Medical tests refused because Gozo radiology department not yet ‘opened’
Boy, infant refused tests because €3.5 million department had yet to be officially inaugurated.
Medical tests were not carried out on two children at the Gozo general hospital, because the new radiology department had not yet been officially inaugurated by Gozo minister Giovanna Debono.
Illum newspaper reports both cases, which occurred on Friday, were reported by hospital sources who witnessed the incidents.
In one case, a six-year-old boy was admitted to the GGH with stomach pains but was refused an ultrasound, while a toddler was refused an echocardiogram for a medical examination.
The new radiology department is the result of a €3.5 million investment.

Priscilla Darmenia •
If the decision not to use the equipment before it was officially inaugurated was taken by the administration without the knowledge of Minister Debono, then I suggest that the administrator who placed a ceremony before the health of children is not the right person to administer. He or she should be fired immediately.
If Minister Debono knew this and let it happen, then she MUST resign.
We do not need politicians who have wrong priorities. Health of people, especially children, is first and foremost.

Wiehed mit-tfal involuti kumbinazzjni jigi minni u ghalkemm jiena ddizgustat ghaliex dak li kellu bzonn isirlu ma sar ghax seta' kien hemm xi konsegwenzi mhux pjacevoli mill-banda l-ohra jiena nahseb li sincerament il-Ministru ma kienetx taf b'dawn l-affarijiet, jiena nahseb li d-decizjoni ttiehdet internament mill-amministrazzjoni ta' l-isptar. Pero' nerga nghid li l-affarijiet ma sarux sewwa ghax l-ewwel u qabel kollox jigi l-pazjent u jiena nahseb li kieku l-Ministru kienet taf b'dak li gara hi stess ma kienetx tordna li dawn it-tfal ghandhom jinqdew. Jiena perswas minn dak li qed nghid u qed nghidu mhux biex niskulpa lil Ministru imma ghax perswaz li hekk sar.

Pomp and zest come first and foremost for the PN.
Nothing beats the PN where it comes to PR!

Giovana must have been enjoying that piece of land that she classified as a nature strip, that piece of land belonged to a family that wanted to build their house on it, but guess what ? by doing that they were going to block the view of one of her friends who lives just opposite.I know this has nothing to do with this topic here, just wanted to share with you that she is as corrupted as her party. Usually she is very accommodating when there is something new to inaugurate with all the media and all her lackeys.

L-aqwa li tmur tipposa u taghmilha ta xi qaddiesa. L-aqwa iz-zigarella u mhux sahhiet dawk it-tfal. Diesa xtrathom hi minn butha. Erhi ghaliha sabiex tmur tippoza kif fil-fatt dawk kolla ta' gonzipn. U toqodux tghidu li ma kienitx taf mela xil-kanna qed taghmel hemm, sabiex tipposa biss ? Jekk ma kienitx taf hi xi hadd tal-qalba kien jaf. Issa tar nahseb li jtajruh minn hemm.

Luke Camilleri •
The Gozitan Catholic attitude...and you will be seeing Giovana in all her "holiness" uin the front pews in chosen parishes, with escort and entourage ,this morning making a show off of her fervent "Catholic" qualities ......sic!
only in

I am again correcting my blog. If what is being said is true AND Ms, G. Debone knew about this, then she must be heartless. However, I don't think she did know, so whoever gave these instructions, then this person/s is surely heartless.

If what is being said is true, and Ms.Debono, knew about this, then she she should be heartless. I don't suppose she did, but someone in authority did, and then it he or she who should be ashamed.