PL executive to approve Joseph Cuschieri’s EP candidature

Labour head of delegation last to confirm interest in European Parliament candidature

Joseph Cuschieri
Joseph Cuschieri

After testing the waters and facing the Socialists' group ahead of the European Parliament's vote on the citizenship resolution, Labour's head of delegation Joseph Cuschieri informed the party he wanted to run for the European Parliament elections again.

Speculation ran wild over the past few weeks on whether Cuschieri would be on Labour's list of candidates for the May European elections, especially after Labour's executive this week confirmed former ONE journalist Charlon Gouder and incumbent Marlene Mizzi as candidates.

Party insiders told MaltaToday that Cuschieri had been uncertain whether to contest again, primarily concerned by the candidature of former prime minister Alfred Sant and former ONE journalist Miriam Dalli.

"Both Sant and Dalli have a good chance of being elected. As the head of delegation, Cuschieri expected to have a bigger push from the party although the party always wanted him to run. He is our head of delegation after all," the sources said.

One source claimed that Cuschieri kept his cards to his chest until he could gauge the party's reaction.

"There never were any doubts the executive would approve his candidature," another source said.

According to the sources, Cuschieri made up his mind after his "very active participation" in the European Parliament for the removal of any direct reference to Malta in the cross-party joint resolution on 'EU Citizenship for Sale'. 

Cuschieri, together with Mizzi, lobbied long and hard within the Socialist Group, home to the four Labour Maltese MEPs in the European Parliament.

"He worked relentlessly to obtain the S&D's support and the group in fact pushed amendments to remove any reference to Malta from the resolution. This week's experience convinced him to run again," the sources said.

Most probably, Labour's full list will be finalised with Cuschieri's candidature. The other approved candidates are MP Deborah Schembri, Cyrus Engerer, Peter Cordina, Lino Bianco, Ivan Grixti, Clint Camilleri, Mario Farrugia Borg and Fleur Vella.

Cuschieri, Sant, Dalli, Engerer and Mizzi are considered to be among the favourite top five.

Joseph Muscat was full of praise for the hard work put in by Cuschieri to lobby for votes in the EP resolution.....but we all know the outcome...a monumental thrashing for the Malta Government that history has never seen. Cuschieri is not worth one euro of his remuneration.
Meta Malta saret membru tal-Unjoni Ewropea qablet li fuq numru ta’ materji, speċjalment dawk relatati mas-suq intern, l-ekonomija, id-drittijiet tal-konsumatur u oħrajn, taqsam is-sovranità tagħha mal-membri l-oħra tal-Unjoni Ewropea. Fil-qbil li kellha l-Unjoni Ewropea dakinhar, li għadu bi qbil illum, hemm materji ta’ interess nazzjonali fosthom is-sigurtà nazzjonali, it-taxxa u ċ-ċittadinanza. Dawn jibqgħu materji fil-kompetenza tal-istati membri. L-ebda stat membru tal-Unjoni Ewropea ma jrid li jaqsam is-sovranità fuq materji daqstant delikati u importanti għal kull pajjiż.
Min sa jahsillek wiccek biex tkun isbah minnhu mur arha imbilli ivvutaw il barranin ahna x'alabiebna mil barranin ahna gid irridu fil pajjiz dawk il barrinin ma jaqblihomx li ahna naghmlu bhal ma qedin diga jaghmlu huma, insomma din xorta sa issir u wara jibilghu ilsienhom ilkollhom it tradituri arha hawn xi hadd fid dinja li jmur jehoda kontra pajjizu.Shame on those Traiters.
U zgur li jikkonfermawh. Irnexxilu jikkonvinci 2 mill-200 socjalisti fl-Ewropa biex jivvutaw ghall-hnizrija tal-gvern tieghu. Kun imbierek se jghajdlu l-Onor. Illust. Joseph Muscat PM ta` Malta u Ghawdex u Kemmuna! Idhol fis-saltna tal-laqgha u baqa` f`wicckom.