MEP candidate raises concern over minister’s discretion on IIP applicants

Article 6 of legal notice on citizenship sale grants minister discretion to include applicants facing criminal charges, for Maltese citizenship

Stefano Mallia
Stefano Mallia

Nationalist candidate for the European Parliament Stefano Mallia has called into question a power granted to the home affairs minister, to allow applicants for the Individual Investor Programme who are subject of a criminal investigation, to be still considered eligible for Maltese citizenship.

Q&A - How will Malta's 'new' citizenship sale work under the new rules?

Article 6 of the legal notice enacting the IIP says applicants for Maltese citizenship who have a criminal record, re subject to a criminal investigation or are a potential security threat to Malta shall not be approved for citizenship under the programme.

However the same article contains the proviso that should Identity Malta be satisfied that the applicant "is still worthy of being considered for approval to be demonstrated by the applicant" it may issue a reasoned opinion for the applicant to be considered for approval and shall refer such application to the minister, who will have the sole authority to grant such approval.

Stefano Mallia expressed his concern at the inclusion of this proviso in the legal notice. "Why has this article been included at all? Is it correct that the minister should be given the sole authority to decide on such a sensitive matter?"

"I was stunned when I saw Article 6. In other articles of the same legal notice there are provisions that prohibit people with a criminal record or are under criminal investigation from applying. This is 100% correct, however Article 6 seems to give the minister full and sole powers to ignore all this and still approve the application of somebody with a criminal or dubious background. To me this also puts in doubt the whole due diligence process which we have been assured will be of the highest quality. Some kind of explanation is required."

MaltaToday had previously reported that under the original IIP rules, suitable candidates for the could be "subject to politically motivated charges or convictions" if the minister deemed they were eligible for the programme. This proviso has now been removed.

and who is this ZOMBIE ?
Stefano Mallia obviously comes from a background with limited knowledge of our political system. If he did he would call for a change of the constitution since this gives kilometres of discretion to the Prime Minister. My dear sir our system is based on the British model which is known as responsible government, that is a government in which the Prime Minister and each individual minister carry ultimate responsibility for government measures, policy and decisions. Of course we might excuse for failing to grasp this because your party while in government heaped misery on the Maltese people and refused to carry responsibility and resign. Of course I am sure that if asked you will say you do not remember any such thing.
no maltese cross mr mallia is fully aware of the implications of the filtering by mfsa so but he chose to utter such rubbish so that he wouldnt be seen as lagging in the pn panto what baffles my mind is why dr mallia should go into the detail of this scheme when he is outright against it.....
Nelson Mandela had a criminal record.
Priscilla Darmenia
Perhaps I am living in KuKu land or Mr Mallia is. – I do not know how many times I heard and read statements by various PL politicians and recently even by Prof Bannister of the MFSA that applicants will pass through the same process as financial investors. – Mr Mallia for sure is not familiar with the rigorous filter of the MFSA. – When I hear such candidates make statements like these I wonder the level of competence our MEP representatives will have. – I question also the competence of Simon Busuttil when he stated several times that he will revoke the citizenship to these people, even when constitutional experts said that he cannot.
So actually, the recommendation would be made by Identity Malta. Hence if the minister approves the application, he would be acting and accepting Identity Malta's recommendation ! So what the minister will be able to do on his own accord, is to REFUSE the application !
Imma al xhiex jaslu dawn it-tip ta kandidati biex jiehdu naqa coverage u propoganda! Il-kriminali u l-mafja taht il PN kibru u stghanew! Kemm kien hemm kriminali li taht il PN inghataw ic-cittadinanza? Wara Mejju is Sur Stefano probabilment jisparixxi mix-xena!
Stefanio beside article 6 regarding qualifications to Qualify for citizenship,can you name which article which contain the same expected scrutiny apply to those candidates for the next MEP's election?
Micheal Bonanno
Let the scaremongering continue! Watch out there may be someone under your bed! What's next?
Why Malta? When there are already others available. (Cyprus, no need to live there)
Why Malta? When there are already others available. (Cyprus, no need to live there)
Igor P. Shuvalov
We expect that those who hope to represent us in the European Union Parliament will keep abreast of developments before trying to catch their votes by commenting about current themes.
"Cannot stop laughing" Why doesn't Stefanio go and tell the Eu about the low life EU citizens who are not checked about their police conducts or criminal activity entering our country without any problems ,just go to Sliema ,St Julians ,Bugibba etc' and you can see by your own eye's what we have to be proud off. Thank you PN and STEFANIO.
Micheal Bonanno
Let the scaremongering continue! Watch out there may be someone under your bed! What's next?
Muscat's citizenship scheme has got more holes in it than a pasta strainer!