PN expresses solidarity with Ukrainian protestors

Opposition says Ukrainian government must employ sincere dialogue not repressive measures

The Nationalist Party has expressed concern at the unfolding troubles in the Ukraine, where a civil protest against the government of Viktor Yanukovich has now turned violent.

"In the past weeks, tension rose again after the Ukrainian government introduced a new law to limit the legitimate right for the public to protest," the PN said.

Four victims' lives have been claimed in the response to the protest and hundreds have been injured.

"The PN strongly condemns the violence and other anti-democratic measures that the government in Ukraine is resorting to against its own people. Like in every other democratic state, Ukrainians have the right to express themselves freely.

"We appeal to the Ukrainian government to withdraw its repressive measures and employ sincere dialogue."

Bhal tal_Polonja din "Lech Walesa", nispera li jixxeghlu ix-xema in nazzjonalisti, xejn xejn issir naqra business mix-xema, hahahahahahahahah Jekk ghandkom il-bocci ikkundannaw ir-russia u il President ta l-Ukraina, li qed iharbat pajjiz. Wara ikkundannaw l-ewropa li dahhaltuna fiha li qed thalli nies jinqaltu '2 s'issa'. Tghid m'hemmx xi id mohbija minn xi wahda minn dawk l-istillel???? Tinsewx, din l-ewropa hija ta Kain.
Ma tafx li juru solidarjeta mal-Ukrajni. Mela dawk Maltin jew?
niftakar meta tilef il vot fil Parlament il PN, Dr Gonzi qal li ghandu mandat ta 5snin..... 2 ways 2 measures
Kemm hu nisrani il PN