MHRA expresses confidence in MTA chief
Formosa Gauci 'a key player in ensuring success enjoyed by the tourism industry' says MHRA
The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) has expressed its reservations on a story published by General Worker's Union daily paper L-Orizzont about an alleged abuse by Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) CEOer Josef Formosa Gauci.
MHRA said that Formosa Gauci had been a key player in ensuring the success enjoyed by the tourism industry over the past years.
"The MHRA Council has full trust in the competencies of Formosa Gauci and augurs that he will be given again the opportunity to keep supporting the industry proposer as he has already done over the past years. Indeed results speak for themselves and do not come up by coincidence," MHRA President Paul Bugeja said.
On Wednesday, l-Orizzont reported that MTA CEO Formosa Gauci had obtained €23,000 extra from his post at MTA in a benefit for his own car, and an extra benefit of an official car on top of his €77,000 annual salary.
Minister for Tourism Karmenu Vella defended Formosa Gauci and highlighted his efforts to attain positive results for the tourism industry.
The minister also expressed disappointment to the fact that the attack on Formosa Gauci appears to have originated from inside the MTA.