GWU warns of industrial action at Transport Malta

Allegedly illegal rosters amongst Union complaints.

The GWU’s Professionals, Finance & Services Section has served Transport Malta human resources manager John Muscat Drago with notice of industrial action in relation to several cases pending before the human resources department, relating to individual professionals and groups members of the Union.
The Union has pointed out to the Authority that a roster it adopts for a particular group of employees is allegedly unlawful as it breaches the working time regulation in terms of rest periods.

"However the Authority has taken no serious or immediate steps in the last few months to remedy this roster. The Union has therefore had to report the matter to the Department of Employment and Industrial Relations demanding an investigation and action where appropriate," the GWU said.

The alleged breach is sanctionable by a fine under the Legal Notice relating to Organisation of Working Time under the Employment and Industrial Relations Act.
The union has also for the past months been raising issues relating to other professional employees whose conditions of work and work practices are "far from reasonable."

The GWU said "immediate attention seemed impossible at Transport Malta" after having waited for two months.
"The Union feels it has no other option but to warn the Authority of industrial action that would have to come into force next week. The Union appeals to Transport Malta to address the concerns without delay and avoid furtherance of existing disputes between the parties and adopt a different approach with the Union and its employees."