Mallia asks ministers for ‘voluntary’ responsibility-sharing of migrants

Home affairs minister calls on EU member states to deliver on solidarity commitment

Manuel Mallia
Manuel Mallia

Home affairs minister Manuel Mallia told EU counterparts that no time-frame had yet been set by the Council to undertake measures identified by a task force aimed at securing the EU's Mediterranean borders from irregular migration.

The minister also called for "voluntary and coordinated" responsibility-sharing of asylum seekers, indicating a change in tone on Labour's previous calls for a mandatory burden-sharing system. 

According to a statement from the home affairs ministry, Mallia was said to have told the informal Justice and Home Affairs Council that "mechanisms for the voluntary and coordinated sharing of responsibility between Member States should be further analysed and developed" as part of a Common European Asylum System.

Mallia echoed his government's concerns with member states, claiming that the EU had "forgotten the meaning of solidarity especially with countries such as Malta which easily reach saturation point when arrivals of irregular migrants pick up at a steady pace each year."

Mallia said two relocation projects for asylum seekers in Malta were limited in effect, and that most member states had not been forthcoming in relocating asylum seekers to their countries.

"They hid behind the aspect of 'voluntariness' and forgot that beneficiaries of international protection have not voluntarily left their country and voluntarily risked their lives on land and on the sea to reach Europe," Mallia said.

"We have achieved little by way of solidarity between us, and it needs to be put there again - and this time in a more concrete manner - we cannot afford to fail to deliver on this again. We have to go further - even further than what we agreed to in the Task Force as this is meant to address longer term aims."

Despite measures being identified by the Task Force calling for the mobilisation of all efforts for their implementation within a clear timeframe, Mallia complained that no timeframe had been indicated as yet, and asked the Commission what steps it envisaged taking.

"We agreed on cooperation with third countries and put particular emphasis on Libya. We need to reflect this in our Strategic Guidelines for the future, namely, with assistance to third countries that are the main countries of origin and transit of illegal immigration into the EU," Mallia said.

Mallia also suggested more emphasis on the principle of conditionality - cooperation with countries of origin depending as to whether they accept returns of migrants to their country.

"Efforts should be made to ensure that the readmission obligations of third countries are respected. As we decided in the Task Force, these include efforts in relation to the identification and re-documentation of returnees and for an EU laissez-passer," Mallia said, saying that beneficiaries of international protection should be able to move freely in the EU.

avatar forgot to mention to them the celebrated passport scheme, which is going to rake millions for us and they will be getting their fair share of legal immigrants....
David Bongailas
@Antoine it true what the nationalists are saying ? No of course not!
Is it true what the Nationalists are saying? That when Minister Mallia asked the other countries to take immigrants, they replied, "Noted but no thank you?" To be honest I never expected this - not after Europe smelled the coffee and all that.
I think Dr Mallia is really naive in politics! First with tell EU to keep their noses out of our 'Cash-for-Passport' scheme and then we implore them to take illegal migrants...who obviously cannot pay Eur650,000 to get an EU passport!! Keep on dreaming Dr Mallia..
The EU does not care about Malta at all. The more instability in Malta due to anything possible, the more Federal Soft Power the EU Troika will take. The EU Troika is only interested in collapsing the southern states to buy them cheap and rule over them. Malta is Sovereign. EU is just a club!
The EU does not care about Malta at all. The more instability in Malta due to anything possible, the more Federal Soft Power the EU Troika will take. The EU Troika is only interested in collapsing the southern states to buy them cheap and rule over them. Malta is Sovereign. EU is just a club!
One is annoyed to hear the Hon Minister Dr Manwel Mallia make use of the word "voluntarily". No country in the world is prepared to take in voluntarily immigrants which would result in a burden on their resources. The proper word to be used in this case is "compelled" to contribute to burden sharing. The majority of the illegal immigrants leave their countries and risk their lives voluntarily.
Malta's geographical position and especially its size dictated our history. This fact is explain very well by the strategist and American admiral Alfred Mahan in his seminal book' The influence of Sea Power on history'. Over the years the Maltese lost their self determination when distances-Malta was far away from the major powers -except Sicily- were overcome by logistics: safer larger and faster ships. When distance demolished our 'independence ' or semi independence; the Viceroys sent us over greedy vicious men like Monroy, who sucked in monies and gave little if any in return. An elite group of Maltese lackeys recognized this loophole and they made it appoint to side with the foreigners against the interest of the little man:as long as their families were well off and rich; nothing else mattered: not even if the sovreignty of the island was lost. Today history is repeating itself with a group of the so called 'creme de la creme' the remnants of GozoPN selling our island's interest to the 'foreigners'! Why ? Its suits them very well because even if the island suffers from their 'bad mouthing' when in power, oncea gain, they will be again on top, making up for the wealth' lost when in opposition by incurring on us, debts and deficits once again. The important thing is that they and their families will continue to be on top: no matter what! Is it this what many ordinary Maltese would like to vote for in the future?
David Bongailas are so right! And let me assure you that citizens from other member states are losing a lot of sleep over it and spend most of their time praying that Simon and friends take control of castille again!
Proset Mr Mallia.We will see the conscience of all EU.
Article 4.3 of the EU treaty, also says member states must act “pursuant to the principle of sincere co-operation" It is this issue of burden sharing of asylum seekers where this article must be clearly applied not stretch it to obtuse cases like the IIP scheme
Rhey won;t Dr Mallia. They only want to preach to us but never put into practice what they preach. Just send all illegal immigrants back to Libya and if the €USSR says anything send them to Brussels.
"So it's not enough for Malta to sell our EU mobility and residence for €650,000 and keep the money for itself. It is now expecting us to allow mobility and residence to those immigrants who Malta would like to get rid of, because they have no added cash value." This is what is passing through the mind of ordinary citizens of other member states at this moment, thanks to the brilliant ideas of this intelligent Maltese government.