Libyan dissidents fearing secret service still active inside Malta

Libyans in protests tell newspaper they fear presence of feared Libyan JSO.

The Libyan embassy has dismissed speculation from Libyan sources of newspaper It-Torca that the Libyan secret service's base is still operating in Malta.

It is a known fact that several Libyan Arab Airlines employees stationed in Malta over the 1980s and 1990s were members of the Libyan Jamahariya Security Organisation (JSO) keeping markers on their nationals living and travelling to Malta.

According to It-Torca, Libyan representatives of a company based in Malta have intensified measures to aid Libyan leader Col. Muammar Gaddafi in his fight, and to find out if there were any Libyans in Malta who could have contributed to the Libyans' rebellion.

Many protests have taken place in front of the Libyan embassy ever since the February 17 uprising.

In comments to the newspaper, the Ministry for Justice and Home Affairs said dismissed the speculation and "unfounded stories".

nghid prosett lill dawn tal kuragg li qed juru, u ghar rispett ta huthom il-libjani li tant ihobbu.qed jiggieldu ghad demokrazzija u lanqas biss jafu fejn toqod.xi hadd innotta kemm hemm minhom li qeghdien hawn malta illegali. jien naf 3 zgur, tnejn minnhom min san Pawl il-bahar li zgiccaw 2 minn taht il-pulizija .mela qedien hawn malta u bilkemm ma jridux jikmandaw lilhna x'naghmlu. Jekk irriedu jkunu kuraguzi imorru pajjizhom jiprotestaw anke kif ikunu hemm jistghu jaqbzu ghal huthom li tant ihobbu. Halluna fil-paci.anke il-programmi televizivi nibda nidhaq kultant.iva hadd ma saqsijhom kieku il-gvern ikollu jibghatkhom lura pajjizkhom biex tghinu l-hutkhom li qalbkhom perzuta ghalijhom, kemm hemm minnhom li jmorru.?