplu fuq li skandlu taz zejt li sa issa Farrugia qed jghid li qassam miljun euro.Irridu li l-Gvern ma jkollox biljun euro xi jqassam ghax b'hekk jaqta in nifs lill PN.L-anqas fit tahdidiet ta l-Indipendenza ma kelna din il hdura grassa. Hawn huwa mportanti li nghamel apell lill Prim,naf li dawn huma il blogs li jghati kaz,sa sitt xhur ohra Malta se jkollha zewg ghazliet u l-Prim ghandu jiehu decizzjoni ha jaqta l-ghatx bil perzut dik ta kumissarju ta l-EU li hafna jahsbu li ghandu jkun Louis Grech u l-ohra ta President fejn il Laburisti jixtiequ jaraw lill Nutar Spiteri Debono f'din il hatra. Tal PN irru president Nazzjonalist. Mur afdah ,Prim ara kemm immur barra jhammeg ma jafux kif dejjem hekk kienu sa min zmien Terinu. Huwa mportanti Prim li kullhadd jigbor il moral u ma nhalluhom jaddattaw huma. Dawn l-ghan principali huwa li jghaljenaw fuq li skandlu taz zejt li jidher li huwa bomba tal hin.
The debate struck me as anything but a bloodbath. At best ineffectual punches were thrown by some speakers at our country which I am sure did not hurt the resolve of our gov in its determination to attract economic game changers to our shores. The only good which came out of the debate is that it showed that the whole picture of granting ,denying or indeed withdrawing citizenship in EU countries needs to be properly studied with a view of more convergence. Also that in a new global world of people movements the concept of what is citizenship needs to be redefined.
Citizenship is an asset, why not use it for the benefit of its citizens, ths is a win win situation. Are we to be slaves to an idea when a lot of material and social benefit can be obtained for everyone. And I DON`T see hoe a political Party can rubbish Malta in the COuncil of Europe for its own benefit.
Dear fellow EU Citizens (MEP) Why you don't want Malta to do such, it's because of business, that is they WHY! Other countries have similar to this in a way.So because your country is more beautiful and much larger and we here is just little? This country must have all the rights like all even Malta is just a tiny island... How about Malta will start to do like you, when it comes for foreigners( EU Citizens) who wants to work in Malta? By making sure that they will learn the Maltese language before they can come and work here, like most countries do in EU.How wonderful for us to go to work in EU states with the international language ENGLISH , but they send one to study and learn their language.I don't think this will ever be arranged, so than if so Malta must do the same! Saviour Falzon min Hal-Qormi.
But isn’t it blatantly obvious that the Maltese “sale of citizenship” scheme is very different from all the other schemes set up by other EU countries, all of which offer visas limited to the issuing country (albeit leading to citizenship after a number of years residence)? NONE of the other schemes offers immediate, full blown EU citizenship with no strings attached. Furthermore, the Maltese scheme is cheaper, and does not require residence. Isn’t it obvious that there is something amiss about a country selling the right to live and enjoy citizen rights in any of 26 other countries? Isn’t it obvious that the EU will never allow this to happen without leaving any stone unturned to stop it? And isn’t it obvious that, even though Maltese and EU laws actually allow Malta to “sell citizenship” in this fashion, the EU rules will soon change to outlaw what should have been prevented by a common sense decency? Did our PM REALLY expect to pull this one off without anybody from the rest of the EU questioning it (without any help from the PN)? If he did, then we have a much bigger problem. A very naive man at the helm! I sincerely hope that the PM is doing all this according to a “cunning plan” and that at a certain point he will negotiate some special package with a solution to the immigration problem, lots of money for Malta and the Maltese and some other face saving consolation prize that will file away the IIP scheme in the archive of historical nightmares where it belongs. Some hope! Alan Muscat Borgofranco d'Ivrea Italy
Like any other sovereign EU member state Malta has all the right to regulate its access to Maltese citizenship. However in the absence of any sound integration policy for TCN including the genuine acquisition of Maltese citizenship has rendered the IIP scheme as an easier fast track to Maltese citizenship designed for the fat wallets an easier target of both justified and partisan criticism. For the right or the wrong reasons, the controversial IIP is not only perceived as an insult to the native Maltese but also to those who have acquired Maltese citizenship through other non cash but values-based channels. Thinking positive however, the IIP debate will have the merit of bringing to the EU floor and establishing the linkage between national and EU citizenship and thereby will contribute to strengthen the concept of shared EU citizenship.
Abdullah alhrbi
What we witnessed today is a pack attack by those who fear competition , on a peripheral member state with the audacity to take decisions in its own interest. Pity the pack attack was led by two exonormative citizens of Malta , who compulsively and true to the historical narrative of the party they belong to relish in repudiating their own country. It is clear that RCC is still strong as ever judging by Roberta Metsola Tedescho Triccas' nauseating whine. Simon Busutill should have the decency to blank himself out of the equation he is fast becoming a useless prop. No, being TRULY European according to the values of MTT and DC is to bash your country as best you can.
Much adu about nothing inspired by the usual clique! The Eu is now even trying to choke our indipendence! I suggest to Commissioner Reding to go and tell her opinion to the english people who will soon be voting in a referndum to GET OUT OF THE EUOPEAN UNION! A toothless parliament! Austria, Ireland, Englang have been selling passports for years! Move on Joseph the people are behind you.
Malta`s name has been muddied by this incompetent government for decades to come. Eternal shame on the Labour Party!
With Rakhat Aliyev it was ok though. No Busuttil was ashamed then.
Minn ghandu biex jisthi? Minn qieghed jaghmel minn kollox biex igib il-flus lejn Malta jew minn qieghed jipprova jgerrex b’gideb u taghwig ta fatti bl-iktar mod skandaluz. Ara lill Simon Busuttil jekk kemm hilu hemm qatx qal li l-gvern Laburista ghamel xi haga tajba. Skond hu kollox hazin, anke fil-kas ta l-Arriva qieghed jipprova juri li l-gvern ghamel hazin. Dan il-bniedem tista qatt tiehdu bis-serjeta. Nigu ghal IIP u Brussells, Malta biss hi involuta jew il-ghala Malta trid TBIEH ic-cittadinaza u hadd iehor jinvesti? Il-ghala dan il-gideb? Il ghala l-insistenza li Malta tissemma b’isima u pajjizi ohra le? Il-ghala din l-insistenza miz-zewg MEP’s skuzi nazzjonalisti Casa u Metsola biex tissemma Malta, ghax ihobbu lill Malta? Jew ghax iridu jippruvaw jimminaw gvern elett demokratikament b’maggoranza li Malta qatt ma rat bhala. Jahsbu li se jidru sbieh, jahsbu li se jintlaqu bic-capcip. Partit mibni fuq principji faxxisti igdeb u iktar ma tigdeb iktar hermm cans li tigi emnut. Nibdew nigbru biex naghmlu monument lill Busuttil Casa u Metsola waqt li ghadhom hajjin. Isdthu jekk tafu tradituri ta Malta kollha Laburista u mhix. Jigi issa Busuttil jipprova jikkwota lill xi patriojott Malti iehor FACCOL PRIMA. Qatt qatt ma kont nahseb li se jaqa u jwaqqa lill haddiehor f’dan il-hmieg. Il-kilba ghal poter ma hix thallih jirraguna.
Matthew, don't you realize that these were protecting their countries interests as opposed to the PN MEPs. They were trying to set off their irregular immigration common costs sharing pact with saying "What arrukasa these Maltese, so let us not share any irregular immigration costs!" Unfortunately goaded on by the Maltese PN MEPs themselves. That is what is really shameful. Maltese politicians working against their country's financial interests (unlike the UK's participants that feel threatened by the IIP) and not following the example of those MEPs' who were protecting their relevant countries interests.
Tying the passport with the wallet is not acceptable. The European Parliament has expressed itself clearly that whereas other countries have traded residence permits for investment, the Maltese government has introduced an innovation- which is unacceptable of trading the passport and full citizenship rights. The Maltese government has only 1 option if he wishes to avoid sanctions , withdraw the scheme.
I have recorded the whole EU debate and watched it carefully. A lot of EU politicians have pointed their finger not to Malta but to the Commission which allowed for such schemes to exist. And such schemes cannot be nullify by any treaty because the sovereignty of a country is the most important aspect of the EU. Ms. Reading in fact disappeared from the hall because she knew that the Commission has messed up on this issue. In fact The parliamentarian Daniel VAN DER STOEP stressed that the sovereignty of a country is crucial and he emphasized the fear of a federal government in Europe which undermines the sovereignty of a country to that of an EU citizenship. Mrs. Metsola Trikkas reiterated at the end of her speech that she was not against the scheme but to be amended. This evening the EU Parliament was divided on the issue at hand and Malta although the scapegoat, other countries who adopt this scheme felt also offended by the PPP attacks particularly Portugal. This shows how PN's manipulated strategy to undermine PL has also failed. Tomorrow's vote will definitely be against Malta but the vote is not directed to Malta only but by the scheme which the Commission did nothing to eradicate it.
Who gives a shot what the EU thinks, they can take their resolution and shove it up their Ss. Metsola and Casa have had their 15 minutes of glory yet the Maltese Labour government does what it deems right. It was elected to govern an so it should. For those punks whose heart is bleeding for the asylum seekers I tell the government give those 12000 migrants a passport and a one way ticket to any European city they desire then we'll see how the bustards will react. As regards the drubbing MT , Mathew Vella wants to imagine us there was, when Casa and Metsola got up to have their say there weren't more than a handful of MEPs.Mathew we know your agenda, half truths are worse than lies.
ok Simon has had his fun. Come on Joseph, let's do it, and get on with it..every euro we get from the scheme, is one euro less that i have to be taxed for..and any idiot who wants to crucify himself for political expediency, can do so with my blessing
Paul Sammut
Fortune favors the brave. Rock on PL.The majority see it your way.
Hasn't Malta suffered enough bloodbath from the Europeans when they dominated Malta for over 1000 years? Hasn't Malta suffered enough bloodbath from the Italians and the Germans, and their cohorts in Europe, who tried to exterminate the Maltese race during the second world war? Hasn't the Nationalists, through their Church affiliates, caused enough bloodbath on Maltese soil with murders and indiscriminate bombings in the 1980s etc. Hasn't the PN caused enough bloodbaths on Maltese citizens with constant discriminations, frame ups and deceipt, and crucifyingly unbearable energy tariffs.? How long can this Nation tolerate such bloodbaths without reaction? It is probably time to reconsider completely the deception of Europe when it was deliberately pushed down our throats in 2003. Yes, enough is enough and unless this Government stands up to these traitors and decides once and for all that Malta cannot be any longer TAGHHOM ukoll 9 months down the line with 4 years plus to go, God knows to what levels of deceipt and deception the PN will stoop to in the years to come, despite the fact that 167000 people voted them out. And the first actions that ought to be taken, the first actions the majority expect, is rapid arraignment in Courts of all those politicians involved in the massive corruptions that ensued. We cannot wait any longer for time is against the PL with the courts solidly a PN bastion. The criminal abuses of PN diehards in the 1980s were delayed and delayed in the Courts of Law until the PN got back in power and stopped all action. That is what will happen again unless the Police act fast on all acts of corruption perpetrated by these Political beasts.
X' misthijja!
The speeches of the Socialists were exactly the same and could not be distinguished from those of the EPP members. They were extremely harsh and all mentioned Malta by name. Weren't we assured by the Prime Minister that the Socialists understood Malta's position and were going to defend it? What happened?