MEA call on government to reverse ‘reputational damage’ caused by IIP

The Malta Employers’ Association calls on government reconsider citizenship scheme following European Parliament vote.

Noting that the European Parliament resolution which held that EU citizenship must not have a "price tag" attached to it caused Malta considerable reputational damage, the Malta Employers' Association reaffirmed its reservations on the government's citizenship scheme.

The Malta Employers' Association stressed that it is in favour of any initiatives that can attract investment and create jobs in Malta provided that such projects do not compromise the performance of other sensitive economic sectors.

"There is no question that the EP vote has caused Malta considerable reputational damage which could have been avoided had there been prior consultation with the social partners to agree on a design which would not have caused international controversy," the association said.

It noted that following the latest developments, it was "more concerned than before due to the common front against the scheme by all political forces within the European Parliament and the Commission, and the possible negative consequences which this situation can have on the economy in the future."

It called on government to attempt to reverse this reputational damage by consulting with other political forces and the social partners in Malta to seek a way whereby the scheme can be re-designed to be compatible with criteria which are acceptable to the EU.  

So according to the MEA we should take tge advice of EU and legalise abortion. What is the damage done to Malta? Is there any investor who would not invest in Malta because anyone paying euro 650000 can obtain citizenship? Why dont MEA condemn those who stop st mithing ti damage Malta?
Immadawn ma jinbidlu qatt! Minflokk ikkundanaw lill dawk fil PN li hadu gost jhamgu isem Malta u orkestraw kollox ma shabhom fil parlament Ewropej tal MEA qed jikkritikaw lill gvern! ara tal MHRA ma ikkritikawahx lill gvern anzi qalulu mexxi ax din ser tkun ta gid al kulhadd! ghaliex tal MEA ma jxandrux l-iskemi li ghandhom pajjizi ohra Ewropej u kemm taw cittadinanzi u qalaw miljuni!
L-MEA ma jafux min hu il-gurdien, ma jafux minn xebgha jdur gewwa Brussels biex jaghmel il-hsara anke fil-kas ta l-emigranti meta kioen ghad ma kellu xejn fatwali f'idejh, ma jafux min huma iz-zewg Maltin li iovvutaw kontra lò-emenda bix titnehha l-kelma Malta anzi kienu percimess fil-formulazzjoni tad-dikjarazzjoni. Ma jafux li barra milli hemm 2 pajjizi ohra li ghandhom skema simili ghalò dik ta Malta, ma jmafux li l-iosmijiet ta dfawn iz.zewg pajjizzi ma kienux inkluzi, u allura ma ghandhomx ftit melh f'mohhom biex jindunaw minn humais-sriep velenuzi li jridu jaghmlu hsara lill Malta? Allura ghax ma jiccensurawx lilhom jew alòionqas jkappellawlom biex jieqfu minn dfawn il-hnizrijiet.
dont use stupid idea to help PN poeple vote PL and they have to rule dont let us see your DNA please
dont use stupid idea to help PN poeple vote PL and they have to rule dont let us see your DNA please
please tell simon to go and revice the damage he makes for his idiod idea to have some points for the election? now you want to ask simon to go to cancel the demege,these poeple has realy bad DNA in his blood if i can play i will cancel the game childish style steven
As a member of MEA I'll say to the current President to address this issue to Simon Busutill because it was he who worked hard to tarnish Malta's reputation. Ara fuq l-immigranti illegali Simon Busutil wehlitlu il-labra!
Dan x'gara f'daqqa wahda. Nekla ma jafux li din hi battalja li l-Mishut partit Sahta ta Malta qieghed jaghmel ghal ezistenza tieghu? jew iridu iz-zmien li kienu jimpjeqaw lill-ghaddiema kif kien jidrilhom huma bis-soldi u ara tiftah halqekk ghax issib ruhek bla xoghol.
A known fact MEA is Partit Nazzjonalista 2
The employers must have got the address wrong. They should have addressed this to the PN who took the "dirty linen" to the EU.