Lawrence Gonzi: Malta will not be military base for no-fly zone over Libya

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says Malta will not be used as a military base for the enforcement of a no-fly zone over Libya.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has declared Malta will not be used as a military base for the enforcement of a no-fly zone over Libya, that was approved yesterday by the United Nations Security Council.

In a live transmission at 5pm, Gonzi said Malta would not be acting as a military base but it was obliged as a UN member to allow passage through its airspace to military aircraft enforcing the no-fly zone.

"Our commitment to the Libyan people is our dedication to their aspirations, and this does not need to be served by acting as a base for a no-fly zone. There are other ways for us to send a message to the Libyan government to respond to the Libyan people's aspirations.

"We commit ourselves to the sanctions... we will be at the forefront of defending the interests of Libyan people, who have a right to their aspirations, but not if we are used as a military base."

Gonzi said Malta had adopted the UN's sanctions against Libya and had been steadfast in its refusal to return two fighter jets that deserted the Libyan airforce on 20 February, over orders to bomb Libyan protestors.

"We have had no form of threat from the Libyan government, except for the incident in which - when I was asking for the liberation of the Dutch evacuation crew caught in Libya - Malta was asked to return the two Libyan fighter jets, something which I refused."

Asked whether Malta was under any threat and whether it had asked for the protection of the EU, Gonzi said the island already enjoyed the protection of the EU and did not feel the need to make any such request for protection.

Gonzi also said that he had spoken to Libyan prime minister Mahmoud al Baghdadi earlier today when the Libyan government declared a ceasefire. ""I told him that for a ceasefire to be effective, the Libyan government had to stop all deployment of military action against its people... I also expressed preoccupation at the violence being levelled at Libyan people. I emphasised that armaments all over Libya had to be withdrawn."

Gonzi said Baghdadi had asked him to consider the 'whole picture' in Libya. "My reply was that the credibility of the statements by the Libyan government could not be sustained. I said a ceasefire could only be credible with the withdrawal of armaments, military tanks and hardware from the East to the West of Libya, so that this atmosphere of violence ends.'

Asked what action he will take if Malta is asked to act as a military base, Gonzi said he expects no such requests to be made. "Our answer will be that Malta will not act as a military base, but stand by its humanitarian obligations. Our position is identical to the EU's: there is a humanitarian role here that will not be prejudiced in any way."

The latest decision by the United Nations Security Council extends the first round of sanctions against the Gaddafi family and other government members and companies, and a no-fly zone has been authorised and other special measures necessary to safeguard Libyan civilians.

Gonzi said Malta had already helped 16,000 nationals from all over the world in these evacuations. "We worked and took part in a separate operation with other countries, in helping almost 250,000 evacuees at the borders of Libya, return to Egypt, Tunisia and other African countries.

"We worked hard so that we could evacuate all Maltese nationals from Libya and reach Malta safe and sound. As we speak, the last group of Maltese nationals have just been evacuated from Libya."

In a statement, Opposition leader Joseph Muscat said Malta should not serve as a military base, but it was obliged to respect the UNSC resolution. "We believe our country must focus on its role as a humanitarian aid centre. National security should be our main priority."

Skocciz You don't succeed by negative thinking (fear) but you get much stronger by bonding. (You can tow an aircraft carrier if you have enough straw to weave a rope). The united nations has that. More brains and more power. The cause is just. Look at Egypt etc. Nothing will stop this wave of people power due to modern technology. Nato has just approved an arms embargo on Libya as I write. The majority of Egyptians, Tunisians, Libyans etc have put up with unfair distribution of their national GDP for many years but with the global recession biting so hard they've just had enough. They're understanding people power now which we in Malta and UK have took for granted for many years.
@Harajus You are right but there is a price to pay for everything. Gaddafi is a maverick, acts on the spare of the moment, will bring down everyone with him, and will use everything at his disposal now that he is in such a desperate situation. I will not be surprised if he uses chemical weapons. I do not think that Gaddafi will be able to come out of this fiasco which he created, and so I do not see him hampering Malta in any way. As to the rebels, Malta can help in so many ways in the humanitarian field.
Skocciz If you think Malta shouldn't do anything about Libya, just remember NOT to expect help if Gaddafi decided to occupy Malta if for example you found oil. Trust me Malta will benefit MUCH more when Libya becomes a democracy like we enjoiy in UK (where I live)and Malta
@micahael001 “falzonsilvio - nahseb il-'miskin' mhux jien, imma int. Aqra lilek innifsek u isthi” Nahseb int imissek tisthi biex titkellem hekk: “ … in favour of remaining a 'qallut', always swimming at the top?” Int Michael il-misek li missek tisthi
@Michael001 Taf fejn qeghdin Muscat/AST/PL/KMB? Ill-Libja jippruvaw ibighu l-Air Malta lil Gaddafi.
@michael001 Fejn tridu jkun Joseph mela mhux Gonzi l-prim ministru? Mistoqsija vojta u bla sens f' post bla sens.
@Michael001 By the way what is your level of education Mr Knowitall? Xi kennies li thalt bil-karta tal-Ministru ghalek int daqshekk laqi u tara kollox sabih?
@Michael001 Ghadek ma mortx tghin ‘il-Libjani sur pecliqu? Imbasta kollok principji.
@Michael001 Il-hamallu rega kiteb. Minghalih jifhem f’kollox imma qatt ma johrog xejn ta’ sugu hlief tghajjir. X’taghmel jekk daqshekk jaf? Kif jghid hu stess 'il-qahba milli jkollha ttik'.
Albert Zammit
@ martin borg: 'Malta needs a labour government to teach the other side how to run things without ruining the country.' Emmm.... mela ghaliex hafna nies qed jghidu 'ghall-erwieh' li hemm Gonzi hemm fuq, u mhux Muscat/AST/?/? bhalissa? Fejn hu Muscat bhalissa? AST fejn hu? Il-PL fejn hu? U KMB fejn ..? E le, dak nafu fejn hu. Nisimghuh. Wisq.
Albert Zammit
@ skocciz - Zgur mhux batut daqs tieghek. Wiehed jaghrfek mill-ewwel, mill-mod kif tikteb, mill-mod kif tesprimi ruhek, u x'lingwagg (?) tuza. Ara int veru tad-dardir. U qas int kapaci taqra dak li haddiehor jikteb.
@ Michael001: “And again, when you write like that, you make me feel rotten to be a Maltese. Your fellow-maltese. U jaqqq!” Xi tridd tghid ezatt mann? Jew l-anqas tikkomunika b’int kapaci? Ghalaq halqek mela. “do you have principles? Look it up in the dictionary if you don't know the word” Yes I have principles. The first principle applicable for the PM at the moment is not to put my country into jeopardy for silly propositions like yours. Semejtlek mitt haga fuqhiex tikkummenta. L-anqas ma inti kappaci tikkummenta ta’ l-anqas fuq wahda? Vera mohh baghtut
Fianlly a breath of fresh air and the otherside is talking and taking to heart Malta's NEUTRALITY. Would love to hear what the world's No.1 statesman EFA has to say now, that a real situation has developed and Malta (prosit gonzi) is playing its neutral status and going by the constitution letting only the UN to dictate matters otherwise. Labour leads, always led and will keep leading while PN/gonziPN always following, that is why Malta needs a labour government to teach the other side how to run things without ruining the country.
Albert Zammit
@ vincent: 'sorry Michael 001,you do not thing that it is better for the PM to thing about malta(divorce)and let the UN TO THING ABOUT LIBYA' ... xi hadd staqsieni xi tfisser: jien irrispondejt - U JIEN NAF??
Albert Zammit
falzonsilvio - nahseb il-'miskin' mhux jien, imma int. Aqra lilek innifsek u isthi.
Albert Zammit
'Skocciz' - your write far too long. The point of the matter is: do you have principles? Look it up in the dictionary if you don't know the word. And again, when you write like that, you make me feel rotten to be a Maltese. Your fellow-maltese. U jaqqq!
@Michael001 ”Sometimes, I wonder what level of education some people have” This has nothing to do with my level of education, but with depth in foresight. Yours appears to be very shallow. Do you know what the spirit of neutrality is? Do you want Malta to pass through the same violent experiences that it did so many times over its history when it was implicated in other peoples’ wars? We only have to go two generations back to realize Malta’s plight as a result of military strife. After all the destruction, we were left licking our wounds. We still have buildings in the entrance of the capital reminding us what we got as a result. If the PM were to take your advice, can you tell us what will happen to the Maltese that work or have business in Libya? Even Maltese businessmen operating locally are anxious because the current situation is already affecting their business. Do you think that the cruise liner business will be the same as last year? What will you tell these businesses when they start shedding staff? What does Malta stand to gain by not “ignoring the plight of innocent Libyan citizens in favour of remaining a 'qallut', always swimming at the top” (your quote Mr hamallu). Do do you know that even Obama and Merkel are being extremely cautious as the implications are unclear? If the might of the USA and Germany compels them to stand back what makes intelligent people like you to propose more direct involvement? A tiny island, exposed of any resources, currently facing a host of problems, being the closest country to Libya, against Gaddafi who always was dangerous, even more now when he and his sons are clinging for their lives….so many considerations that shout for caution. It is not principles that matter, but what is best for Malta when the dust settles down. Malta could help through less direct means as it has already doen. IF YOU REALLY HAVE PRINCIPLES, AND YOU’RE SO MUCH CONCERNED for the plight of the Libyan people, why don’t you volunteer and go to Libya to help them yourself? That is what people like you did in the Spanish civil war. By the way, send us an sms when you are there.
"Libya has decided an immediate ceasefire, and the stoppage of all military operations," he said in a terse statement, refusing afterwards to respond to questions. He said the government had taken the decision to comply with the UN resolution, which also called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. The French government, which has led calls for military action, gave the most sceptical response. "Mr. Gaddafi has declared a ceasefire, but you know, he's made so many declarations, each one more exotic than the last, each one more frightening than the last over the last week," a foreign ministry spokesman said. "This man's credibility is gone, no one can trust him." But Baroness Ashton, the EU foreign affairs chief, said she was "looking at the details" with colleagues, while Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, which abstained in the UN vote, said the announcement was "encouraging". By contrast, Mr Kusa appeared downbeat, presenting the regime's proposals as an act of reluctant compliance with United Nations demands and insisting Libya was as determined as the United Nations to avoid civilian casualties. Mr Ibrahim also insisted on the sincerity of the government response by saying it was calling on Turkey and Malta – members of Nato and the EU respectively – to send observers to oversee the ceasefire. He also called on the United Nations to appoint an intermediary with whom details of the ceasefire could be negotiated. "We haven't found a partner to negotiate with," he said.
ghidulu naqra miskin dan michael forsi ma noqghodx nghidlu kollox bl-imgharfa- Michael kull PM ma ghandhu l-ebda dritt ,jekk mhux hlief min ghand il-poplu. micahel fil-kostituzzjoni hemm miktub hekk. iva , l-ebda persuna li ezistiet jew ghad trid tezizti, ma ghandha jeww ikolha padrun assolut tal-pajjiz- l-anqas dittaturi , ghax kif gara fi snin l-imghddija , qed jigri issa u ser ikompli jigri - hadd ma hu etern. Kull pajjiz huwa ta cittidini kollha u ta l-ebda PM President jew dittatur. imma kif irrid noqghod infisser fid-dettal.
just found this online, maybe GOnzi is friendlier with Gaaffi than he lets on.................... Malta and Libya have enjoyed decades of trust and friendship, with Gonzi and Libyan leader Moamer Gaddafi holding a meeting in Tripoli just days before the unrest started.
With reference to Silvio Falzons posting, has he forgotten that the government, any government is working for the people of that country, the PM shoud take the right policy on behalf of the Maltese people and any other people it may effect, a PM is not a god he is a public servant and it is about time people in Malta realise this, i do hope that the troubles in Libya end soon, no thanks to the Maltese people of course seeing our PM dosent want to help out we shall all be tarred to the same brush and paople in the future will say........."the maltese could have helped but thay did not".
sorry Michael 001,you do not thing that it is better for the PM to thing about malta(divorce)and let the UN TO THING ABOUT LIBYA
Its quite sad that our Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi is reluctant to help the people of Libya gain their freedom, in fact i think his decision not to help UN security forces enforce a no fly zone will just reflect badly on the Maltese people as we will be looked on as being the country most able to help support the resolution but not willing to, i believe most people in Malta would actually want to help out in securing peace for the Libyan people who have suffered suppresion by Gaddafi for 40 years, wake up and look further than you nose Gonzi a country can still be neutral and help out for good reason, Libyan people have good reason to be offered help, our Prime Minister should be doined what is right for humanity if not he is as guilty as Gaddafi is.
Albert Zammit
@ falzonsilvio: The more you write, the more you show what character you have, what education you have, what mentality you have, ... and that perhaps you should go back to that crack behind the oven, where your fellow-cockroaches are waiting for the hot weather. You have come out of there far too early. U forsi ahjar tesprimi ruhek bil-Malti minn issa 'l quddiem: l-ewwel biex ikun hemm inqas nies 'jifhmuk' (?) u t-tieni, biex forsi, forsi taf, ... nifhmuk tikka. Hmmm.... le, ahjar xejn ... kompli bl-Ingliz. (It is the PM who decides on policies to take, not the 'Maltese'.)
1+1=? My point is that Malta belongs to the maltese people. Not to a PM U N D E R S T A N D :) ?
michael001 . are you the PM ? Did I talk to you? No. So unless you are the PM, just shut up. I don't care what you or any one of your type might say . you understand nothing. and don't wonder , no need. those that think that know better, knows nothing.
Albert Zammit
Sometimes, I wonder what level of education some people have. 'falzonsilvio' - and your point is?? 'skocciz' - what are you suggesting? That we ignore the plight of innocent Libyan citizens in favour of remaining a 'qallut', always swimming at the top? Only cowards and people worse than them, think the way you do. Do you have principles? I very much doubt it.
A bold decision which merits appreciation. This will send a strong message to all countries that Malta, no matter which government is in power, is consistent in its policy towards neutrality. Even though the UN resolution gives the Maltese government flexibility, keeping neutral in such a delicate situation is a win-win situation, to Malta and the Maltese, especially towards a country like Libya which is not only closest to us but is governed by an umpredictable leader, to say the least
***Asked what action he will take if Malta is asked to act as a military base, *Gonzi said he expects no such requests to be made*. "Our answer will be that Malta will not act as a military base, but stand by its humanitarian obligations. Our position is identical to the EU's: there is a humanitarian role here that will not be prejudiced in any way." Agree 100% wheh he said Malta will not be used-he stated well when eh said Malta will not- not He will not use Malta. As Malta is not of any PM , it belongs to the maltese citizens- to all of us.