Oil drillers obliged to conduct environment risk assessment

Government obliging oil drillers to prepare oil spill contingency plan for the first time ever

Joe Mizzi (second from right)
Joe Mizzi (second from right)

An offshore oil well will be drilled 130 kilometres to the south of Malta, transport minister Joe Mizzi announced today.

In order to minimize risks related to health, safety and the environment, government contractually obliged Mediterranean Oil and Gas, which will be drilling this well, to conduct an environmental risk assessment and to submit an oil spill contingency plan, and report on major hazards.

It is the first time that government has requested such reports, which were not all required when the initial contract was signed. 

These reports are in line with the requirements of the Offshore Safety Directive that was published by the UE last June, and also in accordance with the requirements of the Offshore Protocol of the Barcelona Convention.

As the well will be drilled in deep waters, the oil company will be using a drilling rig that has recently undergone major upgrades of its safety critical equipment, to increase its safety standards in line with best international industry practice.

Approximately 25% of the world's oil transport passing through the central Mediterranean.

"A particular level of national preparedness to spills from oil and HNS is crucial, in order to counteract any incidents that may potentially arise and affect our seas, shores and potentially our economy," Mizzi said at the launch of an oil spill response capacity building event.

One of the major objectives of the project is to increase the number of persons trained in maritime pollution response and identifying potential pollution risks from offshore activities, in order to draw up a response strategy.

"As minister responsible for Maltese ports and oil exploration, I am very much aware of the potential perils that Malta needs to address with the onset of offshore exploration and the granting of licenses for operations.

"Preparations are being made to address the offshore pollution risks from this activity, as part of maritime pollution preparedness and response in Malta. Project budget funds have been set aside to carry out studies to identify such risks, so that a response strategy can be drawn up and included as part of National Contingency Plan," Mizzi said.

From a Med oil n Gas investor, personal opinion. This is all fine, indeed quite proper to have sensible plans & precautions, however you really need to keep the Italians out of the frame, as if they are allowed to slow anything down, with their suggested ocean survey for example, before you know it, you could have the E.U on your back. Followed possibly by a challenge from Italy for your oil rights. They have switched to deep water & the further from their coast the better,in their opinion: Wonder who the E.U would back in such a showdown? A Major stuggling E.U country or a small Island State. Answer - From the Banking Crisis, Greek debt, dumped on the citizens on Cyprus, with funds stolen en-mass from their bank accounts. The Noble rig; Paul Romano, cost 400,000 dollars a day and needs booking way in advance. Be very careful, get on with this, don`t loose it, P.s The new Aberdeen could just as Easily be in Scicily. Good luck & prosperity to Malta & its people.
Let's go find that black gold! Go! Go! Go!