Busuttil insists that government withdraws Individual Investor Programme

Opposition to continue resisting ‘obscene’ citizenship scheme, requests urgent discussion in parliament.

In a speech addressed by Simon Busuttil at the PN headquarters this morning, the Opposition leader reiterated the party's strong stance against the Individual Investor Programme.

Calling for an immediate debate in parliament, Busuttil said that if the prime minister had the national interest at heart, he would stop the 'obscene scheme' immediately.

Busuttil said that last Thursday's vote in the European Parliament, in which an overwhelming majority of MEPs voted for Malta to amend the cash-for-citizenship scheme proposed by government, clearly showed that Prime Minister Joseph Muscat was 'isolated' in his reasoning that the IIP was a good scheme.

"This was a very clear vote of no-confidence in the prime minister, as well as a vote of no-confidence in the scheme," Busutill said. "He was certainly successful in uniting everyone, but united against him and not with him."

Busuttil said that the IIP would only send out the message to other countries that Malta's economy was in trouble, which he claimed was far from the truth.

"The PN left a country firmly standing on two feet. It is certainly not true that we need money."

He said that the reputation which the PN had worked so hard to gain had been tarnished after less than a year under the present government.

Busuttil said that he was upset that things had progressed to such a point and stressed that the Opposition had spent weeks in dialogue with government in order to try and convince them to revise the scheme, but the government had steamrolled over them and went ahead with it anyway.

He said that the amendments which were made were just a case of raising the price.

"Raising the price is not the answer. It is the sale of our identity which is the problem."

He said that by placing a price-tag on a passport, the value of that passport would automatically lose its value.

He said that being Maltese was something one earned and could not just be sold.

"There is a line which should not be crossed and the selling of citizenship is one of them."

Busuttil said that the PN's stance in the EP was not based on political partisan but it was a stance taken with the good of the country in mind.

"This is not a Nationalist issue, but a national one," he said.

Whilst paying tribute to the Nationalist MEPs David Casa and Roberta Metsola for their part in Thursday's vote, Busutill took a swipe at their Labour counterparts for not being able to convince members of their own Socialist party to vote against the resolution.

Busuttil reiterated that the sale of citizenship undermined European values, a statement made on Wednesday by the vice-President of the European Commission, Viviane Reding.

He said that once Malta gained membership to the EU, national citizenship automatically became an interest of the EU as it effectively meant that Maltese passports translated into European Union passports.

"We became part of a family and you do not sell your family," he said to a hyped-up crowd.

"We need to respect our family members and if we do not, we cannot expect that they are going to show us respect."

Busuttil said that the reaction of the prime minister in the aftermath of the EP vote, in which Muscat claimed to have 'taken note' but stressed that the scheme would be set in motion regardless, was nothing short of 'immature' and 'irresponsible'.

 "The prime minister is trying to play the role of a super hero but what he seems to not be realising is that without the support of EU and the Maltese public, he has no super powers."

Why keep on being negative about something that makes sense. I would rather gain something out of nothing than give them something free and they gain the citizenship anyway. Also simongrocer should consider Austria and Cyprus which are enjoying the same scheme.
Dawn ma jinbidlu qatt.. Morru araw tifkiriet tal-vjolenza nazzjonalista u isimghu lil George Bonello Du Puis jghidilhom li wara l-elezzjoni jaharqu kollox. Morru isimghu lil Eddie Fenech Adami jiskuza l-vjolenza kollha inkluz il-hruq ta' kazini Laburisti wara li l-PN rebah l-elezzjoni. Araw ftit kif jghid il-qawl Malti l-istorja tirrepeti ruhha. http://www.maltapolitics.com/vjolenzanazzjonalista.htm Araw ukoll kif fl01981 u 1984 skond ma rrapurtat il-Malta Indipendent kienu se jsiru zewg kolpi ta' Stat u kif fl-1983 kienu nstabu armi fil-headquarters tal-Partit Nazzjonalista. http://www.independent.com.mt/articles/2014-01-19/news/plot-to-blow-up-parliament-afm-vessels-and-gharghur-mast-in-1981-coup-attempt-3724279808/ Dawn huma tal-Partit Nazzjonalista.
Honestly....I feel sorry for Dr.Busutill....I think he can do better than this....wrapped up in disgusting PN tactics!!!!!
Simon's quest is that this scheme is unsuccessful as if it is successful his chance of getting power will vanish completely.
are we the only europeans with similar schemes? how come no hype was acclaimed when other EU countries introduced their schemes? http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/10/portugal-golden-visas-housing-market and the scheme that is being offered is transparent, or maybe it is too straight foward?
"The PN left a country firmly standing on two feet. It is certainly not true that we need money." Uhhh??? Stop behaving like the village bully Dr. Simon, we all know who is doing his dammed best to tarnish Malta's reputation abroad. Stop genuflecting and worshiping before your new god the EU, and don't expect everybody else to do the same 'or else...' Desperate is an adjective which best describes you and your minions,that you had to stoop so low and hit under the belt over a matter which can do nothing but bring an economic boom to our country, such as will be the envy of the rest of the EU member states, and then you would have really been proud to call yourself a Maltese citizen. You and your ilk don't even 'like' to converse in the Maltese language (which is identity) and then you would have us believe that you love your Maltese roots so much. You are just doing other European countries' dirty work, those that already have a similar scheme in place or who want to implement one in the near future.
"The PN left a country firmly standing on two feet. It is certainly not true that we need money." Uhhh??? Stop behaving like the village bully Dr. Simon, we all know who is doing his dammed best to tarnish Malta's reputation abroad. Stop genuflecting and worshiping before your new god the EU, and don't expect everybody else to do the same 'or else...' Desperate is an adjective which best describes you and your minions,that you had to stoop so low and hit under the belt over a matter which can do nothing but bring an economic boom to our country, such as will be the envy of the rest of the EU member states, and then you would have really been proud to call yourself a Maltese citizen. You and your ilk don't even 'like' to converse in the Maltese language (which is identity) and then you would have us believe that you love your Maltese roots so much. You are just doing other European countries' dirty work, those that already have a similar scheme in place or who want to implement one in the near future.
Lawrence Gonzi, who anointed Mr Simon Busuttil, as leader of the PN last year, voted with relish (mill-qalb) for the imposition of higher electricity tariffs which impoverished those on low income. Busuttil, rather strangely saw nothing "obscene" in that and even when the oil scandal broke indicating that those tariffs may have been backed by strong vested interests at no time did he stand up for those hurting in our society. Now he finds the IIP scheme "obscene" because in his view it touches European interests. The conclusion is very simple. Busuttil cares very little for Malta's lower income sector but very much for Europe's interests. Does one need say more about the true values of the PN leader?
Il-Prim Ministru Dr Joseph Muscat ghandu jivvota BIL-QALB favur bhal ma ghamel Dr Lawrence Gonzi meta ivvota kontra id-divorzju (meta riedu il-poplu) u meta ivvota bil Qalb meta gholew il-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-Ilma, kif ukoll meta ha €500 fil-gimgha. Jew kulhadd jiekol u jinsa??????
Simon you are adding more nails to your coffin by saying you will withdraw the IIP if you are in power.So now for sure lost the new 1800 passport holders and their families vote and they will be voting labour thanks to your big mouth.
Dr. Busuttil seems to be indicating that PL are doing all public relations possible to make PN look bad for its past performance, and, as an excuse for not doing much in the future. Is my impression corroborated?
Mr.Busuttil.As you are going to see,he is a SUPER HERO.At least he never said like PN.Money is no problem.And that is why he have to do it because money are the problem.
37000 more votes;9 more seats in parliament and he insists.What a ridiculous person.
THE PN left a country firmly standing on two feet.It is certainly not true that we need money! This guy was really living in cuckoo land! A record deficit! A record amount of debts! All the family silver sold for a pittance! Enemalta 800 million in the red!A health service virtually collapsed! A public transport system in tatters after throwing 120 million down the drain! Well this guy really deserves the name Simon Buzullotti!
Who has this midget, but giant in busullotti think he is dealing with. ? To hell to what he thinks, says, or instigates. The marriage with the PL Malta Taghna Ilkoll is definitely over and the Prime Minister must, definitely must, reconsider having Simon Busullotti attend National Festivities alongside him. Malta does not accept traitors and certainly not on its most sacred days celebrating Malta's freedom from the European Axis. While Europe continues to find ways of betraying Malta, Malta should actively find ways of bringing to justice those who have betrayed it. They have no right to be called or be treated as Maltese.
Simon Busuttil is growing from strength to strength...as is indeed the people`s opposition to this incompetent government that has sullied Malta`s name.
I just heard Casa, Metsola, and Simon`s speeches on NET; and PL watch out, they were quite provocative. Simon was right "il-passat il-mera tal-future" and that was what his Party was very adept at doing, bringing out the worst in politics. The Maltese do not want to pass through that s--t again.
I think our beloved Prime Minister should offer Maltese Citizenship to refugees as well, but maybe at a discounted price. How about just taking away 3 'zeros' from the amount - 650 euros is good money as well isn't it ?! That would be generationally responsible - would it not !!??
A speech full of ambiguities. What exactly are European values or perhaps he means E U values ? Example: That our Prime minister can't be a Catholic like in the UK or that abortion is a fundamental right like in Scandinavian countries? " We became part of a family and you do not sell your family," he said. Of course we Maltese treasure our family and surely our priority must always remain our immediate family. Malta is our flesh and blood. "Maltese passports translated into European Union passports" but we'll always be proud to be Maltese first and foremost. MISKIN MIN IKASBAR LIL MALTA MISKIN MIN JIDHAQ BIHA
Recently I am following what Simon is saying. He is opsesd with Private Investment scheme but noting about oil scandal.
Se ddum tahlilna il hin tal parlament? Hu break u itla sa Ghawdex.Issa it tattika tieghek fhimniha . Jekk ma tirbahx thassar.
The E.P. cannot pass a vote of no confidence in our Prime Minister as he is not responsible to them. He is responsible to us and we certainly haven't lost confidence in him as we clearly showed in the recent General Election. Dr.Busuttil said " being Maltese has to be earned." Well, he and his cohorts certainly haven't earned the privilege.
The E.P. cannot pass a vote of no confidence in Joseph Muscat as he is not responsible to them. He is responsible to us and we certainly haven't lost confidence in him as we showed clearly in the recent General Election. He said that " being Maltese is something one earned ". Well he and his cohorts certainly haven't earned the privilege.
Busu, get off your high horse, and go do something useful instead. Weren't you elected leader of a practically defunct party? Go play Lazarus mela, and leave those willing to move forward in peace to work as hard as possible for Malta's future interests.
Simon you are in no position to insist. You may request but you may NOT insist. You are not in Government but in Opposition. You do NOT govern. The Government governs. The Government has the greatest majority in the history of Malta so just get used to it Simon. Support from the €USSR? Since when does a national government need support from the €USSR to govern when it has the majority in the country Simon? As for support from the public I think that you are stall dazed by the knockout you received last year and that's a very long time not to recover from it. Better lie down and take a rest because al this blubbering is not doing you any good Simon.
DR. bUSUTTIL GHADNI KIF RAJT DIN IL-BICCA AHBAR FIT tORCA RTAL-LUM F-l2011, Simon Busuttil Kien kontra li l-Parlament Ewropew jidentifika pajjiż partikolari. x'gaghel tibdel fehemtek, ikkonvertejt jaw faccol u traditur tal Prma Klassi? Ghidilna
INSIST? ORDER? A heavily defeated Nationalist Party Opposition in the last election ORDER a 36,000,000 votes majority START giving orders to a Democratically elected 9 seats Parliamentary majority Government ? What a cheek.
Ha nibda b-domanda lill Bravvissmu Dr. Simon Busuttil, LLD, Ekonomista par Excellence, Entreprenuer Gwapp, Financial Advisor ma hawnx iehor bhalu, Trade Unjonista qatt ma deher wiehed bhalu,ghax dawn it-tip ta nies Maltin ma sabu xejn hazin f’din li-skema anzi fahhruha. Dr Busuttil, L-Oxxenita gejja minn nahha tieghek u ta shabek li hemm Brussels, ghax ilkhom mill-ewwel granet ta gvern Laburista taraw x-issibu biex timminawh ibda minn meta nqalet il-kwistjoni ta l-emigranti irregolari u issa fil-Kwisjoni ta l IIP. Id-dibattitu isir fil-Parlament imma wiehed jista jissoponi x’se tghid wara ‘Ghandhom maggoranza u allura jaghmlu li jridu’ , ghalkemm dejjem ahjar mill ‘ghandna maggoranza ta hamsa u l-Parlament jista ma jiltaqax.’ Din ma qalix Ministru Laburista imma Ministru gwapp Nazzjonalista. Wara kollox l-attitudni tieghek qeda turi li inti tigi taqa u tqum xc’jghiod kullhadd ghax hdejk kullhadd cucc u inti biss bravu anzi BRAVVISSMU Il-vot fi Brussels jittiehed bis-serjeta meta ma Malta jigu inkluzi dawk il-pajjizi li diga qedfin ihhaddmu din li-skema u huma membri wekoll daqsna ui mhux iktar minnjha fl.E.U. L-MEP’s tieghek hekk imisshom irragunaw u qalu fi Brussels u mhux bil-fors riedu li jissemma isem Malta biss, dawn huma zewg tradituri ta Malta. Barra minn ghandu din li’ skema il-Bulgarija qedgha taghti cittadinanza lill eluf ta zaghazagh mir-Rumeni u l-Ungerizi biex tipprova timla l-vojt li hallew iz-zaghgzagh taghha li telqu lejn pajjizi ohra Ewropej u dawn ic-cittadinanzi qedin jinattaw minghajr ebda skrutinju. Haga naturali dawn qedin ukoll jakkwistaw ic-cittadinanza Europea. Dan ma jinkwetakx Dr Busuttil, jew l-1,800 cittadinanza li se tinghata bli-skema Maltija hemm iktar possibilta li biha jinfiltraw fl-EU tyerorsti, hassiela ta flus. Maffjuzi, kriminali etc, allavolja se jkunu skrutinizzati Il-kelma bieh INTI bdejt issemiha ghal ragunijiet partigjani tieghek. Ghidilna x-differenza hemm milli wiehed jigi u jinvesti hu u wiehed jigi u jghidlhekk ‘il-flus hawn investihom inti ghax inti taf ahjar minni’. Jekk ikollok flus biex tinvesti x’taghmal int Dr. Busuttil tmur taqbad u tinvesti bl-addocc jew tqabbad lill xi hadd kompetenti u tghid lilu jinvestilhekk, Dr Busuttil L-IIP ma tibaghad l-ebda messag li l-ekonomija Maltija tinsab fl-inkwiet. Li Standards and Poor ghadhom kif qalu kif jahsbuha dwar l-Ekonomija ta Malta u qalu li ir RATING MA JISTGHU ITELUH IL-FUQ MINNHABBA ID-DEJN LI HALLA WARAJH IL-GVERN TA QABLU. Din harbitlhekk jew ma qrajtiex, jew se tghidilna li dawn ma jafux x’hinuma jghidu "The PN left a country firmly standing on two feet. It is certainly not true that we need money." Din Daghwa fahxijja. Malta ma ghandix bzonn flus, Malta li hallejtuha b’dejn ta sitt biljuni Euros. Taf x-inti tghid Dr Busuttil. Qieghed turi kemm inti jew ma tafx x’inti tghid jew trid taghddi izx-zmiem (minghaslik) bin-nies. Taf li meta il-Partit tieghek ha l-gvern f’idejh fil-kaxxa ta Malta sab Lm 600 miljun jew €1,400 miljun. Taf li ma ghamiltux progett wiehed li gie jiswa ta l-inqas id-doppju ta kemm stmajtuh, ibda bl-Air Terminal ui spiccaw bil-famus State of the Art Hospital li gie jiswa kwazi 4 darbiet aktar milli kien stmat. Fejn marru dawn il-flus zzejda li ntefqu? Minn hadhom? Il-ghala inxtraw l-ajruplani Avro Jr li wara li instabu li ma kienux tajbin imnholqot Linja ta’ l-ajru u barra li tfajtu lilhom jiha xtrajtu 3 ohra. Faqqartu l-Air Malta li inn kumpanija li kiwenet taghmel il-flus gibtuha falluta. Barra dawn wiehed irid isemmi il Misd Mmad Bank mibjuh bis-soldi. Fejnhom iol-flus li dahhaltu minnu u minn azzjendi ohra li bieghtu. Inthom hallejtu lill Maslta fuqa saqajja? Kontu se iggibuna fi stat li bioex insajru iridu nixtru kenur u mmoprru nsibbu bicciet ta l-injam u zkuk u ghhad-dawl nerghu immorru ghan-niccu. Tiftakru lill gonzi jghid li qieghed jiehu pjacir jivvota f’mozzzjoni biex jitrajjsu l-prezzijiet tad.dawl u l-ilma, da zzgur hu kien zzied lilhu in-nifsu u lill shab €600 fil-gimgha. ‘We became part of a family and you will not sell your family? Veru Dr Busuttil imma ghal-qilba tal-Poetr wiehd lest li jbih mhux lill familja imma lill-pajjizu
Boycott parliament, boycott all National festivities, order all supporters of your idea to resign from all boards, and organise a nation wide strike, Even a hunger-strike can be effective. Tell all your supporters not to pay the electricity and water bills.
Ahjar ikollok PM b'role ta' super hero ghal gid ta' pajjizu, milli jkollok Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni li jara sa' imniehru u jagixxi ta' traditur ghal pajjizu. Wara dan kollu, trid tara jkunx ghadu kap tal-partit biex iwettaq dak li qed jedded bih
Why would Simon & Co. turn against Malta? I think that the answer to this question is easy. If this scheme really materializes and brings in the funds as calculated, the chances for the PN to be elected in future elections will dwindle and there is a great probability that Simonstilskin will lose any chance of ever becoming prime minister. The next question is: How come there was such a large vote against the Maltese IIP scheme while no mention against the Austrian and Cypriot schemes ?(schemes that are quite similar to the Maltese one). What has the PN offered in return for such a support? If I were an EU MEP who would I prefer to negotiate with, a PL or a PN MEP? I think that the PN offered their submissiveness, something that neither Austria nor Cyprus offered. This was a godsend to opponent negotiators, especially in view of the upcoming MEP elections. They rather promote persons that were ready to vote for a “voluntary solidarity policy” (for illegal immigration) than persons that will stand up against greedy ex colonial nations. Unfortunately, some Maltese are psychologically conditioned to view foreigners as superior beings and the PN is exploiting this mentality that has embedded itself through long years of occupation (remember “xi cuc Malti). I say that the Maltese are no different from other nationalities, true no Einstein was ever born in Malta but then again no Hitler or Stalin was born here either. So the Maltese can consider themselves equal to our European brothers and there is no reason for us to feel inferior. And we should not be surprised that PN have turned against Maltese interests either, it has happened in the past. Historically some Maltese did turn against Malta during the Napoleon’s occupation. Who knows, maybe, in the future the word gakbini will become synonymous with Busuttili.
Why would Simon & Co. turn against Malta? I think that the answer to this question is easy. If this scheme really materializes and brings in the funds as calculated, the chances for the PN to be elected in future elections will dwindle and there is a great probability that Simonstilskin will lose any chance of ever becoming prime minister. The next question is: How come there was such a large vote against the Maltese IIP scheme while no mention against the Austrian and Cypriot schemes ?(schemes that are quite similar to the Maltese one). What has the PN offered in return for such a support? If I were an EU MEP who would I prefer to negotiate with, a PL or a PN MEP? I think that the PN offered their submissiveness, something that neither Austria nor Cyprus offered. This was a godsend to opponent negotiators, especially in view of the upcoming MEP elections. They rather promote persons that were ready to vote for a “voluntary solidarity policy” (for illegal immigration) than persons that will stand up against greedy ex colonial nations. Unfortunately, some Maltese are psychologically conditioned to view foreigners as superior beings and the PN is exploiting this mentality that has embedded itself through long years of occupation (remember “xi cuc Malti). I say that the Maltese are no different from other nationalities, true no Einstein was ever born in Malta but then again no Hitler or Stalin was born here either. So the Maltese can consider themselves equal to our European brothers and there is no reason for us to feel inferior. And we should not be surprised that PN have turned against Maltese interests either, it has happened in the past. Historically some Maltese did turn against Malta during the Napoleon’s occupation. Who knows, maybe, in the future the word gakbini will become synonymous with Busuttili.
Why would Simon & Co. turn against Malta? I think that the answer to this question is easy. If this scheme really materializes and brings in the funds as calculated, the chances for the PN to be elected in future elections will dwindle and there is a great probability that Simonstilskin will lose any chance of ever becoming prime minister. The next question is: How come there was such a large vote against the Maltese IIP scheme while no mention against the Austrian and Cypriot schemes ?(schemes that are quite similar to the Maltese one). What has the PN offered in return for such a support? If I were an EU MEP who would I prefer to negotiate with, a PL or a PN MEP? I think that the PN offered their submissiveness, something that neither Austria nor Cyprus offered. This was a godsend to opponent negotiators, especially in view of the upcoming MEP elections. They rather promote persons that were ready to vote for a “voluntary solidarity policy” (for illegal immigration) than persons that will stand up against greedy ex colonial nations. Unfortunately, some Maltese are psychologically conditioned to view foreigners as superior beings and the PN is exploiting this mentality that has embedded itself through long years of occupation (remember “xi cuc Malti). I say that the Maltese are no different from other nationalities, true no Einstein was ever born in Malta but then again no Hitler or Stalin was born here either. So the Maltese can consider themselves equal to our European brothers and there is no reason for us to feel inferior. And we should not be surprised that PN have turned against Maltese interests either, it has happened in the past. Historically some Maltese did turn against Malta during the Napoleon’s occupation. Who knows, maybe, in the future the word gakbini will become synonymous with Busuttili.
Ghalija l-akbar insult li sofriet Malta hija l-insistenza ta Simon &Co biex jipprova jghid lill barranin jghidulna x'ghadna nghamlu. Ga ghadna konferma li l-EU ma tindahalx f'din l-affari.Ga hemm bosta pajjizi li ghandhom skema simili.Nhar il gimgha fuq Xaraban ilvuci tal PN Norman Vella deher inkwetat ghal ahhar, ried jiehu gwadan elettorali forsi jaqbez l-elf vot.inkwetat ghax Joseph se jkollu biljun extra x'jonfoq. L-EU inkwetata ghax Malta se tkun kompetizzjoni diretta kif stqarr l-MEP Portugiz fuq il Ewronews.Il Gvern ghandu maggorana ta 36,000 u dawn l-importanti ghax dawn taw mandat il gvern CAR. Din li skema ta investiment hija parti mill programm elettorali biex il gvern ikompli jkabbar l-investiment.Go for it joseph u isma minni taqrax aktar il blogs tat TIMES.COM ghax orkestra wahda fuq kollox
A number of EU member states that have legislated similar schemes and have not been stopped by the EP. So why are these other member states being allowed to operate such a scheme? Why can't Malta not do the same?
A number of EU member states that have legislated similar schemes and have not been stopped by the EP. So why are these other member states being allowed to operate such a scheme? Why can't Malta not do the same?