Malta-China, 'huge geographical differences, but equals in trust'

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi held talks at Castille yesterday evening with Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Fu Ying, who is currently on an official visit to promote relations between the two countries.

Fu gave a hand-written letter from Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao to Gonzi, in which Wen expressed gratitude on behalf of the Chinese government to the Maltese government for its help in evacuating Chinese nationals from Libya.

Mutual trust, friendship and cooperation between China and Malta “have set an example for the international community,” Wen said in the letter.

Gonzi said that despite huge differences in the sizes of territory and population between the two countries, China had treated Malta as an equal.

Political, economic and cultural cooperation between the two sides have been very fruitful, he added.

Gonzi expressed the hope that the two nations would continue to support each other and enhance cooperation.

Fu, said the Chinese people will never forget the generous help offered by the Maltese people, and some 5,000 Chinese nationals, who were evacuated from Libya via Malta, would become new messengers of Sino-Maltese friendship.

Menwhile, Fu hoped that friendship would further promote cooperation between the two countries.

During the meeting, Gonzi and Fu also discussed the situation in the Middle East.

@ Marquette. Ghandek ragun. Dawn jahsbu li qatt ser ninsew kemm kienu jghajjru lill-poplu Ciniz bi hwejjighom, kollha wicc wiehed, u se jgibulna l-kommunizmu fostna u pulcinellati ohra. Issa kollhom ftahir u jilgaghquhom. L-istess mal-Libjani. Ma ninsewx kemm ghajruhom bil-habbaziz u li riedu jibaghtu lil Mintofv go xkora lil Gaddafi u meta Mintoff kellu xi jghid ma' Gaddafi dwar it-thaffir ghaz-zejt," l-istatista"(!!!) EDDIE telaq jigri ghand Gaddafi jehodha kontra l-Gvern Malti. Allahares ghamel hekk illum Joseph Muscat ghax kieku holl xaghrek u gib iz-zejt. Kont inkun l-ewwel wiehed li nohrog kontrih. Jien ma nistax nifhem kif is-sinjura sahhara tal-Bidnija fethet attakk iehor fuq Muscat ghax ma tkellimx fuq l-affari tal-Libja !!. Miskina, tithassarha, ossessjonata u paranojka kif hi !!. Qed tahseb li ser iggieghel lil Dr.Muscat jaghti kasha u johrog jirrispondiha. Din min tahseb li hi ?. Ghax ghandha l-appogg ta' certi nies fil-quccata tal-poter tahseb li hadd ma jista' ghaliha. Imma d-dinja rota dear Daph !!. Mela qed tahseb li Dr.Gonzi u Dr.Muscat tfal?. La taw il-kelma 'l-xulxin li jissapportaw lil-xulxin, inutli tigi din l-armchair critic u toqghod tahli hinha tobzoq il-hdura . Kompli dahhaqna difna .
And who was the first country to recognize China ? it was Malta and who was the prim minister at that time? of course Mintoff. Any great thing that ever happened in this country originated from the LP.