MEPs’ resolution on citizenship could have lasting effect in court action

Despite its non-binding nature, the strong message by MEPs on Malta’s citizenship sale could have an effect in possible court action

Viviane Reding - serious about enforcing the Treaty of the European Union on Malta's citizenship sale
Viviane Reding - serious about enforcing the Treaty of the European Union on Malta's citizenship sale

The Maltese government is facing a serious threat of infringement procedures by the European Commission, over its decision to grant citizenship to applicants who pay €1.15 million in a donation, property acquisition and investment under the Individual Investment Programme.

European Commissioner Viviane Reding, who issued a scathing judgement of the IIP earlier on Wednesday in the European Parliament, has called on legal experts to examine the possibility of opening infringement procedures against Malta based on Article 4.3 of the Treaty of the European Union.

Under EU law, Malta is sovereign in determining its own citizenship laws, but Reding has said that under the principle of "sincere co-operation" Malta might have had to consult other member states before opening up Maltese, and consequently EU citizenship, to applicants of the IIP.

Article 4.3 calls on member states to "refrain from any measure which could jeopardise the attainment of the Union's objectives".

It has long been part of the EU treaties and the article has been referred to by the European Court of Justice in past judgments, with a lot of case law concerning the application of the principle of "sincere cooperation".

A European political expert, who declined to be identified, said Article 4.3 was a very comprehensive article.

"It refers to all national authorities in the broad sense, that is, executive, legislative and judicial, at supranational and sub-national level such as regions and local councils, and one with very dynamic and unpredictable consequences. In my judgement, I think that the Commission is not bluffing and it has sufficient legal grounds for proceeding. It is increasing the tempo and taking its time to start infringement procedures to allow Malta to adjust its law."

While the European Parliament last week singled out Malta in condemning the IIP, the Commission appears to be backing an effort to curtail all other efforts by member states who have set up similar citizenship schemes.

In infringement procedures, the Commission usually issues a warning to a member state which is then obliged to reply or comply with a request to amend its law and bring it in line with EU norms. The Commission sends a reasoned opinion in a second stage, before taking the matter to the European Court of Justice if the member state refused to comply.

The same political expert even said that critics of the European Parliament's resolution should not make light of the fact that the statement is non-binding.

"Those who say the resolution has no effect because it is not legally binding either know this is not true and are being insincere, or are living in a world of their own. If the case ends up the ECJ, that resolution and the robustness of the vote in its favour will become a reference point for the Court."

Citizenship is a national competence for member states, but since EU member states have entered into several agreements amongst themselves to facilitate free movement and because European citizenship gives national citizens certain rights even in the other member states, states are constrained by the commitments and obligations they have towards one another not to cross certain lines.

"Unfortunately, the Maltese scheme is the most brazen and insensitive to these unwritten 'constraints' and lends itself easily to a legal challenge," the political expert said.

It is time perhaps to reflect a bit about Ms Viviane Reding outburst for she is the most formidable opponent to have against your ideas and plans. She is brash,highly driven and intelligent and tenacious as a pit bull in pushing forward her ideas for a united states of europe based on monetary economic and political union. She is no doubt the leading light of such a vision. That is why those of us who believe in an Europe des nations see her as a serious threat to national sovereignty. No doubt it was this interior anger at somebody indeed a micro state challenging her Future vision of Europe which made her see our citizenship case as pulling in the opposite direction to what she is prospecting for Europe that angered her. Let us remember however that there are other strong voices in the EU such as Catherine Ashton and Cecilia Malmstrom which see a much looser federation based on individual country initiatives and inventiveness. Her attack last week was typical of her style to shock and single out as a strategy. Sarkozy once called one of her speeches shocking and against French national interest. Her style is to shock and she is not averse to singling out one case to push forward her agenda. However she is known not be averse to discuss to arrive at an agreement. Therefore rather than wasting time with our pathetic SB , overtures should be made to VR's office to engage in possible fruitful discussion with a view to an acceptable solution.
Switzerland de facto gives citizenship to the rich people that invest there. In the meantime Switzerland has signed a free movement agreement (without visa) with the EU. Is n't this a double standard by the EU when it comes to Switzerland? Whose interest is it to shun high worth individuals and talented industrious people from EU countries so that the US and Switzerland can have them? Our investment scheme is a plus to us and to the EU: there are approximately 10,000 high worth individuals and the US is dying to give them citizenship. Hopefully Simon Busutill is not that stupid not to understand that if the EU gets its way; addio to our financial services industry,company registrations;r gaming industry etc! The Germans UK and France are dying to get a harmonized law on tax and teh 'EU'fiscal regime! Simon Busutill -our great statesman- will be opening the door to future curtailment on our 25% of GDP and economic activity if he continues with his stupid anti investment scheme e tirade. Simon jaf x'qed jaghmel? Hopefully Bannister will read this as well and tell our simple Simon that he is playing with fire!
Switzerland de facto gives citizenship to the rich people that invest there. In the meantime Switzerland has signed a free movement agreement (without visa) with the EU. Is n't this a double standard by the EU when it comes to Switzerland? Whose interest is it to shun high worth individuals and talented industrious people from EU countries so that the US and Switzerland can have them? Our investment scheme is a plus to us and to the EU: there are approximately 10,000 high worth individuals and the US is dying to give them citizenship. Hopefully Simon Busutill is not that stupid not to understand that if the EU gets its way; addio to our financial services industry,company registrations;r gaming industry etc! The Germans UK and France are dying to get a harmonized law on tax and teh 'EU'fiscal regime! Simon Busutill -our great statesman- will be opening the door to future curtailment on our 25% of GDP and economic activity if he continues with his stupid anti investment scheme e tirade. Simon jaf x'qed jaghmel? Hopefully Bannister will read this as well and tell our simple Simon that he is playing with fire!
"Unfortunately, the Maltese scheme is the most brazen and insensitive to these unwritten 'constraints' and lends itself easily to a legal challenge," the political expert said.......... so we are supposed to abide by " unwritten constraints". This is creating a precedent for abuse every time some some country has a problem it calls on these "unwritten constraints" GFY Viviane Reding
@richard. The EU did not force Malta to join and is certainly not forcing us to stay in the club. Convenient to overlook what the EU contributes to Malta's well being in such conflicts. And ever wondered what our passport is worth without the EU freedom of movement? If we want to be treated as equals, Malta is obliged to consult its European peers on fundamental issues like EU citizenship. By throwing tantrums and acting childish just reinforces our own inferiority complex and harms our maturity and diplomatic acumen. As far as Malta irregular immigration problems are concerned, other EU countries as concerned about this as much as we are about theirs. Before our own problems started how much solidarity did Malta ever show to other countries?. In any case, we have to put forward our cases for discussion and negotiation(even long winded ones)instead of insisting on EU help and yet studiously ignore and undermine the EP in other issues.
Dawk kollha li staqsew dwar x-kient qedgha taghmel din is-sinjura/sinjorina qwabel ma tkellmet dwar Malta mghidilhom li probabbilta kbira l-anqas kienet taf bli skema tal-IIP qabel iz-zewg MEP Nazzjonalisti Maltin qalula biha u minn jaf kemm taghwa kuluri. Dawn il-kummissarji ikunu mhabbtin hafna biex jaraw fejn se jimpjegaw lill qraba u hbieb tal hbieb mal E.U-
May I ask this sanctimonious Viviane Reding whether she is thinking of taking action against the other E.U member states who introduced or in the process of introducing the IIP scheme or had non of the MEP's from these states felt the duty to bring this to her attention
So now we have YOUR (EU) attention! When we were PLEADING for support on the illegal immigration saga, our EU brothers and sisters SHUNNED US, ignored us, looked the other way, and simply said:"that's hyour problem"! I am NOT in favour of selling Maltese Citizenship, but I am VERY UPSET with the way the EU treats us mere Maltesers!
Appalling bullying on na small country and on a young Prime Minister who has sound ideas of how to fund an island which has no natural resources. Disgusting.
What baffles me is this that she is complaining about the passport or citizen ship , she wants us to decline someone who is paying 1.150,000 to acquire a passport and then they want to accept someone who comes in a boat , give them food, and lodgings when we don't even know who they are as they destroy their passports in order for them not to show who they really are . What about all the criminals that are coming from the Balkan areas , do we have to put up with them for the sake that they are from the euro zone ? Europe leave us alone .
Malta is a sovereign state and nobody including Reding should intervene in our own affairs. Why all this fuss against Malta when there are other several countries that have similar schemes? We are a small country but history showed that the Maltese never were afraid of anyone. We fought the British Empire when we were a colony, and we do the same if Reding feels that she should act discriminatory against our independent state. Reding, shut up and mind your own business.
Wouldn't enforcing an injunction make similar citizenship offers illegal within the EU, including Austria, and, the UK? Thus therefore the EU seek to move to protect its region from 'outsiders' therefore moving towards a protectionist philosophy?
This Vivian seems to love Malta very much.
dont worry we are ready,we are maltese and we stand for that we have the sovranity we diced for own country we know what to do please go in hell
It's me again. Could not help but notice that this article is practically the same as that published in Malta Today last Sunday under the title of "Can European Commission take Malta to court over citizenship scheme?". What is Malta Today up to? I hope this news site will not go down the drain like other have done because of excessive bias. We will have to go for blogs then. It's a pity if this happens because I have great respect for Saviour Balzan.
Malta should not give way to the red cow and mercenary of Simon Busullotti. She is as much a traitor of EU sincere co-operation as the rest of her UK colleagues who have announced similar schemes. It is OK for the UK, Austria, Cyprus, Portugal and others but not for the small Malta nation who defended her Country against the European AXIS and was the most heavily bombed Country in the whole arena of the War. If Churchill were alive today he will disown her. She has joined the modern day AXIS against Malta.
Time for another referendum to get out of the despicable despotic corrupt colonial €USSR dictatorship.
Din is sinjura Vivianne Reding tidher li qabdet ma Malta biss, jew giet mgeghla taqbad ma Malta biss. Hawnhekk hawn artiklu mit Telegraph tal Inghilterra li hareg il bierah 19ta Jannar li jekk hu gentili Matthew Vella jgieba l-link halli taqraw li Cipru ma jimpurtah min xejn talli se jgiieb nies jinvestu , huma min huma bla skrutinju ta xejn, immedjatament jghati passaport u cittadinanza b'anqas finanzi wkoll b'investiment. Issa allura Simon Busuttil u Casa kif ukoll Metsola ghandom imorru jhambqu jerghu biex issemmu lil Cipru x'se jghamel. Tinsewx hemm xi tmien pajjizi li ghandom din l-iskema , Rumanija u Bulgarija l-istess barra il pajjiz Kbar. La din harget fuq it Telegaph biex il Gvern Ingliz jghamel l-istess ghax kulhadd jghamel kif jaqbillu, lilna hamrulna wiccna Simon & Co. issa jekk huma onesti min qieghed skont huma jaqbzu l-parametri issa jriedu jhamquha ma dawn il pajjizi wkoll u sintendi jittiehed vot.
Where was this twat of Vivienne Reding when Austria and Cyprus launched their schemes? Is she being fuelled and paid by the PN to be so determined to take Malta to court? What about Austria and Cyprus?
Extract from "Austria Citizenship for Wealthy Investors" on ..................................................... "The good news is acquisition of citizenship and passport “legally” is very much a reality, under the economic citizenship program offered by Austria to individuals, and the government expects significant money to be invested in the “economic” development of the Austria. You can directly qualify for citizenship and passport by investment without any residency requirements."
If the EU starts infringement procedures against Malta it must start infringement procedures against Austria and Cyprus because they have similar schemes (See &, otherwise Malta can take the EU to court because it is being treated differently from other fellow EU member states. I would like to ask where this lady was when when Malta was being overwhelmed with illegal immigrants. Good to note that this lady comes from a country where the population density is 1/6 that of Malta and where its citizens have a purchasing power 4 times that of our citizens (See, and this country never lifted a finger to help Malta in the spirit of EU solidarity. So this lady is either seeking an economic advantage for her country or she has been provoked into meddling into Maltese politics because some of our dear fellow countrymen incited her into it. The PN should feel ashamed using these tactics and I am sure they will have their response the next MEP elections. They think they can win an argument by inciting other countries against Malta but in this way they can only loose. Nobody likes to be associated with traitors.