AD calls on Prime Minister to ‘suspend’ citizenship scheme
Greens call on government to suspend Individual Investor Programme and engage in dialogue following European Parliament blow.
The Green Party called on government to immediately suspend the citizenship scheme's implementation and open negotiations with the EU on the matter.
Noting EU Commisisoner Viviane Reding's declaration that the citizenship scheme implemented by the government infringed article 4.3 of the Treaty on the European Union, Alternattiva Demokratika chairperson Arnold Cassola urged Prime Minister Joseph Muscat to engage in dialogue.
"Prime Minister Muscat must stop being obstinate and must listen to the voice of reason. Unfortunately, because of his irresponsible antics, the Prime Minister has managed to give Malta a terrible international reputation, with the result that Malta has been condemned by the European Parliament, just as in the past Hungary, Italy and France were condemned because of the irresponsible actions of their respective leaders Orban, Berlusconi and Sarkozy," Cassola said.
The Greens' deputy chairman Carmel Cacopardo added that although citizenship was a matter reserved for the member states, "there still exists the duty of each member state to refrain from acting in such a manner as could impact other member states."
He said this was the significance of the principle of sincere consultation, known also as the loyalty principle enshrined in EU legislation.
"It is also precisiely for this reason that the European Union is considering whether to initiate infringement procedures against Malta."