Gaddafi ‘arch-democrat’ of a dictator, says former PM who saved his life

Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici criticises government for not ruling out military base option in its entirety.

Former prime minister Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici, who had personally alerted Libyan leader Col. Muammar Gaddafi of incoming USAF fighter jets passing over Maltese airspace in 1986, has described him as an “arch-democrat of a dictator” and claimed Malta is an accomplice in military transgression against Libya.

Malta has ruled out hosting a military base for the enforcement of the United Nations’ Security Council’s no-fly zone for Libya. But the former Labour leader, who today fronts the anti-EU movement Campaign for National Independence, said Malta’s air traffic control was “participating in military traffic” by giving the multinational forces bombing Libya passage through the island’s airspace.

“When Malta refused a request to mediate between Libya and the European Union, it had gone against its obligation to safeguard peace in the countries close to it,” Mifsud Bonnici said.

Last Thursday, Maltese Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi insisted that for the ceasefire to be credible, government must ensure the laying down of all weapons and withdrawal of all military hardware.

“The call on the Prime Minister came from the the side which is accused of not wanting to stop the fighting,” Mifsud Bonnici said. “The presence of Malta in Libya would have safeguarded the life of the Libyans.”

Mifsud Bonnici claimed “it is in Gonzi’s interest not to see with his eyes and hear with his ears” the situation in Libya. He also accused Malta of being an accomplice in the military action taken against Libya.

Mifsud Bonnici said for the military planes to pass over, Malta’s air traffic control must make contact with the planes.

“This means the air traffic control is offering military facility,” he said, adding this was wrong in light of Malta’s Constitution.

Mifsud Bonnici read out Malta’s Constitution, in which is written that “no foreign military base will permitted on Maltese territory” and “no military facilities in Malta will be allowed to be used by any foreign forces except at the request of the Government of Malta”.

He added that Malta has made no such request.

Mifsud Bonnici said Malta should disassociate itself from the UN and the European Union and insist that fighting is not what Malta wants. He said government should send a group of observers in Libya and monitor the ceasefire, since the Libyan government and the opposition were not agreeing on the situation.

Mifsud Bonnici also criticised the United Nations-mandated no-fly zone over Libya.

“When the Arab League had agreed for the UN mandated no-fly zone, the aim of the resolution was to call on all necessary measures to protect civilians. But the West is using this pretext to attack the whole of Libya and not just the troops,” he said.

“A no-fly zone means that no aircraft can fly over a designated area. But this UN decision has only blocked Libyan aircraft of flying over, whereas the US, the UK and France are flying their own over the same no-fly zone.”

Asked how would a no-fly zone really guarantee no flying of Libyan aircraft, Mifsud Bonnici said missiles from land or sea should be fired any time they see Libyan aircrafts flying over.

Describing it as the “UN's naked aggression”, Mifsud Bonnici accused the UN of double standards and hypocrisy. He said that whilst the UN had not attacked Gaza and Palestine despite all the fighting going on, it had acted in a different way with Libya.

This, he said, was the result of the economic and commercial interests that the West has in Libya, especially the money produced by the arms business.

Asked what the UN should have done, Mifsud Bonnici said it should have respected the no-fly zone resolution in its real meaning and reiterated that no one should ever intrude in a country's internal affairs.

Mifsud Bonnici also decried the stand taken by the UN as "false", claiming the UK, the US and France were responsible for the attacks. “But if Cameron, Sarkozy and Obama are responsible, this makes Malta an accomplice,” he said, adding that Gonzi was at fault for helping them.

Mifsud Bonnici said half of the humaitarian aid carried so far from Malta was of a military nature. “With the SAS and American Delta present in Malta, the evacuations were an excuse for other aim,” he said

On arriving in Libya, the rebels themselves had seized plastic explosives from the SAS, Mifsud Bonnici said.

Mifsud Bonnici added Malta’s strategic position should not be used for war, but should be seen as strategic for the peace in the Mediterranean.

Answering to questions by journalists, Mifsud Bonnici said Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi should not be investigated by the International Criminal Court, if  Barack Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy, Tony Blair and George Bush are not investigated by the same court, charged for war crimes.

Maltin, Jiena nemmen, li ahna lanqas ghandna dritt li nindahhlu f'din il-gwerra. Jekk hawn xi hadd jahseb li imbilli ahna qed nghinu f'din l-operazzjoni ahna akwistajna xi haga, sejjer zball, qed nitilfu it turist. jien nemmen li malta ghanda tibqa newtrali u ma izzomm ma l-ebda naha. jien nemmen ukoll li din hija glieda ghaz zejt, u jekk hawn xi hadd jahseb li ahna ser nakwestaw xi haga , sejrin zball. meta kellna il-glied f'pajjizna hadd ma qabez ghalina. mla jieen ma ncappas idejja bid demm ta hadd, Libya hija pajjizz il-libjani u b;hekk jaraw huma xi jridu jaghmlu.
if there are no factions as Brincat said.. how come we see two groups of people one group for and the other against Gaddafis' regeme... We didnt see this in tunisia or egypt... infact both governments collapsed in a short time.. they had no support whatsoever. This apparently doesn t apply to this conflict in Libya. The story has yet to unfold and it will get bigger. Hope I'm wrong. Malta is in the middle of a mess. We could stay out of the situation but we're too involved. Not all that KMB said is wrong, it depends on how one wants to translate his line of thought and the bias for and against him.
Dr.Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici, Discribing Muammar Gaddafi as "Arch Democrat" is pure insanity. It is like trying to picture the devil as a saint.I admire you on your misson in the CNI,but on this issue, you are compleatly wrong. You cannot dialoge with someone who permitted the killing of many innocent lives of his own people.
I do not agree with KMB. In my opinion he should shut up and stop harming the Maltese people with his accusations. He has already done much harm in the past. If he wants to earn the title of a traitor then so be it but do leave us in peace. I hope we learn some lessons from this conflict and realise that neutrality can only be defended by arming ourselves and instil courage once again in the George Cross Island of ours
Karmenu, you've started to sound like an idiot. Take a break and stop talking for a while.
Reuben Sciberras
Reuben Sciberras
I have been visiting Libya for the last twenty years and have very close friends both in Tripoli and in Benghazi. I can assure you that this tribe excuse is just that. There are no divisions as far as tribes are concerned in this matter. This is a war between the Ghaddafi family who wants to keep all the billions to itself and 90% of the population who want him out so that they could taste the air of freedom. The libyans are all sunni and they are married within different tribes.They are one nation and they always insist on one and only capital, Tripoli. All these people want and crave is freedom and that the country's wealth is divided fairy. They do not even want Ghaddafi dead. All they are asking for is that he faces justice in the courts of law. Even when a libyan army solder is captured by the freediom movement they call his family and send him back. The mere fact that the poeple of Libya have put up with all the atrocities for 40 years clealy shows the quiet nature and good heart the people have. Now the smell of freedom has been awaken and all they want is to be similar to us and start the long democratic process in their counrty as well.
well said jason gatt... sad situation. observe a resolution and create more casualties.. Saif gaddafi predicted this.. Civilians will always pay the price.
Helenio Galea
down with the mad dog. down with the mad puppy. oops. better be careful. Dr Gonzi asked us to be careful about what we say. But there, I said it.
Yes we can pass are solution to attack and kill innocent libyan people just like what gaddafi and the rebels are doing. that's help ah what a relief for the libians they really have peace of mind now in their graves .
Now I get the jist of 'arch-democrat' of a dictator. When I was in Belarus just before the last 'elections' I was speeking to some youths about their 'beloved' President,and when I described him as a dictator one ex-police officer sushed me and said "No, he is an .... an autocrat" Well an autocrat for me is a dictator clad in democratic robes... Better the devil you know ?!!. Qabar imbajjad.
if this was like Egypt and Tunisia, Gaddafi would have resigned and went in exile in Belarus...have a drink with his beloved Lukashenko. Both tyrants have been tolerated by the international community for ages... the excuse is they keep stability.. they are oppressors and rule with an iron fist.. I've been there and talked to people.. they whisper.. do not speak, they live a dream that someday they will be liberated ..they live a lie.. they live a nightmare. Libya is more complicated.. there are factions and tribes, all want to govern their area out of hope that they could have a go at the black gold which they are not allowed to look at. Forget the democratic model we try to instill in these people. Anti gaddafi Libyans preach democracy as much as anti Saddams did, and anti BinLaden do. As far as I'm concerned Bahrain is developing in a far bitter tragedy. The King is using brute force to suppress the protestors... with the help of the arab nations living close buy... Same sh*t different day.
Jason Gatt, we don;'t have to go to Libya to help the Libyan people get rid of their oppressor. We can help them from here.
well said jigsaw
maron why don't you go and help them. You have to see the big picture the rebel leaders were with Gaddafi just a few weeks ago eating drinking and governing libya for the last 40 yrs what makes you belive that they are better than him this isn't like the egiptian revolution nothing like it.About the uk france and the rest we all know why they are doing what they surely not to help the people. viva in newtralita ghal dejjem hadd aktar ma jinqeda bina sfaccatament karmenu dejjem kien ragel u qatt ma dahaq b'hadd mhux bhal efa
Albert Zammit
@ martinborg: Imma ara veru taf tkissirha l-Istorja, taf! KMB kien hati ta' dak id-demm, demm li qieghed fuq idejh, ghax tant ma jahmilx lill-Amerikani li ma baghtx ghalihom.
maybe we cab are short sighted enought to think only about the fact that Gaddafi is a terrorist and a dictator, enough for us to forget that Tripoli has been Gaddafi's as much as Benghazi has been anti-Gaddafi...This is a war between tribes. And we'd better stay out of it, keep safe and offer our humanitarian aid..full stop. Just look at what is happening in MALTA... Pro and anti Gaddafi Libyans having a go at each other. Are we sure we want to side with somebody?
martin borg...your intellectual contribution to this forum is breath-taking. Did you just learn the word in your Ladybird book?
maron you're a moron.
I am not proud to be neutral...i am ASHAMED to be neutral. I am on the side of the people of Libya who want to be free of this monster who has sponsored terrorism for decades, and who has been terrorising his people for years on end. If you want to sit on the fence and think that just because you declare that you don't care what's happening next door you're going to be any safer from any retaliation, think again.
Hey Maron, Who is giving What??? we are proud to be neutral in ANY case..
Yes we are giving them permission KMB, and WE ARE PROUD TO DO SO!!
Well, KMB thinks Mintoff was a democrat (LOL!!!!) so why not Gaddafi?
**Lawrence Gonzi has made a mistake not to accept the Libyan request to monitor the ceasefire,” Mifsud Bonnici said. He also criticised the prime minister for not ruling out entirely the option of hosting a military base. “It is against the Constitution to host a military base in a conflict, whatever the reasons,” Mifsud Bonnici said. “It’s not for the UN to decide… Malta itself has to make a request to host a military base. And in this case there is no request being made.”** Exactly as I said. and I am not a lawyer or whatever. just a common person. also stated that since now Gaddafi did not resign, I think we will have another Iraq or Afganisthan
Reuben Sciberras
Dear KMB, HEREUNDER IS AN E MAIL MY DEAREST FRIEND FROM BENGHAZI MENAGED TO SEND ME ON THE 19TH . FOR A WHOLE WEEK NOW ALL COMMUMNICTIONS ARE DOWN, CURTSEY OF YOUR BUTCHER FRIEND. My dear Richard I know that you are very worried !! And I am dieing from worried that you are so !! BUT we are very safe ,thanks God . I was a very terrible , the last two days . We were out of every thing .Telecoms , completely dead . NO fuel , No communications And , last night all troops were only 20 kilometers from Benghazi. And all was very clear that he will kill all people of Benghazi .So we had to go AlMarj, last midnight with all the family . I, by luck found a relative of mine that is having a two way satellite Internet , so I was begging him , at least to send you this email to inform you that we are all very safe and all our properties in Benghazi are safe as well from bombing . I believe that all is OK right now as all EU military are already in Libya , and starting its mission . So please don't worry and I will do my best to find a way to contact you as soon as possible. Also please contact my brother Mohamed in Greece and tell him that we are all OK . His tel . Thank you so much and regards to your wife. Yousef Hope you are happy with your arch-democrat friend. The blodd of the innocents libyans are on your hands as well for openly supporting him.
Well, regarding interpretation of the constitution relating to neutrality.. as far as I know Malta has to make a request to serve as a military base not vice versa, i.e being asked to serve as a base. That is Malta can/should ask to host a military base only to defend ourselves from hostility which we cant manage on our own.I
Skuzawni imma l-froga tal-EgyptAir ma ghamiliex KMB imma l-commandoes egizzjani li suppost kellhom kredenzjali tajbin sahansitra minn sorsi amerikani. Il-froga misshom rawha il-gvernijiet li kellhom il-kompatrijotti taghhom abord, tipprovawx tiktbu l-istorja b'mod qarrieqa bhall hafna giddieb li sar fuq il-passat.
@ martin borg Yes, we are on the same wavelength! It saddens me that he is being used in this way.
@alchemist KMB is truely an altruistic person , peace loving and very charitable, but I have to agree that he's is going over the line on this. The government might not have been 100% right in his actions but did well since he found the co-operation of the opposition. The fact that gonzi is now citing the Neutrality clause in the constitution is enough of a victory for common sense and thumbs up for the farsightedness of the MLP/PL
Mifsud Bonnici ahjar ma jizzattat jghid u jaghmel xejn aktar ghax nafu xi rnexxielu jaghmel fil-passat. Nahseb li l-froga u l-massakru tal-Egypt Air ghanda tkun bizzejjed biex iggaghlu jinheba biex forsi nahsbu li m'ghadux jezisti!
Really, KMB is a really true gentleman who helps many others in need (from his own money) without blowing any trumpet whatsoever. But I think, as much as I really respect him, that he should not fall into their traps. He should refrain from giving any further public comments.
Maureen Attard
Taghtux kas x'ghid dan. Ilu li ghadda zmienu. Dan ma jafx bil-froga li ghamel bl-ajruplan ta' l-Eygpt Air. Ried johrog ta' cowboy u hareg ta' mazetta.
It's cruel to allow someone in his mental state to continue to publicly humiliate himself like this.
Mamma mia! what a ludicrous man