MEP says citizenship sale should be suspended pending EC talks

David Casa says government playing ‘dangerous game’ if it seeking consultation with Commission while marketing IIP

Nationalist head of delegation David Casa
Nationalist head of delegation David Casa

Nationalist MEP David Casa is keeping up the pressure on Malta's citizenship scheme, accusing Prime Minister Joseph Muscat of playing a "dangerous game" despite the government's intention to hold talks with Brussels.

Muscat's sale of citizenship - the Individual Investor Programme - was singled out by the European Parliament after Casa and Nationalist MEP Roberta Metsola pushed through a resolution against the sale of EU citizenship.

The European Commission now is considering opening an infringement procedure against Malta, although the government says it will hold talks with Brussels on the IIP.

"Notwithstanding the European Parliament's crystal clear vote against the Maltese sale of passport scheme, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat stated that the scheme will proceed as planned. More recently however, it transpired that the government will be holding talks with the European Commission on this controversial scheme.

"This is a dangerous game. On the one hand applications for prospective buyers of Maltese passports have been issued and on the other there are talks of negotiations with the Commission. The government needs to clarify its position. Are these talks just a sham? Is this one of the delaying tactics we have become accustomed to? Or is the government holding talks with the Commission with the intention of amending the scheme?"

Casa said that the government should have consulted the EC before launching the IIP, saying the scheme should now be suspended if talks are ongoing.

"Not only is the scheme the target of international rebuke, but this irresponsible behaviour of marketing and trying to sell a half-baked scheme will see serious investors shunning Malta now and in the future. At this point I appeal to our PM to suspend the scheme, finally conduct a real consultation process, amend the scheme to include a residency requirement, which the Commission is requesting and which the Opposition has requested all along, and relaunch a scheme that does not clash with EU values, treaties and international law."

Mr casa your days as an MEP are numbered.TRAITOR.
The PN should go without my family vote..... Until Dr.Casa & Dr Metsola I m very sorry but what they done is unexcitable. family of 4 from Balzan
The PN should go without my family vote..... Until Dr.Casa & Dr Metsola I m very sorry but what they done is unexcitable. family of 4 from Balzan
Dawn ghalhekk riedu l-EU membership. Qabel kienu jugzaw lil Mintoff lir regina i issa lil Muscat lill-EU. Kolonjalisti
Ezatt bhal-istorja tat-30 bicca tal-Fidda, min jaf Carmelo Borg Pisani li nsellem il-meorja tieghu x' jitqalleb! ghall-inqas kellu principji u twemmin li fil-fehma tieghu kienu genwini biex jara l-pajjizu ahjar mhux bhalek Sur Gazaza !
Dear Mr Casa. Have you told your European friends in Brussels that your GonziPN government took European citizens for a ride when you charged them higher fares than the Maltese were paying. Please explain your friends that we need the proceeds from the IIP to refund our European friends the extra charges your PN government has ripped them. David we love you, you are one of our greatest assets without you knowing it.
These guys are amazing. After 25 years of controversial power where the got the greatest defeat recorded in history, they now try to bully Maltese intelligence using a big "bubble" brother who has no say on this matter at all. These highly paid clerks of glass house brussels has nothing to do so for them this bullying is fun. Have a break and go for a party elsewhere. Keep it up PN.......full speed ghal gol hajt. Miskin minn ikasbar item Malta.
U fil-frattemp noqoghdu ndoqqu l-ajda u nistennew il-manna taqa' mis-sema Sur Casa. Peres li m'hemmx dejn u imghaxijiet x'jithallsu, ara biex saru dawn id-djun ma qalet xejn l-Ewropa!
U fil-frattemp noqoghdu ndoqqu l-ajda u nistennew il-manna taqa' mis-sema Sur Casa. Peres li m'hemmx dejn u imghaxijiet x'jithallsu, ara biex saru dawn id-djun ma qalet xejn l-Ewropa!
A GUDA ! int u dik ix xadina Metsola that il kappel tax xemx ma hawnx ghar minnkhom ja zewgt tradituri. Nahilfilkhom li la jien u l-anqas familti qatt ma hrigna nivutaw ghal elezzjonijiet ta EU ghax ma naqbilx li nibghatu 6 min nies ipappuwa min fuq dahrna talli jilaqu il warrani go brussells .imam din id darba l-ewwel wiehed nohrog nivvota ghal kandidati kollha tal PL biex nghamel cert li ta l-anqas had min dawn I sriep ma jerga jitla ipappija hemm u min fuq jghamel il hsara lil malta tghana. JA GUDA !
Iktar ma jghaddi z-zmien iktar qed nirrealizza xfaqar ta idejat hu mobbi bieh il PN
Manafx hux vera imma smajt li L-Labour se jbiegh l-ambaxxata Maltija fi Brussles u jixtri wahda bieb ma bieb ma dik Griega!
Manafx hux vera imma smajt li L-Labour se jbiegh l-ambaxxata Maltija fi Brussles u jixtri wahda bieb ma bieb ma dik Griega!
Tajba edyjoyce, are you proposing that Davidino embraces the Greek's backwards ways with their failed anatomy of their economic model? Ara, so GYK's will not feel left out, I like his bulls'eye CASATA as well!
Have fun while you can CASA traditur!! I voted for you last time. Fat chance next time!!!!!!!
Empty vessels make most sound!
Mr.Casa,you better find another job,because only few are going to vote for you.
Just shut the **** up !!
Mur sib xi Grieg, David !
Paul Sammut
Of old, The Maltese had the term Terenata. Now they have a wider choice: Casata, Metsolata and Simonata. X'pastazata.
Sur Casa int u it-traditrici l-orha messkom tisthu tivvutaw kontra malta. hemm x'hemm , glied fil familja jibqa fil-familja u mhux tehduh l-EU. Imma tinkwetax tigi taghhom ukoll. MA TERGGHUX tarawh hemm fuq. Ara ma tghidux li qed tiddefendu lil malta.
Xtahseb li int sur casa,ghax ma tghidx imisskhom TISTHU inti u'l pn tieghek taghamlu dik il PASTAZATA KONTRA MALTA tgerxghu lil negozjanti li ser j'investu Malta.Pero din id darba iktar ipattiilkhom il poplu. Qieghed taghamel bhall ma kien ghamel il pampalun liehor efa meta kien mar il Germanya u ghid lil industrilisti Germanizi biex i zarmaw il fabriki li kien gab Mintof
To all the MEPs in Brussels how can you assosiate with these kind of poeple like David Casa and Roberta Mezzola who stab their own country in the back.Imagine what they do to you .
@ BUZ. God forbid li jigri hekk. Ara kieku kemm ikun ghawn taffig fuq in-nies.
Jiena ghalija dan Casa, bhal siehbu Simon, minn dejjem kien ragel fuq l-irgiel. Staqsu lil min jafu sew fi Brussels u jghidulkom.
Sur Casa our Government is not an EC ass liker like you lot
where was Mr Casa the last 5 years when his party gave away hundreds of citizenships for free to friends of friends! What about austria, Ireland ect hopefully in four months time the people will dump this person where he deserves!
Dana l-MEP jaf li b'1500 vot maggoranza baghu ghaddejin min fuq kullhadd. Mur gibghom ghand 36,000 vot jew 9 siggijiet maggoranza x'kienu jghamlu!!!!!
Sur Casa,Daqt tasal tieghek ukoll u l kelma tieghek tigi ma tiswa xejn ax kullhadd qed jara fik traditur li ma jisthoqqlokx tissejjah Malti.Isthi jekk taf!
Kif ma' jisthix jiggakbina kontra pajjizu. Iz-zmien ghad iqajmu minn din il-fantazijja u gideb li holqu.
The only 'danger' Simon sees in investment scheme is only one: if successful it would the end of his political career!
Vera nghid prosit lil min ghamdek bl'isem Casa ghax vera missek tisthi Gharukaza. L'inforra li miksi biha tant harxa li ma tafx xi tfisser misthijja. Qed tiehu pjacir tintuza ta tarka basta thammeg isem Malta imma iz zmien jaghtini parir...tinzel int u tnizzel l'arroganza tal partit tieghek mieghek.
Ma' nsejhulux wicc ta' Nazzjonalist imma wicc ta' traditur aktar toqghodlu.
Il-hsara li ghamilt int David Casa flimkien ma Roberta Metsola etc.etc., issa ma ghadkhomx kredibbli u lit-tnejn lonthom hadd ma ser johodkhom aktar bis-serjeta. Tista tghidli int David Casa xi kwalifakkzjoniet akademici ghandhek sabiex tghati parir lil EU u lil Malta ????
Say it to the other countries as well if you have the balls. What applies to the goose applies to the gander as well
Issa ghandna l konferma li l gvern qieghed fis-sod. Kieku Is Sur Casa ma kellux ghalfejn jaghti parir biex il gvern jissopendi. Kif jghidu 'Say it to the marines' Sur Casa
Just one word,TRAITOR.
Mela m'ghandex x'taghmel Mr Casa? Filkas taf x'ghandek taghmel hux? Veru nies irresponsabli. Gelousy gets you nowhere.
I am quite touched by your concern Mr.Casa however you should not worry because we are used to danger cause for some years now we have been surrounded by traitors and a corrupt PN administration. If I were you I would worry about re-election as MEP.
Mark Fenech
Dan iehor li hadem kontra Malta. Dan qatt ma ghamel xejn ghal Malta u kif dan itellugh il-PN ma nafx, veru ma ghandhomx biex jghabbu. U minn kunjomu tiehu l-impressjoni li mhux Malti 100 fil-100.
The best thing this man can do for his country is to shut the hell up.He caused enough damage to the country as it is. I am pretty sure the PM knows all too well to just ignore anything coming out of this David Casa's treasonous mouth.
Fadallek zejt f'wiccek? Jew tilghabu jekk tkissru ghalkemm ma nafx f'fadal x'jitkisser gol pajjiz ghaliex anki inthom tfarraktu ghalhekk qedin taghmlu hekk. Isthu minn alla li halaqkom.