Gaddafi: ‘Shocked to be betrayed’

As Malta continues to back a non-military solution, the defiant Libyan ruler threatens to form an alliance with Al Qaeda if attacked, but Foreign Minister Tonio Borg remains unfazed with remarks and says, ‘I will continue to call a spade a spade’

Muammar Gaddafi has accused Malta, Italy and other European leaders of “betrayal” for having turned their backs on him during the current uprising, and has threatened to form an alliance with Al Qaeda should military attacks be launched to oust him.

The defiant ruler stressed in an interview with Italy’s Il Giornale newspaper which is owned by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s brother, stressed that he was “really shocked by the attitude of my European friends.”

Gaddafi insisted that the EU leaders should have never demanded that he quits power. “In this way they have threatened and damaged a series of major accords on security that were in their interests along with the economic cooperation we had.”

As he laughed at the ongoing rebellion, stressing that it was “doomed to failure”, Gaddafi threatened to form an alliance with al Qaeda if Western governments ordered an invasion of his country. “I think and I hope that the Libyan people will reconsider their economic, financial and security ties with the West,” he said.

As his troops counter-offensive against rebels continued amid the international community's indecision over whether to impose a no-fly zone over the country, Gaddafi said his opponents were fighting a “lost cause”.

“They have only two options - surrender or escape,” he said. “The Libyan people are with me. The rest is propaganda.”

Foreign Minister Tonio Borg continued to remain non-committal on the possibility of imposing a no-fly zone over Libya, or parts of it, insisting that Malta would not necessarily back such a decision even if made at UN and EU level.

Reiterating the position he took last weekend in Godollo, Hungary during an EU Foreign Ministers’ meeting that discussed the Libya crisis, Tonio Borg told MaltaToday that the island prefers to abide by a “non-military solution”.

Questioned on reports that Malta was backing German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s position not to rush into a military solution in Libya, Tonio Borg replied, “Germany is so far insisting that it is rather too early to go for a military incursion on Libya, and we as a neutral country cannot swiftly back calls for military action.”

He added that while Malta will continue to insist that it will not be used as a military base for any military intervention,  it would be more appropriate that any military action would happen without a specific UN mandate.

Such a mandate has so far appeared to be rather bleak given that Russia is showing clear signs of non-committal within the UN Security Council.

But asked if it is rather too late to intervene on Libya, given that Gaddafi loyal troops have made huge advances and the uprising risks being crushed, Tonio Borg stressed that the same happened when France was close to waiving its veto before the US-UK alliance had attacked Iraq.

Borg reiterated his responsibility towards Malta’s Constitution that clearly spelt out the island’s neutrality status.

When asked about the Gaddafi’s remarks about betrayal, Tonio Borg said that if he [Gaddafi] is referring to Malta’s position, “I’m sorry, I called a spade, a spade, and I will continue to call a spade a spade.”

Meanwhile, Castille, the Foreign Office and the Finance Ministry were still not in a position yesterday to divulge any information as to what assets belonging to Gaddafi, family members and regime officials have been frozen as the UN and EU sanctions have requested all Member States.

The Asset Tracking Unit was supposed to have drawn its report and submitted it to Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi. After two weeks, this report has not been made public or accessible to the media.

Until the uprising, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi was the last EU leader to have personally met Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, while government was finalising a ‘Friendship Treaty’ with the North African regime.

A mixed commission of Maltese and Libyan governmental officials were expected to meet and finalise the pending issues for the consolidation of this Treaty which was proposed by Malta, on the same lines as Italy had reached an accord with Tripoli in 2008.

Martin, you almost got it right about a Pjazza member giving you away. But why are you worried? Aren't you proud of what you post as Balky? it's your privilege of course but why on earth should you hide?
@'salgister Most probably he's a Pjazza poster or guest whom it seems I get under his skin. Hope he replies to my call both here and the pjazza.
Seems like Antoine Vella is easily impressed. Klaus Vella Bardon is entitled to his own opinion but his missive is certainly is no dogma! I see there are a lot of friends here from Il-Piazza
Luke Camilleri
Gaddafi: ‘Shocked to be betrayed’ = Muammar Gaddafi has accused Malta, Italy and other European leaders of “betrayal” for having turned their backs on him during the current uprising, and has threatened to form an alliance with Al Qaeda should military attacks be launched to oust him. ---------------- Betrayal? Not keeping promise or pledges ( especially pre-eletoral) ? We are no longer shocked anymore with u-turns and going back on one's word in Malta !
Micheal Bonanno
Hi Balky, how the hell did Antoine Vella know about you in the first place? That is the million dollar question!
@antoin vella Can you please explain how I got into the argument. I don't give a bamboo shot what people like you and vella bardon think about neutrality. Maybe you should show me how bold you are and get the first ship to benghazi and go help the rebels. But then what can you expect from a little winny the POOH like you all mouth no balls. Thanks to you I subscribed to maltatoday, if you want to debate come on my turf at See you there Rambo.
Priscilla Darmenia
I thought that in the beginning of this revolt against Gaddafi, Al Qaeda were the enemies who wanted to topple him. Now he wants to make an alliance with his enemies! Gaddafi has a very dangerous and instable mind. UN must remove him once and forever like Iddi Amin was removed – but alas after thousands were killed by his regime. It is true that we never learn by past mistakes.
Doesnt killing your own people shock you mr Gaddafi? you are nothing but a lousy SHOCKING MURDEROUS BASTARD.
Ofcourse Antoine Vella you rather be stupid.
Balky and friends - neutrality is for cowards.
Lino Camilleri
It is not true that the protesters have two options as gaddafi said. If they surrender they will be killed and if they escape they will be shot by the gaddafi forces which are alreday in position by the Egyptian border. Can anyone tell me if it is true that gaddafi's family have a house or a residence in Swieqi. I have been told by a strong source.
@ Martin Borg. Naqbel mieghek my friend. Tinsiex li bhal Gonzipn m'hawnx bhalhu ghat-teatrini. Nitlob lill Alla li Gaddafi jaghlaq ghajnejh fir-rigward taghna, forsi ghax ahna zghar. Issa li kollox jidher li gej favurih Gaddafi qed jinduna min huma il-vera hbieb tieghu jew ghalinqas min ma dahaqx bih. Ma rrid nikkonkludi xejn ghax bid-deni hadd ma jgawdi. Issa naraw kemm hu bravu Gonzipn Popeye u jkollu wiccu u l-warrani l-istess u jerga jmur jilaq widnejn Gaddafi forsi dan jixtri l-Airmalta. J'alla jirnexxielu. Pero wisq nahseb li Gaddafi jaf liem trattament Gonzipn tah, meta mar ghand Barroso u tghidx kemm iddiehaq mieghu. Insomma Gonzipn Popeye hekk jaf jaghmel kiif ilu jiddiehaq bil-poplu Malti kollu kemm blu u kemm ahmar. Prova ta' din meta hataf minn wara dahar kulhadd dik iz-zieda fenomenali ta' 500/600 euros ghal sentejn shah u fil frattemp kien qed jitlob lill poplu jaghmel is-sagrificcji.
Jghidu li Joseph Muscat jitkellem ghal gallarijja. Mela il gvern xqieghed jaghmel?
Two things. First about the article. Often I find this newspaqper a bit too sensationalist. This article, for example, where and when did Gaddafi threaten Malta? Please source your information. Secondly on neutrality. Well if Gaddafi decides to move to al qaeda, We can always decide to join NATO. In any case Maltese neutrality is out of date and needs to be revisited. Let us not forget that Gaddafi never really stomached the joining of Malta to the EU. Now after the rebellion we will get it from both sides. From Gaddafi because he will not cooperate with Europe on Migration and from the rebels because in their bid to escape persecution from rutless Gaddafi, they will seek refuge in Europe but particularly in Malta.
I await the moment that Peppi Azzopardi draws up a Xarabank program concerning Neutrality like he did some time back in order to accommodate the nationalist credo that NEUTRALITY was a thing of the past. Tonio Borg replied, “Germany is so far insisting that it is rather too early to go for a military incursion on Libya, and we as a neutral country cannot swiftly back calls for military action.” It is like music to our ears and the gonziPN are the Sopranos.