Updated | Teachers' union withdraws from co-ed national committee

Malta Union of Teachers has denounced the lack of 'serious evaluation' of co-ed pilot project before a definite decision to go co-ed at all state schools was taken.

The Malta Union of Teachers has withdrawn from the co-ed national committee: 'The reform is being rushed without proper consultation.'
The Malta Union of Teachers has withdrawn from the co-ed national committee: 'The reform is being rushed without proper consultation.'

The Malta Union of Teachers has withdrawn from the National Committee on co-education, only two days after it complained of lack of proper evaluation of the new system.

The teachers' union informed Education Minister Evarist Bartolo that it was doing so with immediate effect.

"This committee was in theory created to evaluate the co-education pilot project and make recommendations. However, any conclusions made by such a committee are now being prejudiced due to the fact that the decision to proceed with co-education nationally has already been taken by the Government," the union said.

"We will still give our view and recommendations but not as part of this committee."

In comments to MaltaToday, a spokesperson for the minister confirmed that discussions with the union have taken place and will continue in the coming days.

"MUT will also be invited to join a working group which will monitor the implementation of the policy," the spokesperson said.

The MUT said that the study commissioned by the Government to evaluate the pilot project was being rushed unnecessarily and will therefore not contain a proper assessment on the impact of the reform on students, educators and schools.

Yesterday, the union met with the Opposition. On Wednesday it held a press conference to announce its position on the issue.

The MUT, although in favour of co-education, has expressed concern that not enough time was allowed to evaluate the pilot project before a definite decision was taken.

For the first time in state secondary schools, the government introduced the co-ed system at Pembroke as a pilot project. Education minister Evarist Bartolo initially said that after analysing the system, the Education Directorate would consider extending co-ed to other schools.

However, four months into the 2013/2014 scholastic year, schools have been informed that all Form 1s will be co-ed as from next September.

"We agree with co-education and we believe this is a step in the right direction. We agreed with a pilot project in order to build a model to follow and evaluate. Yet, even though this pilot project is not half way through, schools have been informed that all Form 1s will be co-ed," MUT president Kevin Bonello said.

Bonello pointed out that while teachers were still suffering from reform fatigue brought about by the previous administration, less than year after the election of a new government a substantial number of new reforms were already taking place.

in neputija tighi gabet rizultati eccellentimin kien jalliema tajdx kemm ftahar mur ghadlu li bil privat marret tajjeb
Se nibdew bil-bravuri li nistudjaw u naraw wara. X'hemm x'wiehed jistudja ghal iktar tul ta zmien, ir-rizultati li hergin jidru li qolla pozittivi mela x'irridu nistennew? Il-gudizzju Universali Qumuy mir-raqda li tinsabu fiha u ibdghu ahsbu ta nies li qedin tighxu fis seklu 21
The usual simultaneous wars against a democratically elected government have started. This is usual whenever there is a PL goovernment. We have had the doctors, the nurses and now we wait for the banks. But, this time, the PL government is more than prepared. The concertina between the very rich and the very poor, who became much richer and much poorer during GonziPN and PN administrations, shall be reduced, in a transparent, moral, ethical and good way, For this to happen suffering is inevitable and corruption must be eliminated.
MUT is not working to the interest of Education. I would suggest that the teachers that have the Education at heart should start organizing a new Teachers Union. Go for it dear teachers form a new Teachers Union; we the parents will be supporting you all the way.
This is exactly the same negative response expected from the PN Bandwagon MUT MEA Chamber of Comerce constrained to undertake EVERY TIME A LABOUR Government IS ELECTED.SHAME SHAME.
Kif tista' l-MUT tghid li taqbel mal-coed u fl-istess hin tirtira mill-kumitat? L-iskejjel fl-Ewropa u f'hafna pajjizi ohra barra mill-Ewropa huma coed. Jien tkellimt ma' ghalliema li qaluli li meta jattendu ghal xi konferenzi barra u jghidulhom li Malta mhux coed jidhku bihom. Ghandna skejjel indipendenti hawn Malta stess li minn meta fethu hadmu bis-sistema tal-coed u dejjem imxew tajjeb. Mela allura ghaliex tal-gvern le? Fil-primarja diga' qeghdin hekk. Allura ghaliex ma jistghux jibqghu tilghin hekk?? Fejn kienet l-MUT meta ddahlet is-sistema tal-kulleggi? Hafna ghalliema kienu kontra taghha u l-MUT kienet fil-muta.
Co-education has been in most EU countries for more than 50 years. And these chaps are still bringing up more excuses against change, any change. How they love a status quo, especially those long summer months of leave and getting paid for it. Who doesn't? They don't co-operate. Good. Now let's give them a full time job in summer, instead of staying home doing private lessons and make a packet, and we will see if the start re-thinking their decision.
The photo says it all! Jidher kemm jemnu fil-co education: anqas mara wahda ma hemm fil-kumitat tat-tmexxija.! Come on MUT, don't give up: yesterdays gender discrimination no longer binds!
How do you agree with something but at the same time disagree.
Intom li qed tikkummentaw, qabda qobra mbajda. Issa m'ghadkomx tfahhruha lill-MUT bhal ma kontu taghmlu qabel 13 ta' Marzu tas-sena l-ohra. L-aktar int, sur cassar darien, li tahseb li taf iddahhak hafna!
Kieku l- co education kien xi esperiment li beda bhal pilot scheme f'Malta biss.... kieku nifhem l-oggezzjonita ta MUT. Imma meta tqis li fl-Ewropa u l-Amerika kollha huma kollha hi co eduction, xi tridt MUT? Mela MUT ma tiltaqax ma ghalliema ohra fl-Ewropa u 'konferenzi tat-teachers? Qatt ma saqsew kif sejrin u x'inhuma l-problemili nisthgu niltaqghu fil-Co-education? Hlief fil-pajjizi Musulmani kulhadd hu c-education- MUT dan ma tafux jew tridt tghaddina biz-zmien? Grazzi lit-teachers ghat-taghlim li ghallmu lili u lit-tfal tieghi. Grat ghal dejjem.
Jaqaw, teachers are going to have to work for their very well remunerated existence? Is this what it is all about? Do they need study tours (imsieken) to see how something as old as this system works? And who goes on study tours? Do they take it in turns?
Dejjem isibu xi oggezzjoni dawn .. daqs li kieku fin-natura in-nisa u l-irgiel jghixu separati .. daqs li kieku is-separazzjoni tas-sessi mhux xi invenzjoni tal-bniedem stess..
Coeducational schooling is the accepted form of schooling all across Europe and the developed world. What would the MUT require in the way of evaluation? They only have to look at the rest of the world and independent Maltese schools. One would expect better from educators.
...... telqu l-MUT mill-kumitat? ...... tajjeb .... ahbar tajba ghall-poplu malti ..... mela se jimxu sew l-affarijiet issa ....... l-aqwa li libsu glekk u ingrevata biex jidhru sbieh quddiem il-cameras .....
Rita Pizzuto
Is it a coincidence that the MUT's decision comes so soon after meeting the NP leadership? Hope not but nobody blames me and others for adding two and two together to make it four. Hope also that they don't take us back to the seventeens especially when the minister is most of the time going out of his way to accommodate us teachers.
Rita Pizzuto
Is it a coincidence that the MUT's decision comes so soon after meeting the NP leadership? Hope not but nobody blames me and others for adding two and two together to make it four. Hope also that they don't take us back to the seventeens especially when the minister is most of the time going out of his way to accommodate us teachers.