Gonzi used helicopter for opera and weddings, says OPM

PM’s spokesperson says Opposition should “get things into perspective” over Gozo MP’s use of helicopter for parliamentary duties

Lawrence Gonzi greeting well-wishers during the Notte Bianca celebrations. A PQ shows he used an AFM helicopter to attend Gozo and Malta versions of the cultural appointment.
Lawrence Gonzi greeting well-wishers during the Notte Bianca celebrations. A PQ shows he used an AFM helicopter to attend Gozo and Malta versions of the cultural appointment.

Former prime minister Lawrence Gonzi made use of the Armed Forces of Malta's helicopter to make 45 crossings between Malta and Gozo throughout his premiership, to attend political appointments but also cultural activities, but also funerals and one wedding.

The information, which covers the years 2008-2011, was revealed in a reply to a parliamentary question, and referred to by the Prime Minister's spokesperson Kurt Farrugia in a sarcastic tweet to Opposition leader Simon Busuttil and shadow home affairs minister Jason Azzopardi.

DOWNLOAD full list of Lawrence Gonzi's helicopter trips from Malta to Gozo

The information comes in the wake of criticism by Busuttil of news that Joseph Muscat had allowed Gozo backbencher Justyne Caruana to be picked up by an AFM helicopter to take her to Malta International Airport to catch a flight to Marseille, where she was attending a conference for Mediterranean parliamentarians.

In a reply to the PQ, Lawrence Gonzi had declared that the AFM helicopter was at the disposition of the President of Malta and the prime minister, for invitations they receive in their official capacity.

According to the information supplied, the 37 trips included 25 which were return trips, comprised a total of 27 hours, and cost in total €32,337 - an average of €873 per outing.

Every year, Gonzi used the AFM helicopter to travel to the Notte Biancha celebrations, as well as numerous cultural activities and other meetings.

A report in The Times of Malta revealed taht Labour MP Justyne Caruana was flown from Gozo to the Malta International Airport by an army helicopter, describing it as an "unprecedented transport service" on instructions of the OPM.

A spokesperson for the government said the decision was taken so that Caruana could make it in time to the airport and catch a flight to Marseille.

Together with Labour MP Etienne Grech, Caruana was in Marseille to attend a meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean. She also chairs the committee on the Middle East and had to present the parliamentary assembly with two reports.

It transpires that the government ordered back both MPs to Malta in case a vote on the Opposition's motion on the citizenship scheme were to be taken on Monday evening.

No votes were taken on Monday evening and on Tuesday morning the government decided that Caruana should return back to Marseille and take part in the conference.

"Since the decision for Dr Caruana's participation at the Marseille conference, deemed of high importance for the Maltese Government, was taken late on Tuesday morning, the only means for the Gozitan MP to arrive in time at Malta International Airport for the Brussels flight connecting to Marseille was by dispatching an AFM helicopter. The AFM applied the same procedures as used to happen for members of the previous administration in similar occasions when the necessity arose," an OPM spokesperson told The Times.

@ Galizia, spot on and so blo*dy right! If the PN's lawyer-laden leadership knows anything very, very well, then it must be what would surely had been well drilled into their skulls at law school, i.e. lie through your teeth at all cost, if it helps your pocket by helping your interests.
I said it many times before...if hypocrisy was currency,the PN would have solved its financial woes a very long time ago.
e Gonzi dilettant ta l-opri uzgur...L-Akbar Opri ta gonzi imma jibqaw BWSC,Arriva ,airmalta,GO,40 fil mijja tad dejn mil indipendenza sa hawn fl ahhar legislature...l-ghola utility bills ta Europa..etc..etc
So a lot of fuss on Justine,What about those hypocrites MEP`S who use our vote to blast Malta,....perhaps now they are starting to realise that the scum they threw at Malta will come back to their faces
Joseph Muscat huwa bniedem ta dixxiplina ghallek ibqu certa li Justine mhux ha taghmila 45 darba din, bhal ma ghamel Gonzi ghax holl xarek u gieb iz-zejt.
Joseph Muscat huwa bniedem ta dixxiplina ghallek ibqu certa li Justine mhux ha taghmila 45 darba din, bhal ma ghamel Gonzi ghax holl xarek u gieb iz-zejt.
You see! I always knew that Labour were against culture. U le, not vulture! Miskin il-Lorry! He always insisted on arriving fresh for the Opera. In fact, he always slapped on a double helping of strong hair gel for these events. You know, so the copter's rotors won't dis-mask his cool.
Mid-dehra ma tantc jinzlu tajjeb il-kummenti ta individwi li jwegghu il-qalb ta' uhud sur Editur
Toni Borg when an MP is representing Malta it makes NO difference whether he is the the President, Prime Manister or an ordinary backbencher. Apart from protocol, he or she represent Malta and are entitled to the same benefits. If you cannot get this into your mind you are either still at kindergarten or just want to show your envy. Just to remind you, Eileen Montezin wanted to use army
An outstanding majority voted GonziPN out of castille only to get GonziPN V2 it seems. People voted for a change not for a photocopier.
Justyne membru parlamentari bil-voti ta' haddiehor.Jekk innehhu l-ghammad min ghajnejna, il- Priministru u l-Presedent ghandhom dritt ghal din ix-xorta ta vjagg.
Justyne membru parlamentari bil-voti ta' haddiehor.Jekk innehhu l-ghammad min ghajnejna, il- Priministru u l-Presedent ghandhom dritt ghal din ix-xorta ta vjagg.
You are all forgetting that citizens voted in March 2013 to change the way things were done under PN and not continue with the same practices.
How can you compare a work related trip to an opera or a wedding 45 times ?
ok, lets say Simon made a gaffe here and the old PM used the heli too. Then if Gonzi, as the PM abused of power, what is Justyne as a simple MP doing today ??? where is the change we were promised? two wrongs make a right?
Reminder those in glass houses should not throw stones got that P N no matter what one can say one cannot justify a social activity to a job meeting 45 times to boot what a joke on tax payers money
Ah, so if the PM did it under the PN administration, the PL now has to go one better and let every Tom, Dick and Harry do it!!! Yes, Malta is getting better and better!!! Malta Taghna - u naghmlu li rridu!!!
Il-patrijot kardinal Malti kien jordna 'peppered steak' fuq l-Air Malta esklussivmanet ghalih allavolja barra l-menu: Alla biss jaf kemm kienet tqum xi mitt ewro; barra sistendi xi Pomerol tal-1996 xi ftit caviar mill-Caspian Sea, u helu ordnat esklussivamnet minn Laduree ta Parigi. Anqas tafu kemm iffangaw u kemm ikliet b.menu mimlija ortolani kienu jibilghu go fihom minn fuq dahar in-nies! Ara dan li qed insemmi jien qatt ma harguh fil-publiku ghax in-nies taghhom biss kien ihaddmu u jhadduhom li jekk jikxfu ghal barra!
ghamlu president wiehed tal pn ha taraw kif juzaw il palazzi kontra il gvern fakkruna lima tfal tal ministri tal pn izzewgu fil palazz tal girgenti ja qatta ipokri tradituri
Ah, so if the PM did it under the PN administration, the PL now has to go one better and let every Tom, Dick and Harry do it!!! Yes, Malta is getting better and better!!! Malta Taghna - u naghmlu li rridu!!!
Il-helikopter tal-AFM gieli ntuza biex jiehu lil tal- BIRDLIFE fuq Filfla ,sur cassolla !!!! Jew dawk jistghu juzawh u ministru ma jistax ????
ommi ma kemm nihu pjacir u ir ruh meta niftakar li daqshek rajna dik id dahqa tal plastica ta dr.Gonzi. mhux ta bxejn it telfa storika li laqqat il pn.ghalkhemm bdan il kummidjant traditur li ghamlu floku probbabli elezjoni ohra jitkaxkar aktar.
mhux talli gonzi kien juza l helikopter biex jaqsam ghal ghawdex spiss, izda gieli kien hemm okkazjonijiet bhal nghidu ahna tieg li sar fil forti chambrey li ma hassux komdu jirkeb il helikopter mal president tar repubblika( li kien mistieden ukoll) u gie b helikopter separat. it tnejn li huma qaghdu ghal quddiesa tat tieg u telqu wara xulxien.
Shame on Simon Busutill who tried to shed bad light on the government for the AFM helicopter to enable Justyn to reach her flight and niw we learn that Gonzi used it 45 times. But it seems that PN could do whatever it wants but Pl cannot even breath.
Unbelievable these bunch of PNhypocrites! Not only did they use helicopters for trivialities but they were so brazen they even used Verdala Palace and the Inquistors palace at Girgenti for wedding parties of their relatives!! One EX PNPresident even closed Vardal Palace to visitors as he felt it was his private property! Pull the other one Simon!
I don't think the PL has recognized the difference between a President a Prime Minister and a back bencher!!! Kurt Farrugia should check his dictionary and consult with facts in order that he can #getthingsinyoperspective!!!
Someone should ask in Parliament for the number of occasions that Richard Cachia Caruana travelled by private jet for meetings and how much each trip cost. One should also ask how many times Gonzi travelled by private jet to meetings and how much each trip cost. They will be surprised with the answer.
Now I am waiting for Dr.Simon Busuttil to reply, but I am not going to hold my breath.
Now I am waiting for Dr.Simon Busuttil to reply, but I am not going to hold my breath.
Keeping an eye on Politicians is the right thing to do. But a politician using a helicopter in the line of duty is not a criminal act. A Politician using a helicopter to transport him or her to cultural activities, funerals and weddings is a waste of Tax Payer's money. It is the same problem with a politician calling for a Gozo Channel Ferry to turn back to Cirkewwa because he was left behind when the Ferry left for Gozo! Remember that one? Of course not. All they had to do was to blame the manager on duty and continue business as usual. Most politicians and that includes PL and PN Politicians think they are above the law and all we need to do is just bitch a little about their arrogance and then forget it and let go. They have us citizens and the Media so well trained to forget that most Politicians get away with murder. We have no right to protest when they screw up. That is why you see very little comments in the media. It is a shame.
Keep on being dumb and dumber SIMON your gonzi used it 45 times.
No comments yet from the PN?
Koz hu: kif l-operas it-trips go Sqallija u l- funerali u uzu tal-Helikopter minn Gonzi inzammu sigrieti ghal 6 snin shah? B.min irid jghaddi iz-zmien Simon?
St. Lawrence meeting Santa Giovanna. Falla lill pajjiz u lill partit u qisu ma gara xejn!!!!
Gonzi used helicopters for operas? Liema wahda? I Pagliaci' ? Jew 'Cosi fan tutti' ?
Igor P. Shuvalov
...but of course during that period there were few inside informers, so such trips never, or rarely, reached the press and the general public.
Hadd ma jrid il gustizzja wara biebu. That was good Kurt mela wake up and smell the coffe u ibdew irribattu.
How can you compare an MP with a Prime Minister #getthingsintopersective?
Once again, the PN forget to look at their own history while throwing the mud around. Bloody hypocrites!
Il-ahwa kemm ghad fadal x'juzaw il-helicopter biex nilhqu c-cifra ta Gonzi. U kemm gera bil-helicopter ja marras l'hu. Lil Kate kien irrikkba mieghu wkoll tghid? Min jaf kemm ghad trid tirkeb il-helicopter Kate ukoll meta Joseph jahtarha President tar-Repubblika?