Court expert contradicts medical report on Vince Farrugia injuries

Attempted murder case against Sandro Chetuti hears new evidence that contradicts previous medical report.

Court expert Dr Mario Scerri under oath has challenged a medical report previously presented by consultant radiologist Dr Anthony Samuel, in the case against Sandro Chetcuti who stands charged with the attempted murder of GRTU General Director Vince Farrugia.

Taking the witness stand, Scerri insisted that Vince Farrugia did not suffer fractures but was only slightly injured.

Handing in a detailed report, Scerri explained that a scar on Farrugia’s eyebrow was not serious, so much so that to date it is not visible.

Dr Scerri also challenged the conclusions of Dr Samuel’s report and insisted that Vince Farrugia’s ribs were not fractured. Backed up by a three-phase scan, Dr Scerri explained that the scan showed a remodelled bone due to a previous injury but there were no fractures.

This was also pointed out in a report by Dr Konrad Borg at the Emergency Department stating that there were no fractures too.

Former GRTU council member Sandro Chetcuti stands charged with the attempted murder of Vince Farrugia and that he seriously injured him on 11 March  last year.

Chetcuti is being assisted by Dr Edward Gatt.

With this whole saga, I am disgusted with the prosecution indictment of attempted murder - how silly. The indictment should be assault or maybe aggravated. As time progresses I am convinced that our prosecution ie Police Force is a Farce.....a 'farce' politically motivated. And to Ċensu I say...."qiegħed tgħamilla tal-vittma divina.....hallina Ċens".
chris caruana turner
I think that this so called attack was blown out of proportion so that Mr Farrugia could gain some "political" advantage from the situation. He always seems to want to exaggerate and overdo things, remember the litany..."mhux wiehed, mhux tnejn etc...imma sitta"? Maybe its time to call it a day Cens.
The Medical Council should look into this case seriously, if it does not want to be associated with the amateurish and irresponsible attitude of both this doctor and the GRTU general director. How is Malta ever to go forward? I would have never expected a medical doctor to be directly involved in this kind of cheap propaganda. Maltese doctors have an outstanding reputation internationally, and the Medical Council should stand up to ensure that this standing is safeguarded. The Medical Council should send a strong message that it will never tolerate such irresponsible acts from one of its members; acts which taint members of the medical profession.
I am all excited waiting to see how the GRTU is going to celebrate st.Vince Farrugia Day next year. Like the saying goes, what goes up must come down and the higher it goes the harder it falls. Vince Farrugia for MEP.
I do hope that the Court digs deeper in this. This is a serious thing, with grievous repercussions. Dr Samuel needs to be questioned on his first report and if need be, a cross-examination in Court should follow. Medical Council please follow up....
Joseph Pellicano
censu l'micky mouse, madekx martri izjed.fottajtina gurnat holiday fis sena.
So now we can take the halo away Vincent Farrugia is no longer a saint and there will be no day to commemorate the day he was 'savagely' beaten up!
Helenio Galea
1. You seem to like Dr Samuel very much Mr mas! I wonder what you know of these things. 2. Fracture / no fracture this was a physical attack. 3. What exactly caused Sandro to freak out?
We now expect Dr Samuel to be presented with the Nobel Prize for Medicine.