Malta Chamber proposes ‘reimbursement system' for free medicines

Health Minister's 'personal opinion' against patients paying and then reimbursed for free medicine they are entitled to.

The Chamber wanted a reimbursement system for people who afford to pay for medicines at the counter, before getting their rebate from the state dispensary
The Chamber wanted a reimbursement system for people who afford to pay for medicines at the counter, before getting their rebate from the state dispensary

Pharmacy owner Reginald Fava has proposed a reimbursement system whereby a patient pays for the free medicine he is entitled to, and then reimbursed. In the case that a person is not in a financial position to pay for the medicine upon collection, the Chamber has proposed the distribution of a pre-credited card which the patient presents to the pharmacy upon the collection of medicine.

The Chamber, which had already pushed forward such a proposal in 2009, believes the measure would help curtail waste of medicine.

In what appears to be a measure to address the pending payments which pharmacies are owed by the government, Fava said the reimbursement system would cater for two categories of patients: those who are entitled to free medicines but are in a position to pay for them upon collection and receive a refund from the state; and those who are entitled to free medicines and are not in a financial position to pay for them upon collection.

In the case where a patient is not in a financial position to pay for the medicine, the patient can continue collecting free medicine through the community pharmacy of your choice. According to the Chamber's proposal, medicines are collected upon the presentation of a 'My Health Card and Pin' as proposed in the White Paper issued by the government.

The card would be pre-credited with the medicines for which the patient is entitled. Deductions would be made upon each medicine dispensed to create the desired psychological effect for patients not to collect medicines which they do not need.

"The e-card roll out would need to involve family doctors and consultants to ensure that all patients are given a card irrespective of which category they fall under. Simultaneously, due attention must be given to primary healthcare for this to serve as a platform for related systems such as the electronic prescription," Fava said.

He added that in certain cases, the high cost of particular medicines could place virtually every patient in the second category. In such cases, special arrangements would be necessary.

The Chamber's proposal contemplates a medicines tariff to be agreed to by all relevant stakeholders.

"The tariff is to be revised periodically and shall stipulate the maximum refundable amount on each medicine. The tariff is to follow actual medicine prices at the level which the state opts to entitle patients for," the Chamber said.

"Pharmacies would supply the medicine at this basic price. Patients should be allowed to opt for a more expensive medicine than the basic entitlement and pay the difference in price. This difference would not be refundable by the State."

Asked for an immediate reaction, Health Minister Godfrey Farrugia said he personally disagreed with the proposal which would see a patient disbursing money over the counter and then reimbursed.

"However, it is also important for citizens to understand how much medicines cost. I personally disagree with the concept of a patient paying and then is reimbursed," he said.

Farrugia appeared to prefer the second proposal, whereby a patient is given a pre-credited card which is then presented to the pharmacy upon the collection of medicine.



Mr Fava, what prices are you going to use ion charging customers, the prices tghat the governmet pays to purchase these medicines or the prices that we poor devils have to pay for normal medicine which normally is twice the pèrice that the British,italiansetc pay
On second thought, I think the government if he saw it wise and fit to take over the public transport, how much more will it be a political success if he do likewise and start importing medicine, after all I have never seen Mr. Fava registering for work, like I did, when the employer did not need me he lay me off. How can he understand the workman plea that our income is earned only with sweat and money to use do not grow on trees like some businessmen!
once a businessman complained to me that one particular customer owed him too much money and the figure quoted was enormous. Anyhow when I pointed out that all he had to do was stop supplying this particular customer his reply was "if I dont sell to that compant the someone else will" So moral of this story is ... why cannot the tax payer certainly being the largest customer possible not have abnormal and super preferential payment terms Mr Fava?
X'kien ma smajniex lehnek qabel Sur Fava meta kien hemm il-gvern ta' Gonzi li ma hallsikx? Ma tarax li qed tghid hmerija. Mela il-vouchers tal-kontijiet tad-dawl u ilma se jkunu inkluzi u jitnaqqsu mill-ewwel mill-kont halli dak li jkun ma jhossux skomdu u inti trid li johorgu credit cards halli dawn jikxfu ghajnhom. U fuq kollox Sur Fava, il-medicini b'kemm kienu se jixtruhom? Bil-prezz li jigu lill-Gvern jew bil-prezz li tbieghuhom inthom mill-isizeriji? Sur Fava, nammetti li tridu taghmlu l-qliegh, imma l-esegerazzjonijiet tal-prezzijiet u s-serq li hemm fil-medicini meta mqabblin mal-prezzijiet ta' barra huma xi haga tal-misthija ghax jidher li ma hemmx kuxjenza ghax tafu li l-marid irid bilfors jixtri l-medicini ghax dawn mhux xi flixkun minerali li jista' jghaddi minghajru.
Kieku is-sur Fava hekk jaqbillu halli jkun jista jiccargja kemm iried tal medicina u na jimpurtax li l gvern jhallas id dopju. Hallina sur Fava
In the last budget those who are on top of the income scale had their rate came down. Myself with my pension this month the government took me 10 euro tax besides 18 per cent tax when I buy almost anything from stores. This I say because if I am getting so called free medicine which I do it is not free at all. From the little I have I am taxed as much as the parasites that bleed us with over charges prices in medicine that we can buy from abroad for a fraction that they bleed us here. This is what Mr. Fava should mention, I wonder how sweet this gentleman is with his employees, I guess what he hoard he will take it with him like the rest of us a few years from now when we all be gone.
Mr.Fava, you should have recommended that the government put more enforcement in the whole issue, and not always find the easy way out, especially by making honest people pay for those who abuse! There's alot of abuse in social benefits, free medicines and even at the housing department, but it seems that there's not enough will to make a tough and serious enforcement, like we had during the last 25 years! That's a good way to save government's money by implementing tough and serious enforcement! There are alot of idiots around who abuse the whole system without any fear at all, and pretending that's it's their right to do so! And Mr.Fava leave the honest citizen alone please, and try to put pressure on the authorities to enforce illegalities!
Igor P. Shuvalov
Mr Fava - let's not complicate things further... We should make proposals which would simplify the system and make it more transparent.
Li kont int fil Bzonn x'kont taghmel Sur Fava? Ghaliex ma tiftahx kawza lil Gonzi, lil ex Ministru tas Sahha u lil ex Ministru Tonio Fenech (tat tik tok) biex ihalsuk, u kein hawn korruzzjoni nobis u kulhad qaghad kwiet. Naf li flusu kulhadd iridihom u ghalhekk ma intikx tort sa barra hlief li imessek ghamilt bhal ma jghidtlek qabel ma ex Gvern li falla l-Malta.
maria aquilina
Il-ahwa kemm hu bravu s-sur Fava. Id-dejn tal-businessman irid li jgorru l-poplu jew il-konsumatur. Din bravura ohra tas-suq hieles!!!!!!!
maria aquilina
Il-ahwa kemm hu bravu s-sur Fava. Id-dejn tal-businessman irid li jgorru l-poplu jew il-konsumatur. Din bravura ohra tas-suq hieles!!!!!!!