Fenech Adami says Malta can be military base if United Nations makes request

Fenech Adami: "I don’t think the multinational force realistically needs its planes to take off from here instead of Italy... However, if the request is made with the blessing of the UN, according to our constitution, we should accept.”

Former President Eddie Fenech Adami expressed a clear difference in opinion with Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi over the decision not to allow allied forces use Malta as a base for aircraft involved in the enforcement of a no-fly zone over Libya.

Speaking in Tarxien, Eddie Fenech Adami stressed that if allied forces need to use Malta to carry out the UN-mandated military action against Libya, “we should accept.”

He explained that Malta’s constitution allowed it to take full part in action as long as it was sanctioned by the UN’s Security Council, as happened in the case of Libya.

While steering clear from criticising Lawrence Gonzi’s approach so far, where allied forces have been permitted to fly through Malta’s airspace, short of offering military support, Eddie Fenech Adami stressed: “Yes, I have no doubt that Malta is doing enough. I don’t think the multinational force realistically needs its planes to take off from here instead of Italy... However, if the request is made with the blessing of the UN, according to our constitution, we should accept.”

“I think that if what is happening is done with the blessing of the Security Council, we are... I would not say obliged... but free to accept that decision. We should not go against the concrete resolutions of the UN,” Fenech Adami said.

But speaking in a telephone interview on Radio 101, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi defended his decision, in response to criticism levelled by bloggers and opinionists.

He stressed that given the sensitivity of the Libyan crisis, “we must all be careful what to say and write,” and warned on the effects of the crisis on many workers who earn their living from Libya.

Gonzi said that part of his decision was based on the fact that Malta has only one airport and lending the airport for military use, would compromise the island.

kummenti bhal dawn minn ghandek lanqas biss nistenijhom. int trid titkellem fuq id divorzju.mela insejt li uliedek hadu l-annulament 3 darbiet, wiehed minnhom hadu 2 f'qasir zmien.int trid titkellem fuq id divorzju.? meta taf li wiehed mit tfal tieghek kien jeqliba lill martu ? taf ghal mien qed nghid hux, martu kienet toqod fil vicinanza tal knisja tal mirikali.fil villa fejn sar ir reciviment tat tieg.u nistaqsi dan fuq xix hadu l-annulament tal knisja? daqsi taf li meta izzewweg ma sab xejn gdied, ghax kollox provaw u ghamlu qabel iz zwieg.jekk qed tahseb li ir running in beda dak in nhar tat tieg sejjer zball tafx. waqt li int thabbat fuq sidrek u tghid htija tieghi htija tieghi, ibnek kien ikun ihabbat fuq .......... ma xi wahda. ara veru ma tiflahx taqa ghan ne.. izjed tafx.
Balky, perhaps you should make an illustrated cartoon history of Labour. It would be quite a comic book.
It is said "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" with nationalist lackeys it is "History is in the eyes of the beholder". Despite gonzi saying he will not let labour rewrite history gonziPN is doing just that and like Turkey who do not mention the 1565 Great Siege as if it never existed gonziPN/PN go one further and invent their own history.
@A Vella. I would argue that Mintoff's finest hour was when he introcuded civil marriage; thus separting State-Church, decrimalization of homosexuality; free and obligatory education till the age of 16, etc... then again it depends how selective you want be on history :)
Alchemist, I wouldn't say that an old politician is a "nobody". After all, Mintoff's finest hour (the only fine one, actually) came when he was well in his eighties, when, as you will remember, he brought to an end the Alfred Sant adventure and opened up the way into the EU.
The best part of what he had to say was that MPs are not bound by the referendum and recognise the will of the people. This is the same hypocrit who made a crusade when he lost an election which was constitutionally correct and had been practiced for years on end. Is this a christian democrat? Because he is nither christian refuting divorce but supports war and neither a democrat.
@Anoine Vella What you are saying was yesterday. But if he keeps blabbering the way he is, he is simply making a fool of himself. What he said yesterday confirms this Why is it so difficult for some people who occupied some high post in the past to come to grips with reality i.e. to accept the fact that today they are like all any Tom, Dick, or Harry [ in other words NOBODY] but just retired old men or women.
@Antoine Vella:
Reading between the lines one would notice EFA subtle furtive and sneaky messages to the party faithful concerning gonzi's credentials. Unlike Mintoff he will not stand up and say that he made a mistake nominating gonzi for leader. His recent entry into politics smells of another plot to change the leadership of which he is very familiar with and an expert, using JPO to lambast gonzi on his feeble grip upon the party. One wonders whom he has in mind as the next leader, lets hope it's not his penny-a-dozen politician of a son or the gay mep in brussels.
Fenech Adami remains a true statesman and an inspiration to the last. With his calm determination and his quiet confidence in the Maltese people he led a long, hard but ultimately victorious struggle against the Maltese dictatorship with its gangs of armed thugs and violence, both moral and physical. . The old lion remains as steadfast as ever.
To save the Libyan people (!!!) western powers are destroying all Gaddafi' war material so that in the near future they'll be arming another Libyan dynasty !!. Money and Interests talk !!.
Hekk naghmlu issa nisighmu minnek, ghax ma tmurx tinheba u taghlaq halqek u thalli lil-weriet tieghek jaghfeg hu.
I could just sit back and continue reading all contributors' comments, like I always do, and agree, disagree or sometimes have a laugh. But now it is getting serious because some influential people are trying to push our country into a war. My opinion is that no war can be justified. Even if it was a holy war, it cannot be justified. Who knows exactly the actual interests of the nations that are involved. I doubt very much that they are actually trying to help the rebels out of sheer charity. I am sure they have their motives. Is it possible that in this day of age we are forced to depend on violence to control violence? Is this not like going back to the stone age where if your neighbor killed your son, you just go and club him down? Is it possible that there is no other way to stop a conflict except by clubbing the culprit down and risk the lives of countless innocent bystanders? What about diplomacy? Although I personally believe that the rebels need a break and that they should oppose a dictator I am very sure that violence will not solve this problem. Any violence inflicted will return to haunt the perpetrator in the future. I really thought that the world has learnt by now that problems cannot be solved in this manner, they will only be solved temporarily. Look at the middle east. Do these so called leaders need more proof? But my main argument is, should we, the Maltese people, let anybody, push us into a war. I ask Mr. Fenech Adami, how come that while campaigning against divorce and emphasizing your Christian values, you are campaigning in favor of a war? Is this Christian like? You surely have changed from the old days. You preached against violence even when criminals attacked your home. I followed you then. Now you are asking the Maltese people to be instrumental in the attacks on a neighbor. As bad as Gaddafi is for his people, I am sure that our part in a violent solution to the problem will haunt us in the future. Malta should campaign against violence and do its best to resolve this problem without bloodshed.
Just like Mintoff, he does not know when to call it a day.
If your family is ruined, don't try to ruin others. You are even more mad from what is being said that on Colonel Gadaffi. You ruined our country, it would be better to shout your mouth and leave us live. Good day.
If you ask me, Gecko's comment wins the cake: "This has nothing to do with Libya, the UN or a base. This has everything to do with undermining Gonzi to make way for Beppe! What a farce!" So, now we have EFA revisited. EFA is trying to ride the Libya wave, to get stronger and help the divorce campaign, after which he can help Beppe to take over the reins of power once Gonzi finds himself in trouble with the adamant JPO and the rest of the restive backbenchers. EFA has always been transparent in his forays. Only some observers were not sharp enough to read him and his intentions. Regardless of what others may think, EFA is a schemer and a seasoned one to boot.
Ninth line should have read: It is easy to talk against divorce. Apologies
It seems that Edward or Eddie (the choice is yours) is not realising that nobody cares for his advice. His days are long over and he is past his date. The soon to be octogenarian should remain at the comfort of his home and enjoy the company of his grandchildren like any nannu or buznannu does. So the great Eddie (Min hu bhal Eddie?) is trying to brainwash the MPs not to accept the verdict of the coming referendum if the people vote in favour of it. How democratic of him! Imagine this coming from a demo christian who in the days past would have let us believe that he is the champion of democracy. It is easy for EFA to talk against . But then not everybody is super lucky to obtain multiple annulments from the church and in record time too! The many others less fortunate 'jibqghu ssafru l-Aida' and rot in despair. Please stop being an armchair critic, The less you try to enlighten the people the better for you. In this way you would be remembered for your glorious times!
X'iridt dan li nitkissru mill--bombi u nitwerrwru, biex HU jidher helu mall-barrani? Ghallinqas, Enrico Mizzi kien -aqbel jew ma taqbilx ma l-Italjenita tieghu-Nazzjonalist ta veru; dan ex Prim Ministru, ex-President, anqas jaf xi tfisser tkun patrijott! Viva Manwel Dimech, Viva Boffa, Viva Mizzi, Viva, Borg Olivier, Viva Mintoff!
Joseph Pellicano
dward, ghamlina pjacir u tindahalx, ghax issa int skadut.
Joseph Sant
This has nothing to do with Libya, the UN or a base. This has everything to do with undermining Gonzi to make way for Beppe! What a farce!
Luke Camilleri
Call it a day Dward.... tridhiex ta' Rambo ukoll! Dan biex toqghod tmur tippoppa f'ewwel bank f'xi quddiesa ghal vittmi? Ahna tfal ghandna ma nafx int x'ghandekk! Hallina kwieti u jekk trid taghti kontribut mur gib naqra finanzi lejn il-pajjiz ghax zarmajtu finanzjarment u moralment kemm domtu tigvernaw. Gibtghu qisghu Las Vegas bil hwienet tal-loghob u detorjament ta' valuri!
Pauline Moran
Dward...ghamlilna pjacir sagrosant u ghalaq halqek ghax hlief mirra, dnubiet u kattiverji kontra laburisti ma hargux min qalbek. Int il htija ta' politika divisiva, vendikattiva w mamuga li ghandha hawn Malta. Int bniedem li haqqek in nar ta l-infern ghax kissirt il hajja ta' hafna nies. Ma tisthix issa fi xjuhitek ser tkompli tparla biex tipprova iggibna fl-ghali ja bicca ta' brigantu zmagat!!!!
tkellem HU, fejnhom il labu sorry libjani.
@ marquette Well said - and then he speaks against divorce! No wonder our country is in such shit!
trying to kill gaddafi is not within the UN resolution- Even after they killed saddam hussein ,they celebrated, But what happened after? suicide bombers and too much terrorism. in Libya I thinjk it's going to be another Iraq and Afganisthan. you can destroy their buildings etc.. but you never can destroy their fighting siprit. And I am against all regimes in all the world. Since gaddafi did not resign , and said they will fight till the end- than it's a big mess. ******************** Now eddie fenech adami. Your time soon is expired. against divorce (but 3 marriage annulments from your church) Now you are saying that Malta should be what? I think your mind is going crazy. maybe first signs of dementia? eddie fenech adami thinks he owns Malta, you old RAT!
EFA you still want to continue with your crusade of dividing the country? Do us all a favor and shut your lying mouth.
Paul Sammut
EFA is just like Gaddafi. He just can't understand that it is Game Over for him
Why don't you go grab a gun and help your american friends in the coalition. They might make you a monument in washigton as that of luqa opposite mambra in your memory
It seems to me that ONE has specials interests to protect in Libya and the other couldn't care less because his interests are beyond harm's way and well secured. Another perfect example of the kind of politicians that Malta breeds.
Eddie qed ikompli juru dak li dejjem kien... politiku tal-habba gozz mejjet biex jidher sabih! Sakemm jaghmel hekk biex jirbah l-elezzjonijiet f'Malta fiha u ma fihiex, imma meta jaghmel hekk mal-Barranin fuq kazi ta' gwerra wara biebna l-bicca ssir tal-biza!
maltipur, and fair weather friends should not be taken seriously.
Mela naqtghu l-bzar biex ninku lil Mintoff! Bhal ma darba qalet Daphne Caruana Galizia:'-veru avukat tar-raha'l!
I'm not a fan of Gonzi and much much less of a fan of EFA but I support Gonzi's cautious approach and it might be more prudent if EFA just watches the news on TV and keep quiet unless he's after some kind of a promotion.